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In this game, players control a soldier who must shoot four massive heads that belong to those of the four characters from the series. Each head shoots back, and contact with their bullets result in a loss of life. Once the heads are destroyed, the players proceed to the next level. As players progress to new levels, the speed of …

A platforming game in the mountain of the spiders. Get the keys and avoid the arachnids! Published by many, including Computronic 1984/10, Computronic-Sonderausgabe 1986/01, and Stonysoft #0003.

Jumbo Lander is a game similar to Lunar Lander, except instead of successfully landing on the moon the player must try to land a jumbo jet. The game plays in turns and each turn the player must input the new desired climb rate and thrust. On screen information include the climb rate, acceleration, velocity, altitude, distance to runway and runway …

Ferry is a timing game where the player must navigate a remote-controlled supply ferry through an asteroid field. The entire screen is comprised of one big scrolling asteroid field. The player must navigate a number of ferries across the screen. There are only two buttons, one for moving forward and one for moving back. The player gains a score based …

Published in Compute mit 1986/11 and re-released by Curbois software the following year, this is another remake of the classic 2600 Atlantis where you have to defend the mythical lost city of Atlantis. Enemy spaceships are trying destroy the Atlantean Capitol. You man the defense and can blast the invaders. The enemy fleet will return and attempt to get progressively …