Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamers
This is a sequel to Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers, set in the world of digital monsters based on the popular manga series. After having defeated the evil Millenniumon, our hero Ryou thought that would be his last travel to the Digiworld. However, the four sacred Digimons summon him once again, to participate in the D1 monster fighting tournament. But that is not all: it appears that Millenniumon is still alive, and is looking for revenge! Now Ryou has to win the tournament and defeat his archenemy once again.
The gameplay is nearly identical to that of the previous game. You travel through top-down and isometric locations, fighting monsters with your own monster team, and then recruiting new monsters and assembling a collection. The battles are turn-based and are viewed from an isometric perspective. The monsters have various kinds of attacks in their disposal. Each attack is shown as a short animated sequence.
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