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Joe & Mac also known as Caveman Ninja, is a 1991 platform game released for the arcades by Data East. It was later adapted for the Super NES, Genesis, Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Amiga, and PC. The game stars the green-haired Joe and the blue-haired Mac, cavemen who battle through numerous prehistoric levels using weapons such as boomerangs, bones, …

Holy hell is Nitro Ball a blast to play! Data East took the balls-to-the-walls action of such titles like MERCS and Ikari Warriors and combined it with pinball, of all things. What's so incredible is that it works marvelously, and everything that makes both genres so much fun individually are seamlessly integrated. For instance, shooting foes can knock them into …

RoboCop est un jeu d'action sur NES. Vous êtes à Néo-Détroit, en 2015. Les quartiers sont à feu et à sang et l'OCP prend le contrôle de la ville. Au coeur d'une sombre machination entre pouvoir, corruption et trafic de drogue, vous incarnez RoboCop, le seul espoir.

Disoriented and confused, you are forced into a race against time, technology and termination. Running in the shadows and cracks between the Megaplexes, survival depends on your wits, your weapons and your wayward companions. Plunge into the dark side of the future, where technology and magic become one, where devolution and destruction are a way of life. Plunge into Shadowrun.

Captain America and the Avengers sur Super NES est la conversion du jeu d'action sorti en arcade. Incarnez les héros Marvel tels qu'Iron Man, Hawkeye et Vision. Vous pouvez choisir de jouer seul ou à deux simultanément, pour éliminer tout opposant qui osera se mettre en travers de votre super-chemin.

ABC's Monday Night Football gives you football action like you've never seen before! This is the only game that takes you from the bright lights of the announcer's booth to the gut-wrenching action on the field. You are the Quarterback - check off your receivers and find the open man. Now you're the wide receiver - catch the winning touchdown …

Night Slashers was produced by Data East in 1993. Night Slashers is a 1993 side scrolling beat'em up arcade game in a world full of zombies, vampires, and other monsters. Player can choose a hero from 3 characters: Jake White - an American monster hunter with cybernetic arms; Christopher Pal, a European vampire hunter and martial artist, and Zhao Hong …

An enhanced port of Suiko Enbu (aka, Dark Legend) exclusively upgraded for the Saturn. The game is a one-on-one 2D fighting set in medieval China and based around the myths of the classic "Shuihuzhuan" Chinese story. As usual for a beat 'em up, gameplay consists of you selecting your champion from a group of 14 fighters and clashing against each …

Super Birdie Rush is a top-down golf game released exclusively in Japan and the sequel to Golf Club: Birdie Rush. Super Birdie Rush was either developed by Data East or commissioned by them, and they also published the game. The player can select between Stroke Play, Match Play and Tournament, each of which takes progressively more time to complete. The …

It started out as a warm, peaceful summer day. Joe was lying in the green grass daydreaming about brontosaurus burgers while Mac was away hunting for dinosaurs. Hungry and relaxed, Joe returns to the village... BUT WAIT! Where are all the cavewomen? And where is all the food? That bogus bunch of Neanderthal nerds must have kidnapped the cavewomen and …

After a nuclear explosion, New York needs rebuilding. This has barely started when the 'Big Valley' gang enters and takes full control themselves. The Government sends a pair of heavies known as the Crude Dudes in to clear them out. As one of these Crude Dudes, you must travel through tough streets and take out Big Valley's people, destroying their …

Sengoku Denshou is an Action game, published by Data East, which was released in Japan in 1993.

Metal Max Returns is a post-apocalyptic turn-based RPG with a heavy emphasis on open-world, non-linear gameplay and vehicle customization. It is the remake of the original 1991 Famicom game, and the third game in the series overall after the 1993 sequel Metal Max 2. The protagonist is a player-named hero who is disowned by his mechanic father after he insists …

Magical Drop is played in a style and gameplay similar to Compile's (now Sega's) Puyo Puyo and Taito's Puzzle Bobble franchises; a "stack" of random colored bubbles descend from the top, and a player is defeated when a bubble hits the bottom. Bubbles can be picked up and dropped by the player's "clown" at the bottom, and are destroyed when …

Magical Drop sometimes referred to by native Japanese users as MagiDro , is a series of puzzle games originally released in the arcade, and later primarily released for several platforms such as the Neo Geo, Super Famicom, Sega Saturn and Neo Geo Pocket Color developed by Data East. The games are notable for being extremely fast-paced.

(Castelvania-like) Transformez-vous en Loup-garou, faites des bonds énormes, grimpez sur les murs et combattez les sbires du Dr Faryan qui veux détruire le monde.

Get ready for racing action like you've never experienced it. Because Al Unser Jr.'s Turbo Racing is so much more than just a game you drive. It's a game you design, a game where everything - from the pit crew to the power boost, from the suspension to the speed, right down to the color of the racing machine itself …

Tag Team Wrestling est un jeu de sport sorti sur NES. Ce jeu de catch est plutôt centré sur les combats en équipe et vous avez le choix entre deux possibilités : jouer avec l'équipe des ''gentils'' ou bien avec celle des ''méchants''.

Venez aider Kid Niki, ce gentil ninja dois sauver sa petite amie la Princesse Margot des griffes du Magicien de pierre. Armé de votre seul Katana il vous faudra parcourir tous les niveaux pour venir à bout de l'aventure !

Karate Champ est un jeu mixant action et combat sorti sur NES. Jouable seul ou à deux joueurs, votre objectif est de battre tour à tour et dans neuf endroits différents les meilleurs champions de karaté afin de prouver que vous possédez les meilleures compétences. Pour ce faire, vous disposerez d'une très grande variété de mouvements et de techniques.

Heavy Barrel est un jeu d'action sur Nes, dans lequel votre mission est d'infiltrer les sous-sols du complexe d'un missile nucléaire, car de dangereux terroristes en ont pris le contrôle. Pour empêcher l'utilisation de ce missile, il vous faut le Heavy Barrel, une arme expérimentale, composée de cinq morceaux qui ont été éparpillés et cachés dans la base.

Dash Galaxy In The Alien Asylum sur NES est un jeu d'action/aventure dans lequel vous incarnez l'explorateur Dash Galaxy qui vient d'atterrir sur une planète étrange peuplée d'aliens hostiles à votre présence sur les lieux. Cela ne vous empêche pas de partir à la recherche d'objets en tout genre ! Vous devez visiter toutes les salles de la base alien …