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This game is based on the sport Australian rules football, or Aussie rules. It has two teams playing against each other in four, three minutes quarters and the aim is to score the most points at the end of the game to win. A goal, also known as a sausage roll, is scored if the ball goes through the middle …

Gilbert: Escape from Drill is an action game based on the animation series Gilbert. Gilbert, a disgusting alien, has come home after finishing shooting his current TV series. He needs to leave the planet Drill soon because he needs to sign his next contract - but unfortunately the population of Drill are sick of Gilebrt's arrogance. So they stole important …

A cubic-domain game in which you must change the colour of the grid and avoid the gorilla, balls and snake. Starring : Crazy Er*Bert Supporting cast : Boris the Gorilla, Coily the Snake Featuring : Cascading balls, deadly discs, balmy bananas, rotating rota-hats Great fun in this arcade-style classic! Part of "Triple Decker 7" game pack / a.k.a. "Pac Manic" …