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The well-known sliding block puzzle game is honored with another computerized treatment. In keeping with the original concept, the 4x4 board is populated with tiles numbered 1 to 15 and one empty space - the goal is to slide them around and shuffle them until the numbers are arranged in natural order, with the blank tile at the bottom right. …

The Fifteen Puzzle evoked as much excitement during the last quarter of the nineteenth century as the Rubik's Cube does now. The Fifteen Puzzle and the Rubik's cube are very similar in principle. the Fifteen Puzzle consists of a 4x4 square with one position empty and you must put the numbers into numerical order. The puzzle was invented in 1878 …

RUN 1984/08 (Issue #8), Blast Off with BASIC Games for Your Commodore 64. In Deadline, you must accumulate 500 points before your opponent. The computer selects a random number from 100 to 599, but you won't know which number. If your intuition or computer ESP gives you a clue, you'll be far ahead of the game. The computer then will …

Published in RUN 1984/01 (Issue #1), and in Dansk RUN 84/2 (Nov/Dec 1984) and also in RUN Gamepack Disk. A Lunar Lander style game where you fly the treacherous canyons, it's risky business for even the best arcade pilot. Can you make it through?

Released in the RUN Game Pack Disk and in RUN 1985/06 (Issue #18). Two players (or one player controlling both sides for single player games) take turns shooting pucks down an alley into scoring areas worth five, ten or 25 points each. Each player is given three pucks per turn to shuffleboard. Play continues until until one player reaches 150 …