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Vous aurez besoin de tous vos sens pour suivre et chasser 36 animaux de jeu. Chaque animal en vedette est une représentation fidèle à la vie spécifique à la région vous êtes à la chasse. Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures Cabela prend le meilleur de titres de Cabela précédentes pour recréer la véritable expérience de la chasse. Regardez comme le …

TY et ses amis font face à leur plus grand défi à ce jour : une invasion surnaturelle par un mal ancien connu sous le nom de Quinkan. Avec la dissolution de Bush Rescue, TY commence la tâche difficile de réformer son équipe et de diriger la lutte contre les sombres oppresseurs. Dans ce prochain chapitre, les joueurs se lanceront …

American Chopper est un jeu de courses de moto dans lequel vous incarnez des purs bikers avec la barbe, les tatouages et bien sûr, les bécanes qui vont avec. Parcourez les routes des USA, cheveux au vent et n'hésitez pas à distribuer deux ou trois gnons pour écarter ceux qui vous collent d'un peu trop près.

The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific is a historical first-person shooter video game developed by Magic Wand Productions with Kynogon's AI middleware Kynapse, and released on November 30, 2007 by Activision and the History Channel for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox 360.

The concept of the game is to save a random group of people stuck on an island, a desert or another remote location. By using what the nature has to offer, the player can, for example, use a leaf to make clothes or wood beams to make a shack.

Caterpillar Construction Tycoon is a business simulation game in which the player manages multiple construction sites. It was developed by Gabriel Entertainment, and published by Activision Value on September 15, 2005 for the PC. The object of this game, as in all tycoon computer games, is to become a tycoon, and in this case, a Construction Tycoon.

4x4 Cabela Off-Road Adventure 3 oferece 18 veículos off-road equipadas para lidar com as condições de risco encontrados durante o mundo áspero e pronto de condução fora de estrada. Ambientes incluem Baja, albufeira, mata norte, círculo ártico, montanha, rio seco e um nível secreto. Os jogadores irão escolher entre mais de 12 peças intercambiáveis, incluindo pratos de derrapagem, guardas de …

Cabela's Alaskan Adventures is the ultimate hunting and fishing adventure to North America's last frontier. Experience all that Alaska has to offer, as you go on 38 hunting and fishing adventures across vast tundra. For the first time in one game, you will be able to hunt trophy animals, fish, bird hunt, dog sled through the Alaskan Artic, and compete …

There are 8 summer camp games that are engaging and fun for a single player and for multiplayer head to head and hot seat play. Friends watching the game can use extra controllers to grief, dropping trees and items to create obstacles. Play one game at a time or compete for the Cabela's Cup which places you in a seven …

TY and his mates face their biggest challenge yet - an otherworldly invasion by an ancient evil known as the Quinkan. With Bush Rescue disbanded, TY begins the challenging task of reforming his team and leading the fight against the dark oppressors. In this next chapter, players will embark on a series of engaging missions and challenges filled with new …

Licensed by card manufacturer Bicycle, this game lets you gamble on the Xbox with slot machines, card games, keno, roulette, money wheel, pai gow, craps and different types of poker, including the popular Texas Hold'Em. The game boasts 500 variations, but most of them are based on the table limits for each game. You start by creating a character with …

American Chopper 2: Full Throttle is the sequel to American Chopper and like its predecessor, based on the Discovery Channel show of the same name. You pick one of the four main characters from the show, then one of seven customer motorcycles from the show and are given a series of mostly racing missions where you earn fabrication points with …

Be hired into the shop of the hit TV series American Chopper™. Here's your chance to ride the bikes built by the Teutuls. Choose from the POW/MIA Bike, Jet Bike, Black Widow Bike, and others. You're also sent on missions to create your very own, original themed chopper that rivals those built by Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. Experience first-hand …