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Mr. Driller 2

Mr. Driller 2 is the second game in the Mr. Driller series developed by Namco. It was released for the arcades in 2000, and was ported to the Game Boy Advance and Windows in 2002, and is available in emulated form via the Virtual Console on the Wii U. The game introduces two new characters to the series, Puchi (Susumu's dog), and Anna (Susumu's rival).

The story begins with Susumu and his pet dog Puchi drinking coffee, when suddenly on TV a news flash appeared. Colored Blocks have begun to appear from the depths of the earth and have appeared in India, America, Egypt, and many other cities. With the world in peril, Susumu is off to save the world, but as he was about to head out he is stopped by fellow driller Anna Hottenmayer, who also heard of the crisis. Anna then competes with Susumu to see who is the better driller with the winner decided by who stops the block problem first.

The drillers first stop is in India where, after reaching 2500 ft., they reach one of the bases producing the blocks. They find out that only the king can stop the machine and that currently, he is in America. After reaching 5000 ft. in America, the drillers find out that the king is on vacation in Egypt and there is no time frame in regards to when he will be back. Finally, after drilling to 10000 ft. in Egypt, the drillers find the king and get him to turn off the block producing machine.

The playing area consists of a large stack of colored blocks, as the Drillers (Susumu or Anna) the player must dig through these blocks to reach the end goal located at a certain depth, except in Endless Driller where there is an infinite number of blocks. The player is given a limited number of lives and a limited supply of air to reach the goal. Throughout the playing area, the player can find air capsules to replenish 20% of their air supply. If the driller is either crushed by blocks or runs out of air, the player will lose a life.

When drilling into a Standard Block (Blocks of different shades of yellow, blue, red, or green), it will dissolve. Falling blocks will join with the first block it meets of the same color while it is falling. A block segment made up of 4 or more blocks will dissolve if it is created by a falling block joining onto the segment. There are also Crystal Blocks which eventually dissolve after flashing for a brief amount of time. Every 500 ft. there is a large green block that once drilled will clear all blocks above it. Brown X-Blocks require 5 drills to dissolve and consume 20% of the player's Air Supply in Mission and Endless Driller, while they add 5 seconds to the player's timer in Time Attack Driller. Exclusive to Time Attack Driller are the Silver X-Blocks which cannot be dissolved.


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Regional release dates
29 Mar 2002


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