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Gekirindan (逆鱗弾 "Imperial Wrath Bullet") is a vertical scrolling shooter developed by Taito where players select one of three different fighters (a futuristic fighter jet, a helicopter conditioned to space travel and a remodeled old-fashioned plane) against a destructive army of mechs throughout different time periods. In the year 3195, a time machine is created on Earth and is promptly …

Chaos Field est l'adaptation par O3 Entertainment du jeu d'arcade japonais à succès du même nom. Le jeu comprend trois personnages, cinq niveaux et plusieurs armes pour vous aider dans vos fusillades en 2D. Pendant le jeu, vous pouvez tirer sur d'autres balles qui volent vers vous et utiliser un champ d'énergie pour absorber celles que vous ratez. Le jeu …

Kingdom Grand Prix est un shoot 'em up vertical reprenant des aspects du jeu de courses. Dans un univers fantaisiste, incarnez l'un des huit pilotes et participez à la série de courses mise en place par le royaume. Accélérez en vous rapprochant du haut de l'écran tout en prenant garde aux attaques lancées par vos rivaux. Améliorez vos armes pour …

Gyruss is a shoot 'em up video arcade game developed by Konami, and released in 1983. It was designed by Yoshiki Okamoto, who had earlier created Time Pilot for Konami. Gyruss was licensed to Centuri in the United States, and was ported to numerous games consoles and home computers. It follows in the tradition of space war games such as …

Un excellent shoot'em up vertical basé sur la mythologie grecque. Le joueur contrôle le dieu du soleil Apollon qui chevauche son cheval ailé Pégase volant à travers la Grèce antique en mission pour sauver sa sœur Artémis, la déesse de la lune, des griffes du démon Typhon.

Players take the role of child witches that ride on broomsticks in this horizontally scrolling, six-level shooter. Broomsticks can be fired off in any of eight directions as a massive power-up.

Bullet hell shoot'em'up developed by Naut Mark. Horizontal scrolling. The game bears similar mechanics to the CAVE titles Progear and Ketsui, with a system based on bullet cancelling with enemy explosions, as well as a proximity-based scoring aspect.

An organization known as the D.A.S. (The Dark Anarchy Society) uses magnetic doomsday machines to melt the polar ice caps and thus desolate the world. Although the entire world is flooded, a few societies survive to build over the highest structures they can find and continue living. In this post apocalyptic scenario, the D.A.S., who were prepared for this catastrophe, …

Sky Kid Deluxe was produced by Namco in 1986. You play a bi-plane pilot on missions to bomb enemy targets. The game has a left-to-right scrolling screen where you shoot at enemy planes and trucks. Fly down and pick up the bomb as you go along. A great game featuring 40 levels of game play with increasing difficulty and longer …

The object of Defender is to score as many points as possible by defending the earth and the humans from wave after wave of evil invaders from outer space. You are in command of the Defender ship with its laser cannon and smart bombs. Although there are many different aliens, the primary attacker is a Lander whose mission is to …

Fantastic Journey is a scrolling shooter arcade game and the third title in the Parodius series produced by Konami. The game is a parody of the Gradius series of games. Players select one of eight playable characters to progress through the game with; these include: the Vic Viper, the starship from Gradius; TwinBee, the protagonist of his self-titled series; Pentarou, …

The player returns as the role of the pilot of the Vic Viper spaceship to battle the second onslaughts of the Bacterion Empire, under the new leadership of Gofer, the giant head. Gradius II has kept the gameplay from the original game, but infused it with enhancements brought from the spin-off, Salamander (Life Force). This is primarily evident in two …

Loin de l'île de Donburi (où vivent TwinBee et ses amis), se trouve une île fantastique connue sous le nom de Terre des Merveilles. Sa dirigeante, la reine Melody, a été emprisonnée par l'archiduc Nonsense, qui cherche à utiliser la harpe du bonheur de la reine pour conquérir le monde. Flute, une fée au service de la reine Melody, s'échappe …

Grind Stormer and V Five. Both offers the same levels and enemies, but have a different approach to how the player can use power-ups. In this hectic, top-down, vertically-scrolling shooter where the screen is constantly filled with enemies and bullets, players have a constant, unlimited firing rate, enhanced by power-ups that include missiles, target-seeking bullets, shields, additional speed, extra power …

RayStorm is a scrolling shooter developed by the Taito Corporation. Originally released in Japan as an arcade game in 1996, it was later ported there to Sony's PlayStation game console in 1997, to the Sega Saturn (under the name Layer Section II) in that same year, and to Windows-based personal computers in 2001. In North America, it was released for …

Zambaquous has done everything to make life hell for the people of Agamen, and as their King Kayus, the time has come to head out to destroy him. This leads to six levels of horizontally-scrolling shoot ‘em up action, although with some vertical movement as well. The thing which sets the game apart from every other horizontally-scrolling shoot ‘em up …

Parodius Da! is a shoot'em up arcade game and is the second title in the Parodius Series produced by Konami. The gameplay is stylistically very similar to the Gradius Series, but the graphics and music are intentionally absurd. This game is often mistaken as the original game of the series. The lesser known original game, Parodius, appeared on the MSX …

The player selects from a jet fighter or helicopter, shoot enemies in the air and ground, collect power-ups, and defeat bosses to advance levels. The game differs from most others in the genre in that you can change the aircraft you use at the start of each level. The jet fighter always shoots straight forward; power-ups increase the width and …

This is a homebrew port of the original arcade game from Namco, playable on real hardware (AES, NGCD and MVS), published in May 2023 by Mark McDougall (tcdev). Important to notice that this game plays in TATE mode, which is unusual for NegGeo platforms.

This is a homebrew port of the original arcade game from Namco, playable on real hardware (AES, NGCD and MVS), published in March 2023 by Mark McDougall (tcdev) and Jean-François Fabre (jotd). Important to notice that this game plays in TATE mode, which is unusual for NegGeo platforms.

Ah, "Xevious"! Qui aurait pensé revoir ce classique de Namco ressuscité sur une plateforme aussi iconique que la NeoGeo? Publié en mars 2023 par Mark McDougall (tcdev) et Jean-François Fabre (jotd), ce portage n'est pas qu'une simple adaptation : c'est un hommage homebrew d'une fidélité impressionnante au jeu d'arcade original. Jouable sur du matériel réel (AES, NGCD et MVS), il …