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Bill Budge's Triology of Games

A compilation of three games created by Bill Budge.

Night Driver - The player must drive around a procedurally generated track two times. If the player gets too close to the side they will skid and lose points. If the player hits the wall too often they will crash. The player can choose 4 different driving speeds, and they are awarded points based upon track difficulty and finish time.

Space War - A two player game top-down view game where the goal is to shoot your opponent before they shoot you. Players can choose from four different gravity settings and whether the screen edge is wrap-around or solid. Players must be careful to avoid the star in the center of the screen, as its gravitational field will tear your ship apart. Ships are based upon the rebel and imperial fighters from Star Wars, and each ship gets 8 shots.

Pinball - A pinball game featuring spinners, posts, and chutes. The player controls a pair of flippers at the bottom of the screen, and they can tilt the table if the action becomes boring.

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California Pacific Computer
Bill Budge
Apple II
Regional ratings
Regional release dates
21 Apr 1979


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