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Mercenary: Compendium Edition

A compilation of Paul Woakes's 3D exploration and flight game Mercenary, and the Second City expansion pack. For some systems this was a compilation of previously-released titles, for others it was the only release for either part of the gameworld.

Due to an engine malfunction, your spaceship crashes on the planet Targ. Unlike your trusty vessel, you survive the crash and now have to find a way to get away from this planet. But hey, while you're at it, you might as well try to get some money off your unplanned stay on Targ.

You're a mercenary, and it just so happens that the two races on the planet are at war. So why not use that to your advantage and do some favors for each race... against cash?

You play this game in a first-person perspective with vector graphics. There's a huge planet for you to explore, you can walk around on it or take airborne vehicles to reach elevated locations.

Mercenary: The Second City is an expansion disk for Mercenary, which features the same gameplay and controls.

Following the successes over Targ's Central City, the controller of the BENSON computer relaxes and enjoys himself. Soon however, he grows bored and starts looking around for new challenges on the still hazardous Planet Targ. Rumors about the Palyar Commander's brother-in-law living in the southern hemisphere suggest that this may be a good challenge. In this Second City, the battle between Palyars and Mechanoids still rages... and nothing is as it seems.

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Novagen Software Ltd
Paul Woakes
1 joueur
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