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Rondaxians is a clone of Galaxian written by Carlos Rondao and published by Argus Specialist Publications Ltd. in their February, 1987 issue of A&B Computing magazine. Shoot the evil Rondaxians that try to invade Earth! But be careful, as they will shoot at you and even swoop down.

Published in Commodore Disk User 1989/09-10 and in Your Commodore 1990/11 (Tape #10). In Fortress, the object of the game is to guide your hypercraft through the 6 enemy fortresses and reach the teleport at the end of each. Whilst flying through the fortress thee are some obstacles which have to be eliminated. To do this, fire your laser at …

Published in Computer Gamer 1985/06 (Issue #03). You have to guide your ship through the screen collecting various objects, then escaping through the escape door. This may sound easy, but the planet you have been transported to, Nilgypon, has hostile aliens and a special type of radioactive electricity which attacks stationary objects (like the ones you want to collect), which …

Computer Gamer 1986/12 (Issue #21). The player controls two traps each of which can cover four holes. By covering the holes just before your friends (the blue ones)step on them you can guide them to food that they desperately need. To harass you is PINKY. He must be prevented from reaching the food by barring his path, for if he …

Released in Computer Gamer 1987/05 (Issue #26). You droid is in a void inside the C64. Well, not completely a void as there are plenty of nasty creatures to keep it company. Apart from the relatively harmless griblets, there is a satellite floating around the screen . Hit this with a laser and you'll set up a bar across the …

Dominoes is an adaptation of the traditional board game where the player competes against one computer opponent. The two players take turns laying domino bricks so that they create a chain of bricks. The bricks are placed so that adjacent numbers match. To win a game the player has to score exactly 72 points. Points are scored when the end …

As the Ace Pilot in control of a spanking new spitfire, your aim is to zoom in and destroy the flagging, archaic bi-planes of your enemy. You score 50 points for every Fokker you blast out of the sky. Published in Your Commodore 1985/07.

Published in Computer Gamer 1986/07 (Issue #16). Cricket is an arcade version of the popular sport. You have five men with whom you must score as many runs as possible. You must first choose fielder and bowler speed, higher numbers mean a more difficult game. The pitch appears and you must face the first ball. Check the position of the …

Published in Your Commodore 1984/10. For many years the French and British airways have been discussing how to speed up travel an at last they have designed a new Concorde, Concorde II. This should be far better than the original Concorde as it travels much faster and is more economical to run. Being a test pilot yourself you have been …

Computer Gamer 1985/05 (Issue #02). You play a caveman on the planet of Altair-4 hunting dinosaurs. You use a tamed cloud that can teleport dinosaurs, it follows you everywhere and so you can swing it into the path of a dinosaur, however you must avoid having the cloud touch your caveman as its radioactivity will cause him to lose energy.

Computer Gamer 1985/12 (Issue #09). The publishing of this game was as interesting as playing the game itself. The idea behind Climber! is to climb around a grid collecting the diamonds and avoiding the spiders and gaps in the grid, but the game was distributed on a 7 inch 33 and 1/3 RPM flexi record that you played on a …

Released in Your Commodore 1985/03, your task in this game is to guide Freddie through 5 different waves, collecting cherries as you go. You score 100 points for every cherry you nab. but watch out for the spiders and other creatures as they are out to get you. You will earn extra lives on waves 3 and 5.

Published in Commodore Disk User 1989/03-04 and in Your Commodore 1990/10 (Tape #09). The game uses a double six set of dominoes and takes out all the drudgery of shuffling and starting the game as the computer checks who holds the highest double, or the highest value, if no doubles are held by any of the three players, Player three …

Blackjack is a digital version of the classic card game. The player can bet each turn up to 25000 dollars. The player has infinite money to spend, so he cannot go bankrupt. The bank is played by the computer. Normal blackjack rules apply. This includes insurance, whenever the dealer draws an ace as his first card the player may start …

Published in the magazine, Your Commodore 1984/10. This computerized version of the popular board game, Battleship. You are in command of an attack submarine and a battle computer. Your task is to defend your fleet of surface ships with your torpedoes and destroy the enemy fleet before they wipe you out. Both fleets consist of the following: 1 Aircraft Carrier, …

A fun and original shoot em up in which you have to knock the incoming spiders back down the bath drainhole before they kill you. At the end of each level you get an amusing sub-game where you have to waggle left and right to reach the next level. This was released in both Commodore Disk User 1989/03-04, as well …

Home Computing Weekly #029 (20.09.1983). Alien Attack is a BASIC program using the Commodroe 64's sound and low res graphics to the full. Fundamentally, the game falls into the blast'em and beat'em format with an interesting variety of space scenarios. There are a potential 31 levels of skill available.

A Horse racing/betting game released in Home Computing Weekly #065 (05.06.1984). Welcome to Aintree. There are six races on today's card and you have $50 stake money. Which runner do you fancy? Will it be Shergar, Corbier, After Eight? The odds are shown and do make some horses more likely to win, although the favorite is not always the winner. …

Commodore Disk User 1988/09-10, Commodore Disk User 1988/11-12. A strategy game for two players which allows you to challenge either the computer or another human player. At first sight, it looks ridiculously simple, but you will need to look ahead very carefully to overcome the computer player. you start with a matrix of random numbers, some positive and some negative. …

Published in Your Commodore 1988/01 and also in Your Commodore 1988/02. Ackroyd's Saga is the first of two games aimed at helping the learning process of mental arithmetic skills. In the game, the 0 to 12 times tables are tested. The nought times table is included since it is a difficult concept to grasp. In the game, you play the …