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Impact is an old break-out style game. The user controls a paddle and needs to catch a ball with the paddle each time it comes down. When the ball hits a brick, it is destroyed (unless it's made undestroyable). Sometimes, a bonus will come out of the brick. This adds to the 'bonus score'. When the player collected one or …

Remember when computer games were fun? When you would stay up all night playing them? Helter Skelter unashamedly recreates the addictive simplicity, the fun and the enjoyment that made games like Pacman, Breakout and Bubble Bobble all-time classics! Bounce your way through 80 challenging screens, squashing monsters, snatching tokens and collecting bonuses. Then, for a change, use the built-in designer …

You ride a motorbike, and have to get through the level by dodging various objects, jumping over ramps, and collecting power-ups. The action is viewed from the side on, and you move the bike up or down, and can speed it up or slow it down.

Bug Eyes 2: Starman to the Rescue is a video game developed by Scrooloose and Bitbrain and published in 1986 by Audiogenic. Light years from Earth lies the rusting hulk of the Xxabanean flagship, disabled when it's power generator was destroyed by Space Agent Zelda. But Zelda was captured and imprisoned in the depths of a distant and desolate asteroid. …

Breakthrough (or Break Through) is a game for the BBC Microcomputer, developed by Ian Collinson and published by Audiogenic Software (ASL). A puzzle game in which you have to place blocks and melt them in order to get to the keys hidden somewhere on the screen.

A compilation of 7 Audiogenic games: Psycastria, Thunderstruck, Ultron, Contraption, Wizzy's Mansion, Space Ranger and Last of the Free.

Le joueur contrôle un enfant dans 30 niveaux différents. Vers la moitié du jeu, l'enfant rencontre Squeak, un alien bleu qui doit être guidé à travers les niveaux. Comme il ne peut pas sauter aussi haut que vous, il faut parfois lui demander d'attendre pendant que vous appuyez sur un commutateur ou de résoudre le casse-tête de la façon de …

Le joueur incarne un spationaute amené à explorer un gigantesque réseau souterrain extraterrestre. Il possède dès le départ toute une panoplie d'armes et de pouvoirs. Ses déplacements se font avec un jet pack qui subit la gravité, le vent et sa propre inertie. Les objets répondent également aux lois de la physique. La mort du spationaute le fait réapparaître au …

Officiellement autorisé par l'ancien stade de Wembley, ce jeu de football est essentiellement une version avancée des champions européens de l'océan. Le gameplay met l'accent sur les passes instantanées, avec une fenêtre d'image dans l'image affichée lorsque vous vous préparez à jouer une longue passe, ce qui augmente vos chances de trouver le joueur cible. La version AGA a été …

Le jeu a été remarqué pour avoir évité l'approche statistique lourde dans les jeux de simulation de gestion de football et s'est plutôt concentré sur le côté humain. Le jeu pourrait être combiné avec Emlyn Hughes International Soccer ou Wembley International Soccer (selon leur système) pour permettre au joueur de contrôler directement l'équipe pour chaque cinquième match.

Simple Simon is a interpretation of Ralph Baer's classic "touch" game of the '80, where the player needs to memorize a sequence of colors and tones and then press one of four function keys that are associated with that color and tone. As the player gets sequences correct, these sequences will become longer. The game ends if the player gets …

Blockade is a mix of a board game and a puzzle game. The goal is to get 5 in a row - either, horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

Alien Blitz is a clone of Space Invaders with no noticeable differences in design and gameplay. The player moves his missile base left and right and has to shoot down the alien intruders that move back and forth above him. If they reach the base line or if the player loses all his three bases the game is over. Four …

Motor Mania is a top view driving game where the screen scrolls vertically upwards as you try to drive your racing car for as many miles as you can. Starting at a gas station you are able to control your speed up to 80mph, brake and move left or right as you avoid other drivers and various obstacles. There are …