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Quite simply, Vegas Gambler will allow you play of the most common gambling outlets such as Roulette, Poker, Black Jack and the Slots. Hot on the heals of PBI's Monte Carlo gambling sim, Vegas Gambler surpasses its rival in terms of graphics (very, very nicely drawn) and sound effects. And hey, that's all that's necessary I think, because it means …

Tunnels of Armageddon is a computer game involving racing and shooting while avoiding obstacles.

TrianGO is a variation of the board game Go that is played on a hexagon shaped board. The board is composed of 21 lines which cross to form triangles. The lines intersect to create 55 points where players can place their stones. The game is available for up to four players who take turns placing stones on the board. The …

Blockout is a puzzle video game, published in 1989 by California Dreams, developed in Poland by Aleksander Ustaszewski and Miros?aw Zab?ocki. The game is the logical extension of Tetris into the third dimension. In regular Tetris, the player manipulates a set of tetrominoes which fall into a two-dimensional pit (seen from the side). The aim is to solve a real-time …

S'inspirant du concept de Tetris mais transposé en 3D. Avec une vue du dessus, vous devez tourner les blocs dans tous les sens pour qu'ils s'emboîtent sans laisser d'espaces vides. Pour rehausser la difficulté, tout est paramétrable (taille du puits, vitesse, rangées etc...) dans les options.

Vegas Craps is a simulation of the casino game. The game uses a graphical mouse based interface where the cursor is used to to pick up chips and place them on the board before clicking on the dice to roll. The player then either makes or loses money and the game continues with more rounds until money runs out. The …

TrianGO is a variation of the board game Go that is played on a hexagon shaped board. The board is composed of 21 lines which cross to form triangles. The lines intersect to create 55 points where players can place their stones. The game is available for up to four players who take turns placing stones on the board. The …

The player starts off on the garage, where cars and parts may be purchased from the newspaper. New parts that are purchased must be installed by the player by entering the hood of or going under the car and then removing a series of screws to remove parts of the engine and transmission. Then, these parts must be re-installed in …

Mancala is a family of boards games where the aim is to capture seeds that are placed in a number of bowls. This particular game is based on Oware (or Wari as it is called in the manual) a variant that originates from western Africa. The game can be played by one player against an AI or against another human …

Club Backgammon is a computer adaptation of the board game that can be played by two human players or by one human against three levels of AI. It's also possible to watch a game between two AI controlled players. The game follows the rules of the original board game and is played with a cursor that is used to click …

Block Out is a Tetris variant with an added twist: it's in 3D. The player can rotate the blocks in 3D in order to fit them into the pit they are being guided into. Advanced users can play this game with odd three-dimensional pieces, or change the size of the pit, for depth of between 6 and 18 piles, and …

Vegas Gambler is a casino game for one player which features four common casino games: Video Poker, Roulette, Black Jack and Slots. At the start of the game you have $500 to bet with. The betting limits are $200 for Black Jack and Roulette and $5 for Video Poker and Slots. Once you have placed a bet you only need …

Aliens threaten to destroy the earth via a huge bomb embedded deep within the planet. As a challenge to the human race, they have agreed to let Earth's finest pilot to get into a high-speed ship to get to the bomb before the timer runs out. Your ship has minimal shields to protect you from slamming into walls as you …

TrianGO is a variation of the board game Go that is played on a hexagon shaped board. The board is composed of 21 lines which cross to form triangles. The lines intersect to create 55 points where players can place their stones. The game is available for up to four players who take turns placing stones on the board. The …

Interface is thankfully the same as the first but that's where the similarity ends. More is the name here, more cars and parts to buy giving you every edge to regain your crown. Gameplay is it's most significant thing that you will ever remember in this classic. Gameplay control is really tight. You're given 3 venues to race your blood …

Year is 1963 and you're one of the hotshots aspiring to be king of the county. You're given a small sum of money to buy your first car. Tune it for maximum performance and off you go. In the diner where other hotshots are waiting to take your prized possession, you race for money and pink slips and if you …

Solidarnosc is a political simulation of the Polish underground freedom movement that culminated in the Solidarity trade union in 1980. The action begins when the communist government enforces the martial law on December 13th, 1981. Player's goal is to win support of the citizens and thus weaken the oppressive government. At your disposal are political activists, whose propaganda actions may …

Club Backgammon is a computer adaptation of the board game that can be played by two human players or by one human against three levels of AI. It's also possible to watch a game between two AI controlled players. The game follows the rules of the original board game and is played with a cursor that is used to click …

Blockout is a Tetris clone with an added twist: it's in 3D. You can rotate the blocks in 3D in order to fit them into the pit they are being guided into. Advanced users can play this game with odd three-dimensional pieces, or change the size of the pit, for depth of between 6 and 18 piles, and width and …