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La guerre multijoueur à grande échelle arrive sur les consoles alors que la série Battlefield de Digital Illusions introduit Modern Combat sur PS2. La série est connue pour sa guerre compétitive au rythme effréné, et jusqu'à 24 joueurs connectés à Internet peuvent se battre ensemble en ligne dans cette édition. Les guerriers virtuels équipés d'un casque peuvent communiquer en temps …
BUMPER TO BUMPER ACTION. It's fast. It's crazy. It's going to give you pinball elbow. You may be a pinball wizard, but are you sharp enough for Arrow Roll-Overs? Can you shoot the Sun-Run without getting burned? Can you make it to Midnight for 5 million points? Can you go for the tilt feature and still keep your equilibrium? Pin …
True Pinball is a pinball simulation that offers four tables rendered in either 2D or 3D views. The game also uses the PlayStation's Hi-Res mode for stunning detail and over 32,000 colors. Features include different music relating to the theme of each table, authentic sound effects and speech, plus up to six balls in play at once.