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William Spade is an inventor that has created a 'time portal generator'. Somehow this device is sacrilegious to a race of creatures known as the Takar, and they demand it be turned over to them. Refusing to comply, he manages to vanquish these creatures from his lab, but not before losing vital body parts. He rebuilds his body and becomes …

Upset at the injustices rendered upon legions of innocent midgets over the course of Executioners, the first Bloodlust Software game, the sinister French midget "Stumpy", leader of the Great Midget Rebellion, arranges the kidnapping of Lord ][ellbent Deathspew and Smegma, alter-egos of the game's developers. Still with me? Torn at devising a suitably torturous punishment for them, Stumpy installs them …

"Well, Here's Bloodlust Software's parody of PONG, the classic cheapo paddle game." Just as ugly as our first game, and just as stupid. Now the pong paddles have attitude and special moves, and the ball (now a severed head) bitches when you hit it. As odd as it seems, this game had its own competition group who would meet weekly …