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The Unholy War is 3D strategy game which uses many different weapons and special attacks. In a head to head two player game, players can strategically position their forces, and then fight the opposition in 3D arcade-style combat. Or, you can take advantage of the tournament mode to play against a whole host of friends (or enemies) in a variety …

Are you ready to meet challenges of the wild West ? An action-platform game based around an incredible assortment of challenges.

As Smurf village is blessed with the arrival of a newborn baby, Gargamel casts a spell to summon an army of little servants for revenge. The brainless little creatures were then ordered to capture Baby Smurf and nine other Smurfs. Now it's up to Hefty Smurf to embark on a great adventure and save his friends!

Enter a world where humans and creatures called Timenoids coexist. These blue-skinned Timenoids are determined to wipe out the inferior human race, and this is where you come in. You play the role of Millennia, a young woman who was brainwashed at an early age to do the Timenoids' bidding. She now believes that the humans must be exterminated from …

Like all good fairy tales, this one begins: 'Once upon a time...'

King's Field II is the second game in the King's Field role-playing video game series. Like both its successors and predecessor, the game is played through first person view in a dark and mysterious, medieval fantasy setting. Since the first King's Field game was never published outside Japan, King's Field II was released as King's Field in the U.S and …

Screaming down straight-aways, flying over jumps and spiraling around loops is all part of Crave Entertainment's futuristic racing game Killer Loop for the PlayStation.

After being defeated by the good-natured Robbit, the diabolical Baron Aloha has retreated to his private island, Little Muu. Along with his army of MuuMuu creatures, he figured he was finally safe from his arch-nemesis. He figured wrong...

Jersey Devil, as the title implies, is loosely based upon the legendary New Jersey beast of the same name. Instead of the horrific beast the legend describes, the protagonist of the title is cute purple creature with long-ears and small wings. Dr. Knarf -- the villain of the piece -- has created a legion of mutated vegetables to do his …

Jackie Chan's grandfather has been kidnapped and it is up to you to help save him! Midway's action-platform game, Jackie Chan Stuntmaster lets you experience some of what it takes to be the internationally known martial arts actor and stunt performer. You'll play as Jackie Chan himself from a third-person perspective as you cheat death through 15 levels set within …

J. K. Rowling's immensely popular boy wizard makes his highly anticipated entrance to the realm of video gaming with this third-person 3D action-adventure based on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first novel in the series. In the role of the prodigious young magician the player begins his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, joined by …

The futuristic Tokyo is a megapolis with a huge system of underground tunnels and sewers. A rumor is heard that in this underground world hide the followers of a mysterious cult, known as the Dark Messiah. You, the hero of the game, board a subway train, and after a strange incident followed by a crash, find yourself in the midst …

Guardian's Crusade starts off innocently enough: The mayor wants you to deliver a letter to a nearby town, and being a fine young knight, you agree and head on your way. But how could you know that you are taking the first step on a grand journey that will decide the fate of the entire world?

Formerly holders of the keys, regulators of the flow of souls, they had no choice but to serve the cause, without failing. Princes or beggars, they were the guardians of the holy frontier between life and death, of the sacred gate, through which you can pass but never return.

In Grand Theft Auto, you assume the role of a street thug working for an organized syndicate of criminals that specializes in stealing cars. Every time your pager beeps, the boss needs you to steal something for him -- if you don't get to a payphone and answer the message, you'll be in hot water (or is that cold water …

The first two Playstation games of Hugo are ports of the old Amiga games.

Depuis qu'Hugo a résolu "La Quête des Pierres de Soleil", les Kikuriens vivent en paix. Mais maintenant Scylla est de retour avec des plans diaboliques. Hugo pourra-t-il aider les Kikuriens et arrêter Scylla avant qu'il ne soit trop tard ? Tout dépend du joueur dans ce nouveau jeu rempli de gameplay cool, de superbes graphismes, d'action et d'aventure. Scylla la …

Natsume's farm simulation series makes its debut on the PlayStation with Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Starting out with a few rudimentary implements and very little money, you begin the arduous task of reviving your grandfather's farm and thereby claiming your place as its rightful heir.

The single-handed hero Glover and his trusty rubber ball has come to the PlayStation console with an adventure that spans over thirty levels set throughout six unique worlds!

Is it just me, or am I engulfed in flames?' is one of the many one-liners uttered by Gex, a wise cracking gecko who should check himself into television rehab

After numerous wars and terrorist attacks, Yokosuka had finally entered a state of peace

Final Fantasy Anthology offers two games in one package. This PlayStation PAL release was created by Square Soft in response to demand from fans of the Final Fantasy series of role-playing games. Two compact discs contain the previously Japanese-only released Final Fantasy IV and V.

Human cloning was banned by international treaty at the end of the twentieth century. There are those who disobey the law by taking part in the biotechnology and cloning black market. One such group, the Knackmiche Corporation, is on the verge of creating the world's first artificial life form. Their goal is to create a soldier capable of surviving in …