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Engloutir encore et encore ! Qui est-ce qui dévore des petites boules jaunes ? Qui file dans un labyrinthe à grande vitesse, mâchant des fantômes et marquant de gros points ? C'est Pac-Man bien-sûr, le personnage le plus affamé du monde ! Avalez un fruit délicieux et obtenez un gros bonus de score. Mais si vous êtes pris par les …

In a distant galaxy is a star system containing eight planets in which profits could be made trading between each planet until space pirates came along and robbed the traders on their trade routes. The traders could fight and die or get taxed by the pirates for a 1/4 of the value of the cargo and now all the traders …

Star Soldier is a run 'n gun game where you play a bounty hunter doing jobs for various planets for credits. You start the game choosing which weapons to use and how many energy packs to take. Once you are equipped you then scan the star system for any planets and when you find a planet you can get the …

In this game, players navigate a spaceship, using its built-in laser to destroy enemy ships in the process. Once players destroy enough enemies in a level, they can proceed to the next level where the enemies are much tougher. When the player comes into contact with any of these ships, a life is lost. When all lives have been lost, …

You are the King of the Little Green Men and you have just escaped from your captors but you are now stranded on this strange alien world. You play the role of the King as you attempt to meet up with your spaceship in this scrolling platform game where the screen scrolls when you move. There are various creatures and …

Ivan Mop needs help. His doppelgänger Ivan 2 has discovered the meaning of independence. If you can discover teh secrets of Atomic Particle Doublers and clean lifts, this is the game for you. The puzzle of a lifetime, or two...

This is the game based on the 80's TV series of the same name. Automan is a Tron style computer generated super-sleuth who has a glowing cursor to produce cars and 'coptors. An evil Automan clone has been created by an underworld crime organisation using the same program as Automan. It won't be for doing good though. Automan needs to …