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Tubis is a complex Tetris variant that is best described as the "expert" level of Welltris. It is best described as Welltris stretched out in every direction so the well becomes cylindrical (a tube, hence the name Tubis) instead of cubical. Perhaps the best way to describe why I think this is THE most complicated Tetris clone of all time …

The aliens are here, and they're hellbent on razing city after city to the ground, by indiscriminately dropping bombs from orbit on everything that stands. The only defense against the extraterrestrials' obvious dislike of Earthling architecture is the Interceptor: a flying vessel armed with rockets, which launch upwards to take down the trigger-happy UFOs, and side guns, which fire shells …

Mankind have always tried to break through the borders of solar system, but due to wars, economic and ecological crisis this dream for a long time remained unrealised. In the third millennium the required technological breakthrough happened, which allowed humanity to make a step toward stars. Long after, widespread colonies, located on a distance of hundreds and thousands light years …

A little boy named Mick, on vacation in a beautiful, pastoral village, is playing ball with local girl Masha. As they venture into a meadow on the edge of a mysterious forest, Masha decides to pluck a pretty flower. Little do the kids suspect that the forest is home to a heartless witch, who broods alone in her gloomy castle …

In this arcade game you visit ImpArea, an area occupied by small imps running and jumping all around in random and continuous way. They are very busy with transportation of the souls of sinners. Your task is to free with your magic glass as many lost souls as possible from their terrible fate for a limited amount of time. The …

Brix by Doka (1992) is a quick thinking math game where you must flip operator symbols in an attempt to find matches and time them to the movement of the crane at the top.

Black Zone takes place in an eerie, derelict city - once it was a thriving town, but all went awry one day when a mysterious alien ship descended from above. The people vanished, strange machines began roaming the streets, working for some unknown alien purpose, and a grotesque red structure appeared in the skyline. Then the invaders vanished as quickly …

Not many pool sims allow you to pick various jungle monkeys as your player. This one does.

BabyType is a multi-language educational game aimed at teaching fast touch typing skills. While its title suggests that the game it was created for younger audiences, adjustable difficulty levels and friendly design make it suitable for all ages. The game is divided into levels that correspond to the number of keyboard characters that the player must type, with the lowest …