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Burger Man est une variante de BurgerTime. Dans chacun des niveaux le joueur doit constituer un certain nombre de hamburgers. Chaque hamburger se compose de quatre pièces dispersées sur les plates-formes. Le joueur doit marcher sur ces pièces pour les faire tomber au niveau inférieur. Un hamburger est fait quand les quatre parties sont sur le niveau le plus bas. …

In this ninja beat 'em up you take control of Kendo in a mission to retrieve secret documents which have been stolen. You have to fight your way through various guards and large dogs using your sword as well as kicks and forward-rolls. You must also go through several particle beams which block your path by collecting shields matching the …

In this beat 'em up game you control Hercules, the illegitimate son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene. Hera, Zeus' wife, therefore hates Hercules and made him kill his two children. The King of Argos gives him 12 labours that he has to fulfill. These twelve labours are symbolized by icons that appear occasionally on the screen. You have …

Escape from Doomworld is a three part game where you are tasked to rescue as many Scientists from the planet Helcara in the Brithya Sector who are stranded. An enemy force has penetrated the sector and built a base on the planet close to the research establishment housing the Scientists who have been captured. The Scientists who evaded capture are …

Cowboy Kidz is a top view vertical scrolling shooter where the screen scrolls constantly upwards as you control a cowboy on a horse shooting bandits to protect a mail-train. You ride alongside the train and you can go in front or behind it to ride along the other side. Bandits appear on the screen as you ride and they must …