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A unique "mammoth" guide to a magical world of machines, inventions, and technology. It's based on David Macaulay's book, a huge bestseller with over two-and-a-half million copies sold around the world. Now, on interactive CD-ROM, featuring outstanding animations and audio, Macaulay's unique and fascinating introduction to the world of science and technology truly comes alive. The machines he draws actually …

high seas! Explore every deck, cabin, nook, and cranny of this amazing 18th-century warship in your search for the hidden stowaway. Stephen Biesty brings his intricate, detailed illustrations to life with hundreds of animations, narrated stories, and sound effects to create a vivid impression of what life at sea was really like. Find the Stowaway - A stowaway is hidden …

Castle Explorer is an educational title aimed at children aged around eight or nine and over. Dorling Kindersley have used the medium of the game to show what a functioning castle would look like and explain about medieval life. The player can explore the castle in two ways. By entering honestly the title this becomes an interactive educational title. However …