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In The Bilestoad, players control "meatlings" that hack and battle with axes and shields from a top-view perspective. The name is derived from the German words Beil (axe) and Tod (death). The odd spelling reflects Goodman's idea of a future language similar to A Clockwork Orange's Nadsat in which English has been modified by the borrowing of foreign words.[1] Although …

Snack Attack is a 1982 video game for the Apple II family of computers, created by Dan Illowsky and published by Datamost. The gameplay mechanics are very similar to those of Pac-Man, which was released two years earlier. The sequel, Snack Attack II, is a PC-only game co-authored with Michael Abrash and published by Funtastic

Mating Zone is a single-screen shoot'em up written by Tom Luhrs and published by Datamost for the Apple II

Ankh is a flick-screen arcade adventure where you control a Mindprobe in the "Metareal" world of Ankh. You have to explore the 64 room world to find a Treasure, Tool or a new mystery in the last room of the world. As you move around you will encounter various objects that move around the screen shooting at you but you …

Round About is a fixed screen shoot 'em up. What sets it apart from other shooters of its time is that the player isn't restricted to the lower parts of the screen. Here he can move along every side of the screen, around the enemies that move around in the middle. The enemies are abstract shapes that move in packs …

Polar Pierre is a single screen platformer where you control Pierre and move him around the screen attempting to raise all the flags over various levels. As you move around the screen there are various obstacles that need avoiding like lighting, snowball-shooters and electro-generators. There are items though that help you get around the screen like springboards, lifts and bridge …

Monster Smash is a side view single screen platformer where your task is to capture all the monsters that are partying around the local graveyard. The screen has four rows of platforms containing four gravestones on three of the levels and part of the platforms can be turned 90°. The partying monsters appear from the top and left of the …

Music notes have escaped throughout the world, and Jet-Boot Jack must collect them up. There are ten levels, the first five of which can be played from the main menu. Gameplay is platform-based, and largely involves progressing down the levels, using holes and moving platforms. Enemies hover over the holes, but these can be disabled by toggling the right switches. …

From the book "Games Commodores Play". This is a dice game called Craps. To play, you wager a portion of your money on a roll of the dice. You win if the first roll is either 7 or 11. Conversely, you lose if the first roll is 2, 3 or 12. if you get a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 …

You are the principle defender of the planet Sirref, the only habitable planet in the Relffok Galaxy, which is part of the Nodrog universe, and you have a major problem, the energy supplies are running dangerously low. The Jebs have forced a energy embargo on your planet and won't supply the Power Generating Complex situated on the moon which supplies …

Memorandum To Allen, my nephew. From: The Boss Here's what I'm going to do...I'll start you out as a trainee in the Mail room. One of the most important jobs in the corporate structure, my boy. The mail must be delivered! If you do a good job (and don't play around with my secretary, Arlene) you may get promoted to …

This game tests your quickness and dexterity. Breakout style game that requires paddle controllers to play. From the book "Games Commodores Play".

Aztec is an Indiana Jones-type action game with adventure elements, featuring our hero's quest to recover a valuable Jade Idol from a maze. Armed with only three sticks of dynamite and a pistol, the hero must get by traps, animals (lots of snakes and panthers), and natives, and find a way to make it out alive. The value of the …

Ardy the Aardvark is a maze-game inspired by, and a near clone of, the arcade game Anteater. The player navigates the tongue of the animal as it moves through an underground maze. The objective is to eat drops of food lying underground while trying to evade worms, stinging ants and spiders. While the worms can pass through the tongue and …

Ankh is a flick-screen arcade adventure where you control a Mindprobe in the "Metareal" world of Ankh. You have to explore the 64 room world to find a Treasure, Tool or a new mystery in the last room of the world. As you move around you will encounter various objects that move around the screen shooting at you but you …

Published as part of the Commodore 64 Game Construction Kit. In A Day at the Races, we present a horse race betting simulation which does not require you to sell your house to step up to the betting window. The prime goal of this game is to give the player at least a little bit of the feel and excitement …

Your favorite Uncle, from whom you haven't heard from in years has just died. He left you a peculiar inheiritance: a painting of a beautiful woman and the following note: "I am leaving you Parrish's "Earthly Delight" to you because I believe you will appreciate her as much as I have. She isn't worth much in the art market, but …

Tubeway is a 1982 computer game for the Apple II, created by David Arthur Van Brink and published by Datamost. The game is similar to the 1981 Atari arcade game Tempest. Tubeway is a shooter in which the player uses paddles to move a small white crosshair around the top of a "tube" or wall while firing down at the …