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The story starts, as many adventures do, in an old roadside tavern. One wild night a traveller joined a group around the fire and they exchanged tales. One old crone told a tale of the great king Ghall and how his kingdom had been swept away the hordes of invading dark things led by Lord Cthullo. Facing defeat king Ghall …

Super Skramble! is a clone of Konami's Scramble. It is a single player game in which the player flies a craft over hostile terrain and through cave systems shooting enemy craft, bombing ground stations and avoiding missiles. The objective is to achieve a high score with the three lives that are available. Only one bomb can be on screen at …

Following the events depicted in Shadowfire, General Zoff, the republican dictator, has been captured, but he still had time to declare war on the empire. While five members of the Enigma team: Zark, Sevrina, Syylk, Maul and yourself, escort Zoff to face the Emperor’s wrath, the war flares across the galaxy. As you cross the imperial border, Zoff concentrates his …

"The Island Caper" se déroule sur une île tropicale exotique avec un volcan encore en activité et d'autres risques naturels. Dans les îles se trouvent enfouies dans le sable des parties du missile top secret X-14 1/2 qui a atterri par accident. Votre mission est de trouver les 3 parties du missile et les assembler afin de vous évader en …