Based on the popular television show from 1967, Ultraman directly follows the story of its source material. Cast in the role of the titular Ultraman, the player must defeat many of the same monsters that appeared in the original series. Taking the appearance of a 1-on-1 fighting game, Ultraman can punch, kick, and grapple his opponent, as well as use a variety of various special moves that must be charged. However, in order to actually defeat his opponent, Ultraman must deplete their continually-recharging life bar, and at that moment hit with his most powerful special attack: the Specium Beam. As the game continues, different enemies may even find ways to avoid this most formidable attack, and Ultraman must adapt. Each stage has a time limit of only three minutes, and there are three lives and no continues.
Filename | Hashes | ||
Ultraman (Japan).zip |
CRC32 SHA1 MD5 |
c3bdd698 4af8bfd543fa330b30ed23cfae9a0e11b6ffb30b 8bd12d447353dcc10becd70ea3c832c2 |
Filename | Hashes | ||
CRC32 SHA1 MD5 |
c3bdd698 4af8bfd543fa330b30ed23cfae9a0e11b6ffb30b 8bd12d447353dcc10becd70ea3c832c2 |
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