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Since the beginning of time, two forces have struggled against each other: Cosmos and Chaos, Order and Power, Science and Magic . Each has always held the other in check , until now. A man known only as the "The Master Alchemist" has come upon the land, conquering all he touches. He may well be the most powerful creature of …

Few buildings have a more evil reputation than the castle of Baron Ty me. Listen to the oldest legends known in the nearby villages and you will see how the castle looms large in them. The castle holds the villages in a grip of fear, demanding daily offerings that none dare refuse to give. No one alive has ever seen …

Few citizens of the kingdom can forget that fateful day four months ago when Baron von Drummer returned from his morning duck hunt and found a man lying unconscious at the castle's entrance. In spite of the eerie shade of green that the man's skin had acquired, the Baron picked up the body and carried it into the castle, to …

Twelve centuries ago, King Drugia was mocking the young muslem that he had invited for supper. "You have as much chance of ruling the island as I have of finding a pearl in this oyster!" The King laughed, swallowed the oyster whole, and promptly choked to death. During the autopsy, one large white pearl was found in his throat. The …

Harvor McBane had once said that "There's nothing more dangerous than friends who have confidence in you ." You had never quite understood that before. The Count of Manchiu had been visiting the castle of your old mentor, Baron Gustav Greenleaf. Unfortunately, the welcoming festivities were spoiled by crime--the count's deathly ill son was kidnapped! Fortunately (for him). the baron …

A Vampyre--Nosferatu--Prince of the Undead. The most dangerous of all creatures that walk the night. No rogue in his right mind (and very few out) would choose to tangle with one, and yet that crazy old man's offer had been just too sweet to res ist. Your group arrived at the cave where your quarry supposed ly lived . It …

SwordThrust was an improved version of Eamon (a public domain RPG also produced by Donald Brown). Unlike most games of its era, it was modular. This game, the so-called Master Disk, contained the main program and one adventure. Then subsequent adventures were released, which required this Master Disk to play. This is a similar model to the Epyx DunjonQuest series. …