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The Railroad Works allows you to construct your own model railroad. Using scenery and shipping/receiving sites, you can make simple and complex layouts. Once you have designed your layout, you can run one or two trains on the layout. The game allows you to choose either steam or diesel engines and has five different types of rolling stock: boxcars, cattle …

Adventure Master was a system for writing text adventures with graphics. It was written by Christopher Chance and published by CBS Software in 1984. It ran on Apple II+/IIe/IIc, Atari, Commodore 64 and IBM Personal and PC/PCjr computers. It came with a few test adventures such as Clever Catacombs (by Christopher Chance), Becca in Outlaw Cave and Wild Trails (by …

The Railroad Works allows you to construct your own model railroad. Using scenery and shipping/receiving sites, you can make simple and complex layouts. Once you have designed your layout, you can run one or two trains on the layout. The game allows you to choose either steam or diesel engines and has five different types of rolling stock: boxcars, cattle …

In the early years of interstellar travel, Earth's brave explorers discovered the remains of an alien culture eons old and incredibly complex. Human progress leapt forward at an astonishing rate as the secrets of the alien artifacts were brought back from the stars. You get to write the next chapter in this exciting saga. The game was meant to be …

Fun with a comprehensive, self-paced math tutorial? Grade levles 9 to 12. Two separate programs that help build a knowledge of algebraic principles and basic operations used in the solving of linear equations and the factoring of quadratic equations. Ongoing analysis indicates both procedural and computational errors.

Have fun while taking a comprehensive, self-paced math tutorial?

Fun with a comprehensive, self-paced math tutorial? Grade levels 7 to 11.

Fun with a comprehensive, self-paced math tutorial? Grade levels 1 to 4. Drill and practice in addition with carrying and subtraction with or without borrowing. Emphasizes an understanding of place value.

Have fun with a comprehensive, self-paced math tutorial. Grade levels 2 to 8. Emphasizes an understanding of multiplication and long division and provides practice in the solving of problems using necessary addition and subtraction.

With the wave of his magic wand, Ernie the Magician makes a shape float over his head. Another wave, and a second shape appears on a table nearby. The player now decides whether or not the two shapes match. If so, and the player agrees, Ernie nods and the two shapes float together before disappearing. If not, Ernie shakes his …

Big Bird's Special Delivery is an object recognition game in which children help Big Bird and Little Bird sort the mail and deliver packages to the right stores on Sesame Street.

Astro-Grover is an educational game for one player based on the Sesame Street franchise. It provides a playful setting in which children practice counting, adding, and subtracting. The game helps children work with numbers in five different ways (How Many Zips?, Beam That Number, Adding Countdown, Take it Away Zips!, Sum Up Sum Down) - assisted by Grover and the …

Peanut Butter Panic is a game for two players where your goal is to create peanut butter sandwiches! To do this, you need to jump up and grab stars from the top of the screen which can be used to power the sandwich machine. Some stars are too high to reach by just jumping, on either side of the screen …

Become a police detective and solve 12 murders in Micropolis. Players interview witnesses, gather evidence, and sift through lab reports to get the clues they need to solve each case. Each action, particularly traveling between locations, adds time to the game clock. One to four people can play, competing to see who solves the mystery first and in the optimum …

There is a crime wave in the town of Huxley! As a mystery master, you need to help the police solve 12 different crimes that have taken place. Throughout each of the cases you can interrogate suspects, search for clues at various locations, or use police station resources to analyze clues. To win you need to find out who the …

Ducks Ahoy! is a simple arcade game which takes place in Venice. On the screen you see some houses, the canal and the beach (on the top). The player is in control of a boat which can carry two ducks at the same time. The ducks start to walk around the houses slowly getting to the exit where they just …

On the screen are three images of Dr. Seuss characters (such as the Cat in the Hat, the Grinch and more...) standing upright next to each other. At the touch of a button all their parts (head, body, feet) are scrambled up and it's up to the player to put them back together again. The game board is displayed as …

Enlightening adventures of the prehistoric age! Explore the lost world of dinosaurs and test your knowledge with five exciting learning activities.

A musical game with four modes: Catch a Coco-Note - Pick notes out of a pool with your fishing pool. Once you've picked enough you can hear the band play the melody you've picked out. Composin' Coco-Notes - Same game as the first, except now played with an accompaniment. Beat The Clam - Race against a clam trying to claim …