Vid Grid
In Vid Grid, the video of a music video is chopped up into a grid (like a 3x3 square) and randomly rearranged. Some pieces may be flipped vertically or horizontally. As the music video plays it is up to the player to reassemble the pieces into a coherent image. Once the video has been reassembled the player can watch the rest of the music video in its unscrambled form.
The music videos contained in Vid Grid are mainly popular MTV fare from the mid-1990s. Some of the bands represented include Aerosmith, Van Halen and Jimi Hendrix.
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Resolutions must match the following format:
[H.Res.]x[V.Res.] [V.Freq.]
320x224 50.12
1280x720 60
286x228 59.1245
You want to help the community ?
All the medias were created by the HFSPlay community. We are always looking for help to create quality content.