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Colossus Chess 4 is a computer chess game. The game is customizable and you can monitor all your previous moves. It is even possible to see the computer thinking ahead and predicting your moves. The computer is hard to beat, and would win matches against other computer chess programs of the day. It can achieve the king-bishop-knight mate, which is …

Colossus Bridge 4 is a bridge game for a single player (computer playing the other 3 hands, demo mode available). The game uses the Acol bidding system and Blackwood, Stayman, and Baron conventions, also supported are take-out doubles and the strong 2 club. Other features include hand input, save/load, rebid/replay, backstep, card autoplay/recommendation and cheat option. The game was packed …

Brian Clough's Football Fortunes is a football management computer board game suitable for two to five players. Each player takes on the role of a club manager. The object of the game is for each manager to successfully steer his team through the season using his skill to make his team stronger as the game proceeds. Each manager competes with …

Colossus X Draughts is a single-player, mouse/keyboard controlled DOS implementation of the popular board game. This game is from the developer of Colossus Draughts which won draughts championships in the early 1990's. The pieces are moved by either clicking on first the piece and then the destination, alternatively the player can click on a piece and drag-and-drop it or they …

Colossus Chess is a series of chess-playing computer programs developed by Martin Bryant, commercially available for various home computers in the 1980s. Uncommon for microcomputer chess programs of the era, Colossus had a full implementation of the rules of chess, including underpromotion, the fifty-move rule, draw by repetition, and draw by insufficient material. Colossus was also able to execute all …