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Préparez-vous à voyager dans un univers inquiétant avec The X-Files : Resist or Serve sur Playstation 2. Retrouvez l'univers de la série télé et incarnez Mulder ou Scully afin de résoudre des dossiers non classés. Dans ce jeu d'horreur, vous combattez des ennemis inquiétants, mais vous pratiquez aussi des autopsies afin de découvrir des indices.

Do you like playing as the 'bad guys'? Do you enjoy controlling characters from a movie who cause agony and suffering for the protagonists? Well, if you're looking for some all-out carnage and destruction, try feeding on Warpath: Jurassic Park for the PlayStation. Now you can control all of those scaly, angry and ferocious dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park and …

Players assume the role of Jack Runyan, a retired and highly decorated ex-Navy Seal. After serving his country during the Gulf War, he retired his service due to repeated nightmares about the blood he had shed. Jack still had a burning desire, however, and that was to be a man of the oceans. To fulfil that desire,Jack obtained a contract …