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P.A.W.S.: Personal Automated Wagging System

P.A.W.S. - Personal Automated Wagging System is a comical dog simulator. The game includes various activities for players to partake in.

In one you play as the dog who is searching for bones and a cat in the backyard of a house. You view the world from the dog's perspective, but can also get an overview on a map. The dog can perform various actions such as digging, looking down, eating and three kinds of barks. When the dog encounters the cat he'll automatically start chasing it. There's a lot of territory to explore and players can find typical backyard stuff like a pond and a gate.

In another activity the player controls a dog with a jet pack. The goal is to deliver bones to various inhabitants of dog town.

The final activity is called Anatomy. Here the player is presented with the insides of a robot dog. Various hot spots can be clicked on to start an animation. This teaches the player about what certain parts are for. The robot dog can also sniff items and try to guess what it is.

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Digital Garden
Domestic Funk Products Ltd.
1 joueur
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