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Enter the realm of Britannia: a world rich in history, adventure, and intrigue. Lord British, the benevolent ruler of Britannia, has been lost on an expedition to explore the vast reaches of a newly discovered underworld. Panic erupts in Britannia when the sole survivor of the expedition returns with dread tales of their fate. To restore peace, the trusted but …

Trinity is a text adventure game, its events beginning in the near future. The player character finds himself trapped in the London Kensington Gardens, as hordes of nannies mysteriously block the exit. To make matters worse, a Soviet nuclear missile is about to fall. The protagonist finds a strange door and steps through it. The bizarre location outside of space …

The Rocky Horror Show is a video game, based on the musical of the same name, where you get to control either Brad or Janet in your quest to explore the strange interior over at the Frankenstein place. It's a bit of a mind flip but if you are careful you'll do the time warp, again! Play as either Brad …

In this game, you guide a marker which must draw rectangles and other weird objects in order to claim your territory, and you can either draw these rectangles fast or slow. Drawing the rectangles using the "slow" method awards you the most points. Once a rectangle has been made, it will be colored in to show that you have claimed …

Time to get your bat and pads, put on the whites and have a game of cricket. In this computer version of the game, you have the choice of length of game (40, 50, 60 overs or two innings), how many players (one or two), skill level (one to nine) and whether you want to play a simulation or arcade …

Contained 8 fun packed games for the Commodore 128. Bloodstar: A desperate international race to colonize the rest of the solar system in this strategy game. Mazamorf: If you like Pac-Man, you'll be doubly challenged to avoid these voracious meanies. And all the while you'll be trying to make your way out of a maddeningly different kind of maze. Cubix …

Elite is a free-form space trading and combat simulation, commonly considered the progenitor of this sub-genre. The player initially controls a character referred to as "Commander Jameson", starting at Lave Station with 100 credits and a lightly armed trading ship called Cobra Mark III. Most of the game consists of traveling to various star systems, trading with their inhabitants, gaining …

The Skar Sword: Skar lends elemental power to whoever wields it. It makes him invincible and immortal and it is very well hidden. If you want to find it you must face the dangers and defy the long dangerous road.

Bureaucracy is a text adventure game that describes the misadventures of a person who has recently moved to a new apartment and begins to fall victim to various bureaucratic procedures that always go wrong. He can't receive his mail, access his bank account, or generally lead a normal life, all his activities are impeded by needless and confusing hurdles. In …

Aimlessly wandering through the Southlands of Quendor, the hero of the game encounters the Implementors, powerful beings who warn him of a terrible danger: the Coconut of Quendor, the very embodiment of Magic, has been stolen by terrifying monsters known as Ur-Grue, said to be the spirits of fallen Implementors. The task is clear, but by no means easy: locate …

"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." -Shakespeare IT'S 2031. The world is on the brink of chaos. In the United States of North America, spiraling crime and unemployment rates, decayed school systems and massive government regulations have led to a lazy, contentious society. To reverse this critical …