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1st in the Questprobe Marvel Comics series. Play Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk through this interactive fiction game with graphics. You awake as Banner, tied by ropes to your chair in a bunker in the desert, once you free yourself, collect all the gems to escape this hellhole.

This is adventure #3 in Scott Adam's text adventure series. It takes place in a nuclear power plant. You must race against time to fulfill your mission or the reactor may be doomed. You use one or two word commands to move around and manipulate objects.

A clone of the 1978 Atari arcade game Avalanche developed and published by CBM for it's VIC-20 computer in 1981 as part of it's "Children's Fun Series". This game requires paddle controllers to play it.

Tank Gunner is an action game, in which you have to shoot mines. Part of a complimentary cassette you got in Canada if you purchased your VIC-20 (along with the cassette deck), or just the deck alone from Canadian Tire.

A breakout clone developed and published by CBM for their VIC-20 computer in 1982.

You are the lone defender of a starshlp outpost in a remote sector ot our galaxy. Three-dimensional invaders tumble and plunge toward the outpost attempting to destroy you. Your mission is to defend the base against the invaders as they attack from 8 channels on both sides of the Star Post. You must also defend against a Superalien which disrupts …

A basic game in which you have to wipe out as many stars as you can in the span of 60 seconds. Part of a complimentary cassette you got in Canada if you purchased your VIC-20 (along with the cassette deck), or just the deck alone from Canadian Tire

You are the commander...and Sea Wolf puts you in charge of sinking and destroying all enemy ships. You are armed with 4 torpedoes which will reload after you fire. Your primary targets are the small P.T. Boats which travel quickly through the water. You can choose the length of your playing time. Game times vary from 1 to 9 minutes …

The second of the Sargon chess games. In this version, you can play the computer or another opponent. To move, you type the piece's location then the destination, such as A2-A4 to move the far left pawn forward 2 spaces. If you press a certain key, you can hide the board and see the moves that have been made so …

In this arcade-ish game you are raiding the famous Fort Knox, known for having a lot of gold bars saved. You want to steal the aforementioned gold bars and bring them to your starting point. However, there are panthers which guard this place and you have limited time for every gold bar picked up.

Radar Rat Race takes the gameplay of Rally X and puts it into a rodent context. You control a rat, who must grab all the pieces of cheese in a maze, and flee from all the other rats. Once you reach a barrier in the maze, you are automatically rotated, but you can always manually change direction. There are red …

Pinball Spectacular is a single-screen top-view game which is a cross between pinball and Breakout where you control two bats on the bottom and middle of the screen to hit various objects to score as many points as you can. On screen there are blocks to remove, bumpers to hit and letters to hit to light up the word COMMODORE. …

In Money Wars the player takes the role of a robber that has to retrieve and deliver bags of money without getting shot. The game is viewed from a side perspective. The player starts at the left side and has to move across the screen to the money bag that lies on the right side and then return to his …

Mole Attack is one of the earliest computerized Whac-a-Mole variants. Gameplay should be clear: Moles randomly pop out of several holes (arranged in a 3x3 grid), and you can hit them using the right keyboard key (one for each hole). The sooner you hit the mole's head, the more points you get -- but if you hit the mole's buttocks …

A miniature golf game coded entirely in BASIC for the Commodore VIC-20. This was released in Canada as part of a compilation cassette if you purchased your VIC-20 from Canadian Tire.

Menagerie is a Frogger clone in which you are a bug and have to get to the 3 spots (which move by themselves) on the other side. You have to avoid bug eaters and jump on rabbits, lions and elephants.

Use thruster control to land the spaceship on the surface of Jupiter. Fuel consumption and speed readings are important for the player to determine how to land the craft. Choose from three landing pads of varying difficulty. Easiest landing pad multiplies the player's score by 2, hardest by 10.

A faithful clone of Namco's arcade hit Pac-Man for the VIC-20. The game however didn't last as it was pulled from the shelves due to a lawsuit from Atari, and was replaced by a lesser clone called Cosmic Cruncher.

The player controls a spaceship that can move left, right, up and down around the lower third of the screen. The ship can fire a single shot (called a "quark laser" in this game), which travels vertically up the screen. Unlike similar games, where the player cannot fire again until the existing shot has disappeared, the player can choose to …

Basic game in which you have to drop bombs on a rectangular shaped object that is supposed to be a submarine. Part of a complimentary cassette you got in Canada if you purchased your VIC-20 (along with the cassette deck), or just the deck alone from Canadian Tire

A game in which you have to bomb a damn by pressing the space bar. However, you have to watch out for anti-aircraft fire (which cannot be avoided) as well. The game is more based on timing your shots. You have three planes to do the job Part of a complimentary cassette you got in Canada if you purchased your …

Cosmic Jailbreak is a shoot 'em up game, with a twist. Like Space Invaders the player controls a tank at the bottom of the screen, has some bunkers to hide behind and must shoot aliens from the playing field. The primary difference is that this time the aliens are not so much invading, as trying to rescue their criminal friends …

Car-Race is an one-on-one racing game. The goal is to drive 5 laps and win the 5th one. Part of a complimentary cassette you got in Canada if you purchased your VIC-20 (along with the cassette deck), or just the deck alone from Canadian Tire

In Blitz an airplane moves across the screen at a constant speed. When the airplane reaches the far right of the screen it moves to the left-hand side and drops down the height of one airplane. Below the airplane is a number of skyscrapers of varying heights. The player has to drop bombs from the airplane by pressing the space …