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Hot Wheels: Extreme XTR Racing expands upon the concept of Hot Wheels Turbo Racing, in which players control miniature Hot Wheels cars and race them around familiar plastic orange tracks set in common household environments. Hot Wheels: Extreme XTR Racing allows players to choose from several different basic car body styles and then customize their vehicles with lots of extras.

Revived...Rebuilt...and Ready to Hop! Frogger is back, and he's armed with all new moves, power croak, heat seeking tongue and super jump! He's the coolest amphibian in town, but now he's lost in strange worlds filled with hungry enemies and dangerous terrain.

Prehistoric times, beware -- The Flintstones have invaded the bowling alley! Fred Flintstone, Barney Rubble, Pebbles, Bamm-Bamm, and Dino are taking advantage of a newly transformed Bedrock. That pesky alien Gazoo is always up to no good

At the beginning of FANTASTIC FOUR, Subterraneans and creatures from Monster Island have take over the city. Now, it is up to the Fantastic Four to drive the bad guys away and save the city. Choose to play as Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing, Human Torch, or She Hulk. Then punch and kick your way through various levels of enemies.

Extreme Pinball consists of four different pinball games: Urban Chaos, which features riot lanes, a police station and a jail

Yooka-Laylee is an all-new open-world platformer from genre veterans Playtonic! Explore huge, beautiful worlds, meet (and beat) an unforgettable cast of characters and horde a vault-load of shiny collectibles as buddy-duo Yooka (the green one) and Laylee (the wisecracking bat with the big nose) embark on an epic adventure to thwart corporate creep Capital B and his devious scheme to …

Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis is, not surprisingly, a tennis simulation featuring the beauty of the tennis scene: Anna Kournikova. Born in 1981 in Moscow, Anna's reputation went through the roof when she became the World Junior Champion at just the age of fourteen. Other credentials include semifinalist at Wimbledon in her debut for the tournament, Australian Open Doubles Champion …

Strap yourself in and crank up the engine, Andretti Racing brings the thrills and spills of stock car and Formula-1 racing to the PlayStation! Depending on personal preference, players now have the opportunity to drive around circular tracks in a NASCAR fashion or race at breakneck speeds in an Indy car circuit.

Crash Bash is a multievent party game in which four people can play several minigames as characters from the Crash Bandicoot series.

Cool Boarders 4 features 16 real-life professional snowboarders ranging from 13 year-old prodigy Shaun White to veterans such as Noah Salasnek and living-legend Jim Rippey. Players also have the ability to custom-create a rider by selecting a body, choosing brand name attire and gear, and customizing any available board to your liking. Players can choose among 34 boards from Burton, …

Circuit Breakers from Mindscape Entertainment is a racing game in which you compete on roller coaster tracks. This is a new type of racing game

SRB2Kart is a classic styled kart racer, complete with beautiful courses, and wacky items. Of course, because it’s SRB2Kart, it has a Sonic twist that really shows the classic charm that a lot of us know and love from the good old days™. We have 100 jam-packed maps for you to bump, explode, and sparkle your way through, from luscious …

C'est la fête, et les Gaulois prévoient de célébrer avec style en organisant l'une des plus grandes fêtes qu'ils aient jamais vues. Le plus grand honneur de tous les Gaulois est de s'asseoir à côté du chef. Afin de déterminer exactement à qui cet honneur sera décerné, le chef a annoncé qu'il organisera un tournoi sportif spécial, comme on n'en …

The famous orange marsupial returns for a fourth and final game on the PlayStation, this time from behind the wheel of a go-kart. Crash is joined by his sweetheart Coco, the evil Cortex, and a combination of animal friends and dastardly bosses from previous games, each individually rated in speed, acceleration, and handling. Five game modes include Adventure, Time Trial, …

The era of dinosaurs is no longer what it used to be After a continuous period of meteorite showers and other natural catastrophes, the kings of the planet have given way to their offspring. These now find themselves left to their own devices, and set off on a search for a better life. It is time to build a new …

Minecraft is a sandbox building video game which allows players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D world. The gameplay is inspired by Dwarf Fortress, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Dungeon Keeper, and Infiniminer.

Experience the gaming phenomenon “Minecraft”, rebuilt for Xbox 360! Create worlds limited only by your imagination. Explore, build, and conquer alone or with your friends via split-screen mode or over Xbox LIVE!* With new features designed specifically for Xbox 360, it’s a whole new way to make your imagination reality! Imagine it, build it! Minecraft for Xbox 360 lets you …

Construisez tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer dans votre propre monde infini, unique à chaque partie. Découvrez des biomes, des ressources et des monstres, et façonnez votre chemin à travers un monde rempli de surprises dans le jeu sandbox ultime. Vivez des aventures inoubliables en affrontant des ennemis mystérieux, en traversant des paysages passionnants et en voyageant dans des dimensions …

Need for Speed The Run lures players into an underground world of illicit, high-stakes racing. The heat is on - and it isn't just the fuzz who are after you. Entering the race is just the beginning as you blow across borders, weave through dense urban traffic, rocket down icy mountain passes and navigate narrow canyons at breakneck speeds. Powered …

SENRAN KAGURA SHINOVI VERSUS immediately follows the events of SENRAN KAGURA Burst, revisiting the fierce rivalry between the girls of Hanzō National Academy and their sworn enemies from Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy, the latter of which have now gone underground and formed a mercenary strike team known as the Homura Crimson Squad. In addition to their old adversaries, the Hanzō …

FIFA Street sur Gamecube est un jeu qui associe l'arcade à la culture freestyle du football de rue. Mettant de coté les règles de football classique, le titre ne garde que l'essence de ce sport dans lequel peuvent ainsi s'exprimer librement style et technique pure. Les meilleurs footballeurs professionnels s'affrontent dans des matches à 4 contre 4 et dans des …

FIFA Street 2 sur Gamecube est un jeu de foot un peu particulier puisqu'ici, le score importe autant que le style avec lequel vous jouez. Dans des équipes à effectif réduit, montrez votre talent de joueur de la rue en jonglant comme un malade avec le ballon. Passez vos adversaires avec style pour envoyer un boulet de canon dans les …

FIFA 2005 vous donne plus de contrôle que jamais avec une sensibilité améliorée des boutons et des commandes et un contrôle intuitif du ballon. Vous pouvez désormais prendre le contrôle de joueurs qui ne sont pas en possession du ballon en appelant des tacles, en vous bousculant pour obtenir de l'espace et en envoyant vos coéquipiers courir pendant que vous …