Commodore 64 games
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The basic premise of the game is that each level is an island which is slowly sinking into the sea. The player must therefore get to the top of each level, by jumping on platforms and making use of the game's most distinctive feature: the ability to produce solid rainbows, which are used both as platforms to stand on, and …

Care to put your virtual money where your virtual mouth is? Make a series of pass/fail wagers and find just how difficult it can be to link a string of them together towards winning a million dollars!

Will you be able to tell if Sam is bluffing? Sensational pin-up and TV personality Samantha Fox is waiting to challenge you to the most exciting game of poker you will ever play. Will you be able to keep your eyes on the card long enough to beat her? Featuring Video Digitised Pictures. Will you be able to keep your …

Based on the movie of the same name, Total Recall puts you in charge of Douglas Quaid, who must find a way to Mars in order to find the answers to his two questions: why is he being hunted, and who is hunting him. In order to do this, Quaid must go through level after level of beating up bad …

The secrets of the Niniitsu way had been jealously guarded for centuries, only once every decade were the scrolls seen at the ritual of the White Ninja. None coveted these secrets more than the evil Shogun. Siezing the opportunity of the ritual he sprang a fiendish trap that destroyed the brotherhood, except for one . . . You. The Last …

In the game, three karateka fight against each other on a beach, trying to be the first to score six points. After every two rounds, there is a bonus game which is either deflecting bouncing balls or kicking away bombs. The C64 version of the game only has the ball bouncing bonus game, and not the bomb bonus game. The …

The player takes on the role of a United States special operations soldier infiltrating an enemy military base in order to save several POW's from being executed by firing squad. There are four stages: a Marshalling Area, a Harbor, an Air Base and a Siberian Camp. The omnipresent knife can be supplemented with captured arms. By killing certain enemy soldiers, …

You are a hero raised from the dead by the god Zeus to rescue his daughter Athena. With scenery inspired by Ancient Greece, you have to fight hordes of undead and demons, with a boss at the end of each level until you meet the god Neff, who holds the girl captive. The Altered Beast title refers to your shapeshifting …

Frogger 64 is a clone of the classic game Frogger. The player takes control of a frog and must move the frog from the bottom of the screen to the top avoiding obstacles along the way. A busy street and a river must be crossed by evading cars and jumping onto logs and turtles. Bonus points are scored by hopping …

OK, Supersonic jock. Get ready to go. Muster up all the skill, reflexes and guts you've got. Because inside your F-14 Thunder Cat, you’re going to need all that-and more. Blast laser-directed, anti-aircraft fire at enemy planes. Dodge heat-seeking missiles with fancy flywork-like dips, turns and barrel rolls. Come head to head with the infamous Flying Fortresses-the toughest of all …

The controls consist of four directions (allowing eight directions including diagonals) and a shot button. Each team has seven players including goalkeeper and there are league and cup options available. The game is highly addictive due to its difficulty level, the complete control over ball direction, power and elevation (using a Diamond Deflection System), and the importance of tactics and …

Not to be confused with Atari Games' Rampart, Ramparts is in fact a clone of Bally Midways' Rampage, but with a medieval theme, and players are giant knights instead of monsters. The game is for one or two players simultaneously. The game takes place on a single screen, where the player(s) can move left and right on one foreground plane, …

Released in the arcades in 1981, Donkey Kong was not only Nintendo's first real smash hit for the company, but marked the introduction for two of their most popular mascots: Mario (originally "Jumpman") and Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong is a platform-action game that has Mario scale four different industrial themed levels (construction zone, cement factory, an elevator-themed level, and removing …

HE'S BACK. HE'S MAD. HE WANTS REVENGE. Eons ago, you battered DOH into an intergalactic pulp and escaped. But a scrap of DOH's core energy survived... And now DOH's hurtling toward you across space and time in the Xorg, a huge spaceship that's crashed into our universe from an unknown dimension. Use your ultra-fast reflexes and intense concentration to get …

In this single screen arcade game you have to use your Stunt Bike to navigate across the nine hazardous obstacle courses, from one end of the screen to the other. You control your bike by accelerating to jump between platforms and collect flags along the way. You jump by doing a wheely and hit a ramp. A fuel meter acts …

INSTRUCTIONS League Soccer is a game of skill, luck and chance in which you, as Manager attempt to guide a Football League team to League and Cup Glory. The game is based on the English Football League and you may select your team from any of the 92 Clubs currently on that League. We do not want to give away …

R-Nest is a single-screen game based on the arcade game Q*Bert where you play the role of R-Nest who has to paint the tops of all the cubes making up a pyramid over various levels. R-Nest moves around the screen in a diagonal direction and has he touches the top of each cube it changes colour. On later levels, the …

Inspired by the arcade game Donkey Kong, Crazy Kong is a single screen platform game where you have to get from the bottom of the screen to rescue your girlfriend at the top over four different screens from a giant ape. On the first screen you must run along the platforms climbing ladders while avoiding barrels that the ape is …