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Les extraterrestres ont pris le contrôle de Chinaland et ont pris l'empereur en otage ! Heureusement, le fils de l'empereur a réussi à s'échapper et à raconter l'histoire du triste sort du pays à Jack et Ryu, les maîtres ninja résidents de Chinaland. C'est maintenant à eux de sauver l'empereur et de libérer Chinaland de l'invasion extraterrestre ! Super Chinese …

Vous incarnez Jack et Lee les rois de arts maritaux, et il vous faudras venir a bout des 8 chateaux pour sauver la princesses Min-Min et récuperer tous les trésors. En etes vous capables ?

Little Ninja Brothers sur Nes c'est avant tout une histoire ! Ce jeu de rôle/action vous propulse dans un monde où les ninjas règnent en maître. Blu Boltar, le chef du clan Yoma envahit Chinaland et fait prisonnier son empereur et se déclare seigneur des terres. Vous incarnez Jack et Ryu, deux maîtres ninjas, qui vont tout faire pour libérer …

Super Chinese World 3 is a Japanese-only action RPG developed by Culture Brain. It is the third SNES Super Chinese game, being a sequel to Super Chinese World 2. It keeps the Beat'em-up battle system from the previous games, but gives the opportunity to play with other characters than Jack and Ryu, each having a different way of fighting.

Following the events of the first Super Chinese World game, the world has been saved and Rub-A-Doc has invited the leaders of the world, including the Emperor Chin of Chinaland to a galactic peace conference. However the conference is disrupted when alien invaders capture all members of the peace conference and declare themselves rulers of the galaxy. To back up …

Super Chinese Fighter is a one-on-one fighter game for the Super Famicom and the first of a series of three fighter games based on the Super Chinese franchise from Culture Brain. The narrative of the game follows that of Super Chinese World 2, where extraterrestrial martial arts continue to be a threat to twin protagonists Jack and Ryu and their …

This is the ultimate baseball game! Precise pitching, Bulls-eye batting, and Awesome fielding! It's all under your control with simpler yet more sophisticated operation. With loads of features. You'll be an All Star! It is the ultimate baseball simulation you've dreamed of.

Puzzle Nintama Rantarou: Ninjutsu Gakuen Puzzle Taikai no Dan ("Puzzle Ninja Boy Rantarou: Ninja Academy Ranked Puzzle Tournament") is a puzzle game for the Super Famicom that features characters from the Nintama Rantarou anime series. It is the third of five Super Famicom games based on the license. The game sees the usual three ninja student protagonists, and their three …

This is the ultimate baseball game! Precise pitching, Bulls-eye batting, and Awesome fielding! It's all under your control with simpler yet more sophisticated operation. With loads of features. You'll be an All Star! It is the ultimate baseball simulation you've dreamed of.

Mahjong is a game for four players that originated in China. It was called, meaning sparrow in ancient China, which is still the name most commonly used in some southern Chinese dialects such as Cantonese and Minnan, as well as in Japanese. However, most Mandarin-speaking Chinese now call the game má jià ng.

Mahjong is a game for four players that originated in China. It was called, meaning sparrow in ancient China, which is still the name most commonly used in some southern Chinese dialects such as Cantonese and Minnan, as well as in Japanese. However, most Mandarin-speaking Chinese now call the game má jià ng.

Ultra Baseball Jitsumei Ban 2 is the fifth game in the Ultra Baseball (Baseball Simulator in the USA) series. It was released in 1994 for the Super Nintendo by Culture Brain in Japan only. These Baseball titles included some form of "Super League" where pitchers and batters would have special abilities. Baseball Simulator 1.000 (1989, NES), also known as Choujin …

Ultra Baseball Jitsumei Ban 3 ("Real Name Ultra Baseball 3") is the sixth game in Culture Brain's Baseball Simulator 1.000/Ultra Baseball series. As with the previous two "Jitsumei Ban" games, the players and teams are all taken from the official Nippon Professional Baseball league during the 95/96 season, and many of them appear in the intro and on the box …

Get ready for furious fighting action with ULTIMATE FIGHTER! The evil enemy made a raid on Rick's master's training school, took symbols and swords away, and left a letter of challenge behind. Rick, having vowed to be a true fighter, took up this challenge to win back the lost items. Sharpen your fighting skills and prepare for devastating, bonecrushing battles. …

Dans le jeu d'action Flying Warriors sur Nes vous êtes confronté à un combat entre la dimension des ténèbres et celle de la lumière. Vous incarnez un maître en arts martiaux qui doit utiliser ses capacités pour détruire le terrible Demonyx.

Flying Dragon : The Secret Scroll est un jeu d'action sur Nes qui raconte l'histoire de Ryuhi, un maître d'arts martiaux. Vous le suivez dans sa quête pour retrouver des parchemins magiques volés. Vous devez affronter les monstres sur votre chemin mais aussi vaincre en duel les boss en frappant leur point faible.

The Magic Of Scheherazade est un jeu de rôle/action sur Nes. Vous incarnez un magicien, pris au piège dans les affres du temps. Piégé par le sombre sorcier Sabaron, vous traversez plusieurs niveaux correspondant à plusieurs périodes historiques. Les combats se déroulent au tour par tour.

SD Hiryu no Ken is an Action game, published by Culture Brain, which was released in Japan in 1994.

Flying Dragon is a side-view battle game reminiscent of 16-bit titles. It features eight characters to choose from with two main modes of play, "SD" (super deformed) and "Virtual" (ala 'Virtua Fighter' style). SD mode is sort of RPG'ish with treasures you gain from winning battles and becoming a stronger fighter. it has the usual circuit, tournament and practice modes …