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A "2.5D" DOOM-era shooter with FMV sequences, set on Lorgina Island. Your girlfriend "Sweet Cheeks" has been kidnapped, and you must save her from the stronghold of the "Evil Boss" and his dastardly henchmen, (who seem to come back from the dead quite often...) with only your trusty raincoat and pistol to protect you.

In the 19th century a young cavalryman gets raided. The robbers kidnap his girlfriend Jenny and now she is about to get sacrificed by a cult. Now the player has to rescue her and bring the culprit to justice. While searching the desert. Then he finds some odd balls, steps through a portal and has to activate so-called "mirages" which …

CatFight: The Ultimate Female Fighting Game is an all-woman fighting game, resembling the early editions of Mortal Kombat where the sprites representing the fighters were also created using digitized actors. Katalin Zamiar, an American martial artist, is featured in-game through this method as the ninja woman character Chae Lee. The short plot revolves around an evil goddess who summons some …