Air is a Japanese adult visual novel
The story follows the life of Yukito Kunisaki, a traveling showman searching for the "girl in the sky". He arrives in a quiet, seaside town where he meets three girls, one of whom is the key to the end of his journey.
The gameplay in Air follows a branching plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the three female main characters by the player character. The game is divided into three segments—Dream, Summer, and Air—which serve as different phases in the overall story. The title of the game reflects the prominent themes of the air, skies, and use of wings throughout gameplay.
Filename | Hashes | ||
Air (Japan) |
CRC32 SHA1 MD5 |
ef0afd85 5aff64eb246d92ed36d6afea45d5e6b879b297fc 9757940312dea581fb123901d9169e53 |
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