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The Dungeons

The Dungeons is a graphic adventure with some RPG elements viewed from a 1st person perspective as you explore the dungeons looking for a casket containing the secret of the dungeons belonging to a red dragon. Before you start your quest you are first shown your ability with various attributes that are strength, wisdom, intellect, constitution and dexterity, with each having a figure between 4 and 20. You then select if you are a fighter or a magician before having a choice of equipment to buy with your limited amount of gold coins. The items you can buy include sword, lantern, spells and a suit of armour. Once you are ready with your selection and purchases, it's off into the dungeon. In each room of the dungeon, you are able to see any exits and items inside the room and you type in a letter to tell the computer your next action. This can include moving in a certain direction, saying spells, opening items and many others. Creatures also appear and you can attack them before they attack you and weaken or kill you. You always look in each room in the direction you are moving so for example North can be in a different direction than up. As you get more gold coins, you can return back to the first room to buy more equipment as you try to find the casket.


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Anirog Software Ltd.
Brian Clark
Commodore 64
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