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Time to get your bat and pads, put on the whites and have a game of cricket. In this computer version of the game, you have the choice of length of game (40, 50, 60 overs or two innings), how many players (one or two), skill level (one to nine) and whether you want to play a simulation or arcade …

You play the role of Shark, attempting to halt the advance of the Intruders. Your mission is to penetrate deep into their ranks and strike at the heart of the invasion by destroying their Command Centres. Your first task is to defeat their jungle offensive. Extra weapons/ability may be obtained by collecting the weapon packs of aliens you have destroyed. …

Le joueur contrôle un enfant dans 30 niveaux différents. Vers la moitié du jeu, l'enfant rencontre Squeak, un alien bleu qui doit être guidé à travers les niveaux. Comme il ne peut pas sauter aussi haut que vous, il faut parfois lui demander d'attendre pendant que vous appuyez sur un commutateur ou de résoudre le casse-tête de la façon de …

Le joueur contrôle un enfant dans 30 niveaux différents. Vers la moitié du jeu, l'enfant rencontre Squeak, un alien bleu qui doit être guidé à travers les niveaux. Comme il ne peut pas sauter aussi haut que vous, il faut parfois lui demander d'attendre pendant que vous appuyez sur un commutateur ou de résoudre le casse-tête de la façon de …

Bénéficiant de la licence de l'un des plus grands joueurs de l'histoire, Brian Lara Cricket vous propose de plonger dans la compétition avec les meilleures équipes mondiales. Jouez en match simple ou lancez-vous dans le tournoi international et remportez la victoire !

Bénéficiant de la licence de l'un des plus grands joueurs de l'histoire, Brian Lara Cricket vous propose de plonger dans la compétition avec les meilleures équipes mondiales. Jouez en match simple ou lancez-vous dans le tournoi international et remportez la victoire !

EHIS gameplay included the basic running, kicking, shooting style but also had advanced technique gameplay which added depth and realism to the game. For example, turning naturally involved changing direction of the joystick, but instead of coming to a halt straight away, the player would slow down, stop and start to run in the direction of the joystick. EHIS advanced …

Like Domark's Rugby: The World Cup, World Class Rugby was released alongside the 1991 Rugby World Cup, which was won by New Zealand in a final against England. Recreating this full 16-team event is an option, as are individual friendly matches and an 8-team league. Options are highly customisable - there are 10 skill levels, variable match lengths, the option …

The Psycastria have constructed four different types of installation, one on land, one at sea on a giant carrier ship, one on the surface of the moon, and the final one in deep space. It is in these installations that they store their energy supplies in circular pods. You, now endowed with the skill and cunning of the famous Boggles, …

A puzzle game where the main goal is to make loops! Random pieces are presented over a board, including simple lines and corners as well as S bends and other warped shapes, of varying sizes. It is up to the player to link them up in a loop form, then moving on to the next level. Pieces can be placed …

In this out-of-canon adventure of gamebook hero Kai Master Lone Wolf, the player controls the dashing adventurer scaling the interior of warlock Gorazh's sinister magic tower Kazan-Gor -- an inverted pyramid, broadening as it gets higher -- in pursuit of a Lorestone of Nyxator located at the very top. Imprisoned in his flick-screen tower, Gorazh has filled it with monsters …

Impact is an old break-out style game. The user controls a paddle and needs to catch a ball with the paddle each time it comes down. When the ball hits a brick, it is destroyed (unless it's made undestroyable). Sometimes, a bonus will come out of the brick. This adds to the 'bonus score'. When the player collected one or …

Marble Madness meets pinball. Ball rolling game with a simple goal: Move the ball to hit moving targets within time limit to win the level. On the higher levels feature hazards and bonus items, and you can score some big points if you hit them in the right sequence. Most targets are cutesy-looking aliens, and a big yellow arrow shows …

Hell For Leather was a game being developed for Audiogenic by James Macdonald under his Psycodelic Software Developments label. It was the first game he had ever written, and was done to prove to someone at his local computer club that multiple levels of parallax could be done smoothly. Initially it started off as a single scrolling street scene, and …

Time to get your bat and pads, put on the whites and have a game of cricket. In this computer version of the game, you have the choice of length of game (40, 50, 60 overs or two innings), how many players (one or two), skill level (one to nine) and whether you want to play a simulation or arcade …

Of all the mundane tasks which have been turned into action-packed games, bug-repelling must be up there with being a Paper Boy or a Trashman. These aren't average bugs, Chicago is under siege from mutated insects, rats and even toy tanks. You'll have to work through seven houses, each of which has the typical rooms. You control a seemingly-dismembered hand, …

When a terraforming team on an unexplored planet sends some disturbing messages back to Earth and then stops responding altogether, a space-adventurer is sent to find out what happened. The gameplay is a side-on 8-dimensionally scrolling action-adventure set on a planet. The player must find a way to the lower depths of the planet to rescue the terraforming team and …

Emlyn Hughes' Arcade Quiz is a game based on quiz machines found in bars and public houses. The idea is to move through ten mazes of blocks and reach the Win bar on the right of the screen. Be careful though, as the maze scrolls to the left and if your not quick enough you will reach the Lose bar …

Cataclysm is pure shoot-em-up action. The lunar city of Erriam is under fearsome bombardment from the saucers fo the Jovian empire. You are the commander of the lone laser outpost, and your mission is-hold out as long as you can, or there can only be one outcome - CATACLYSM!

You use the joystick or four well-chosen keys to move the little workman around. The figure is really endearing. In fact, the use of color graphics is good all-round. You are presented with a screen of various layers, linked by ladders of varying lengths. A good feature is that every game is different, because the placing of the ladders, and …

One of the few computer games recreating cricket, the traditional summer pastime in many English-speaking countries. The game had different licenses with well-known cricketers in different countries. It was Audiogenic's second cricket game, 8 years after Graham Gooch's Test Match. All the international sides are present, with the chance to change the player data and choose the team yourself. Test …

Follow the adventures of Alice as she enters Videoland. There are four games to be completed to get Alice back home. Before your game starts you watch Alice follow the white rabbit through the country side and into the rabbit burrow. The next screen shows Alice falling. Game One: Alice is in a strange room and must collect potions, slices …

Wreckers is an isometric sci-fi action game with strategy elements. Robotic droids roll quietly through the corridors of space station Beacon 04523N, automated computers calculate routes for interstellar traffic. Three human officers sleep in cryogenic tanks, awakened only for routine system checks ? or in case of an emergency. With a hum, the cryogenic control springs on-line as Beacon?s long-range …