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Pick out your favorite spot, drop by the Pro Shop and gear up for TNN's Bass Tournament of Champions. It'll take more than luck to catch the big ones! Test your skills and patience as you sound out bass. Choose your lure and cast your line in an honest to goodness bass fishin' experience right in your living room! For …

TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96 is the sequel to TNN Bass Tournament of Champions. It shares many elements with the PC game of the same name, but that version has an isometric-style map and a full 3D view for the fishing sequences. Just like the original game it is a fishing simulator that allows the player to access a free …

Dans le jeu de boxe Power Punch 2 sur NES, vous suivez l'histoire de Mark "Tough Guy" Tyler, le champion du monde poids lourd de boxe, imbattable depuis sa médaille d'or olympique. Un jour, lui et son manager décident de défier le monde entier, prétendant que personne n'arrive à la cheville de Tough Guy. Ce message est perçu très loin …

Vous incarnez Ron Trainer, un expert informatique. Vous êtes sur le point d'être miniaturisé pour pouvoir pénétrer les circuits de tous les ordinateurs de la ville afin d'éliminer tous les bugs qui y loge. Vous vous déplacez alors dans un scaphandre motorisé et luter contre les virus présents dans les circuits en neutralisant leur propagation en tirant dessus. Une fois …

Treasure Master sur Nes est un jeu de plates-formes dans lequel vous devrez vous mettre en quête de trésors fabuleux. Le soft vous emporte dans différents mondes où vous devrez accumuler le plus de matériaux possible pour passer au niveau suivant. Faites toutefois bien attention aux ennemis qui essaieront de vous arrêter !

Players control a boy with a helmet who kicks balls at enemies in an attempt to save his girlfriend from a unknown force inside an amusement park. The more damage he takes the more damage he does to enemies. The game was renamed The Trolls in Crazyland for release on the NES by American Softworks. It was previously scheduled to …

Year is 2055, energetic resources are nearly depleted. The B.A.E.R. (Bureau of Advanced Energetic Resources) had discovered the first deposit of praxillium, a new fissile element, more powerful than uranium, and not producing any nuclear Waste. After an explosion, the mining site remains silent, so the B.A.E.R. send the S.T.O.R.M to go and see what is happening. You are Andy …

Year is 2055, energetic resources are nearly depleted. The B.A.E.R. (Bureau of Advanced Energetic Resources) had discovered the first deposit of praxillium, a new fissile element, more powerful than uranium, and not producing any nuclear Waste. After an explosion, the mining site remains silent, so the B.A.E.R. send the S.T.O.R.M to go and see what is happening. You are Andy …

The Troll Islands have been plunged into a murky darkness by the Evil Overlord. He has summoned the power of Fire, Water, Earth and Air to starve the Trolls of life-giving light. It's up to you and your 4 Magical Trolls to save the Troll Islands and restore light and love to all the land.