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Sparkling Feather

Long time ago, there was a happy country called the Eternal Feather Kingdom. Protected by benevolent deities, it flourished until a disaster came: a demon destroyed the kingdom, and it disappeared off the face of the earth. But a few chosen ones, called "Feathers", continued to keep sacred gemstones, which allowed them to use unique powers in the fight against the demonic army. Each Feather protects a gem, and the protector of the Ruby gem is the protagonist of the game - an ordinary high school boy from our modern world who at first wants nothing to do with ancient prophecies and heroic deeds. But as he receives new power from the leader of the Feathers, he understands that his destiny is to fight evil, and perhaps restore Eternal Feather to its former glory.

Sparkling Feather is a turn-based strategy game with slight RPG and "dating sim" elements. Large-scale battles of the Feathers against demons take place on isometric battle fields. The heroes move on the battle field, attack with weapons when an enemy is in range, and use offensive and healing magic. The party levels up automatically after having won a battle. Between battles, the player can play a roulette-type game, which may allow him to have a date with one of the Feathers (female and male!). During the date the player can choose conversation topics, and depending on his choices the parameters of the companions can increase or decrease.

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NEC Home Electronics
HuneX Co., Ltd.
1 joueur
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