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This cartridge offers many variations based around shooting duels. UFO 1 & 2 The objective of these games is to destroy mmore UFOs than you oppponent. The difference between UFO 1 and 2 is the score value of the destroyed UFOs. Sea Monsters Destroy the monsters at the bottom of the sea, but don't kill the fishes! Break it down/rebuild …

A space invaders knock-off with little no differences from the classic arcade game. Released in 1978 by APF Electronics.

This is the built-in game for the APF MP-1000 videogame system released in 1978. The object of the game is to destroy the most space ships within 1 minute period. In 1 player mode (see video below), your opponent is the videogame system. For the first minute it will fire at the space ships trying to score most points. Then, …

Pinball - three variations of Pinball. Dungeon Hunt - 70 squares, behind which are hidden 8 different colored objects. For finding monochrome additional bonuses are added. Up to 4 players. Blockout - 4 variations of the snake. A game for two.

This cartridge offers 3 games: Hangman Classic Hangman videogame, though this one might be the first of its genre on a console along with Hangman for the Atari VCS 2600, and Hangman for the Channel F released the same year (1978). Maybe there was even earlier versions on computer systems, but no proof has been found yet. This version for …

A game of skill and challenge designed for the whole family to play. Play ends when every square is occupied. The winner is the one with the majority of squares in his color. The game board is constructed of 64 squares. After the board is laid out, each player than takes a turn, making one move for each turn.

One of the earliest videogame dedicated to Casino games. This cartridge offers 3 different games: Roulette, Keno and Slot.

This cartridge offers two games, Brick Down and Shooting Gallery. Brick Down Brick Down is of course a copy of the arcade hit Breakout from Atari (1976), but here the playfield if turned 90° to the right, so that the paddle up and down like a normal pong game. The object of the game is to destroy all the bricks …

Boxing is a recreation of the sport viewed from a side view perspective. The player can move the boxer forward and backward, throw punches and block the opponent's punches. The objective is to knock out the opponent (by managing five hits in a row) or win the most number of rounds.

This cartridge offers two games: Bowling and Micro Match Bowling This game is one of the earliest bowling videogame released, along with the RCA Studio II version (1977), the Fairchild Channel F bowling (1978) and the Atari VCS (1978). All of them seem to have been inspired by the first bowling arcade videogame Robot Bowl (1977). You can play Bowling …

Another Blackjack game, but maybe the best one released in 1978, compared to its competitors (Channel F, Atari VCS, Bally Astrocade). The APF M1000 is the only system to bother to include symbols for the suit! You can choose the number of decks up to four that the dealer draws from.

It seems like all gaming systems must have their Baseball game, as early as 1978! Indeed the RCA Studio II, the Fairchild Channel F, the Bally Astrocade and the Atari VCS all had their Baseball game! he controls are similar to other Baseball games. The outfielders are moved with the joystick, though you can't move them after the ball is …

This is one of the earliest Backgammon videogame along with the Channel F Backgammon released the year before (1977). There are two game variations: - two players game - play against the computer This is an important point: to be able to play against the computer. In 1978 it was not that common. The graphics are quite decent for such …