"Ronde" is the third game in Majin Tensei series, which is, in its turn, a part of Megaten franchise. The game is set in the near future, in Japan. A teenage boy named Asuka and his friends visit a demon museum. Suddenly, one of the demon statues comes to life and kidnaps Asuka's little brother. This is just a beginning of a demon invasion that Asuka and his friends must stop at all costs.
Like the two previous Majin Tensei games, "Ronde" is a strategy RPG. You can control your characters only during battles, which occupy the entire gameplay section of the game. During the turn-based battles, you can move your characters freely on a 3D battlefield. When you come in contact with a demon, you can choose your action (attack, magic, etc.), after which an automatic battle sequence occurs. Like in all other Megaten games, you can communicate with the enemies you meet. In this particular game, the demons will initiate a conversation by themselves, which will allow you to recruit them and make them fight on your side. You can also make contracts with the demons to use their magic spells in battles.
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