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White Knight Mk12 is a chess playing program for the BBC Microcomputer. It was developed by Martin Bryant. This program won the European Microcomputer Chess Championship in 1983, and was commercially released, in two versions (Mk 11 and Mk 12) for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron in 1984 by BBC Soft. White Knight featured a then-novel display of principal …

This first licensed game based on the longest-running television sci-fi series (starting in 1963) features the fifth doctor, Peter Davidson, on the cover. The doctor is a humanoid alien who travels through space and time on the TARDIS, which appears on the outside as a blue 1950s British police box. You must create a time key and take it to …

Doctor Who and the Warlord is a text adventure written by Graham Williams and published by BBC Software in 1985 for the BBC Microcomputer. It is based on the Doctor Who television series.

Black Queen is a contract bridge program both for beginners and for club players who wish to practice and improve their game. It was written by Michael Fellows.