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The aliens were there and they were not friendly! They landed with their spaceship in Kalkhausen, so right in front of the stump, because Kalkhausen only consists of the stump, but what does that mean anyway? StüMP is the abbreviation for "State Review Body for Media Issues". Well, at least two extraterrestrials got in there and dropped a stack of ten disks full of illegal copies and indexing material.

They were not careful enough, however, and so the Earth Air Force managed to locate the spaceship. Two hunters were sent for reconnaissance purposes, the UFO could not escape. It was asked and gave up. Unfortunately, the galactic gesture of the task, the shooting of all pipes with the constant failure of the opponent - a system that one had long wanted to change, one had just not come to it because of resolutions on dietary increases - was completely misinterpreted.

The UFO was attacked and ultimately destroyed. The explosion took not only the two fighters, but also Britain and France - and exactly along the border! - in the eternal hunting grounds. As if by a miracle, the floppy disks were not damaged here, but only fairly evenly distributed around the globe. It is feared that the data is still intact and the disks are at another alien base on (the rest of) Earth. The disks must be recovered and indexed on the spot, or removed from the ground!

There is only one man who can do it: Hans Klein from the StüMP, called "The Cool loser."


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Boeder Software GmbH
Commodore 64
1 joueur
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