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Volcano is a video game written by Michael St Aubyn and published by Acornsoft for the BBC Microcomputer. Four men are stranded on the side of an erupting volcano and it's up to the player to rescue them with his emergency helicopter while avoiding or shooting the erupting boulders. The player has to work quickly since lava is pouring from …

In this text adventure game, your spaceship crashlands on a strange planet known as the Seventh Star. There you must try to survive on the planet long enough to find out how you can get back to earth. A lot of very strange characters inhabit the city. Some may help you but others will be hostile so you must be …

Tetrapod is an arena shooter with controls similar to Asteroids, with the player being able to move forward, shoot and rotate left and right. For every stage the player has to defeat a number of creatures ranging from killer bees in early levels to red devils and poison orbs in later ones. What makes this more complicated is that the …

This game combines football management with actual game playing. You can play either section in isolation, or you can play the combined arcade and mangement game. So you can choose to be a player, a manager or a player-manager. Arcade Soccer Features: Heading, passing, dribbling, sliding tackles, corners, throw-ins, goal kicks

Super Invaders was written by Geoff Crammond. It is a Space Invaders variant. The player controls his defender ship left and right and has to prevent aliens from landing by shooting at them. Some protection is offered by four bastions which can take some shots before being destroyed. This version of the game offers three different difficulties with the harder …

The player assumes the role of captain of a battle starship, charged with defending the frontiers of space from hostile alien ships, which come in two sizes — large and small. The larger ships have cloaking devices which make them invisible. Damage is inflicted on ships when they are shot or rammed by other ships. Uniquely for the time, the …

Spycat: An Interactive Exposé of M.I.41/2 is an arcade adventure video game for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron, written by Peter Scott (under the pseudonym Dylan) and published by Superior Software in 1988. The game is a parody of the scandal surrounding the Spycatcher book. Spycat is loosely based on the then current scandal surrounding the release of Spycatcher, …

PHINX ADVENTURE was the first adventure to be released by Acornsoft and is, to my knowledge, still the only one available on cassette for the Electron. It's modelled very generally on the original Crowther and Woods' Colossal Caves. You'll meet some familiar characters in it, though, to be fair, it is nothing like Colossal Caves and is a very worthy …

Spellbinder is an adventure game, released for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron in 1987. The game was written by Dan and Etan Shirron, two teenagers from Israel. They were 14½ and 16 when they started coding the game in 1986. The equipment used to write it was a memory monitor chip, a monochrome 14" TV, a cassette tape recorder …

This is a game for two players. Scoring and gameplay rules are as in the real world game. The strength of a shot is controlled by varying the que length, and players have the option of using backspin and topspin in addition to ordinary shots.

Snapper was one of the first Video Arcade Conversions made for the BBC by AcornSoft. They got this conversion so bang on correct, that a certain arcade manufacturer threatened to sue Acorn. Because of this, the game was later changed: the Pac character changed, and so did the ghosts. Of course, none of this really altered the gameplay, and even …

SimCity sets you as the mayor of a new municipality, with the responsibility of building and maintaining a place where citizens can move to and work and be happy. The first task is to place essentials such as housing, transport links, schools, factories and shops. There are 50 types of these, allowing for homes of all standards and different types …

Rocket Raid was written by Jonathan Griffiths and released in 1983 by Acornsoft for the BBC Microcomputer. It is a side scrolling shoot 'em up and a variant of Scramble. The player has to fly his space craft through a cave that consists of five sections each with different hazards and enemies. Enemies include rockets launching from the ground, small …

Revs plus Revs 4 Tracks was released by Superior Software / Acornsoft in 1986. This enhanced edition included all 5 tracks: the original Silverstone plus the 4 tracks from the expansion pack, Brand's Hatch, Donnington Park, Oulton Park and Snetterton. The enhanced edition also included a 'steering assist' driving aid "designed to improve control of the car when using keys …

Revs is a 1984 Formula Three simulation written initially for the BBC Micro by Geoff Crammond and published by Acornsoft that is notable for its realistic simulation of the sport and as a precursor to its author's later work on Formula One Grand Prix and its sequels. It was ported to the Commodore 64 in 1986.

The object of this adventure is to find all the treasures and a safe place to deposit them. The computer is your eyes and hands, it will describe your immediate surroundings and any objects you might be able to use. It will also tell you what is happening around you. You must tell it, in return, what to do by …

Planetoid is a computer game written by Neil Rayne and published by Acornsoft for the BBC Microcomputer in 1982. The original Planetoid was named Defender and it was a straight clone of the arcade game by Williams, but was changed for legal reasons. There was also a version called Super Defender.

Welcome to the adventure! This pack contains a program on disc plus instructions for Philosopher's Quest, an "intelligent" adventure where the player explores a strange land full of weird and unlikely things, some dangerous, some even magical. In this game the concept of the adventure is exploited to the full, and extended to include abstract thought as a means to …

Monsters is a variant of the arcade game Space Panic. It's a single screen platform game where the player has to kill monsters by digging holes in the ground. When the monsters then walk over the holes they get trapped and the player can kill them by filling in the hole. They will then fall down and die and any …

Missile Base is a variant of the arcade game Missile Command. The game works the same with the player being in command of protecting six cities from an assault of missiles. The player has access to three anti missile bases that each contains nine rockets which when fired explodes into fireballs that destroy any missiles within its radius. When playing …

Meteors is an Action game, developed and published by Acornsoft, which was released in Europe in 1982. Another almost perfect arcade conversion, this one is of Atari's Asteroids. The gameplay was just like the arcade game, and the visuals had been enhanced from the original Black and White graphics

Meteor Mission is a Lunar Rescue variant. The player controls an emergency space capsule which has be to be used to rescue six astronauts stranded on an alien planet. The player starts in a mothership at the top of the screen from which he has to descend down to the surface where the astronauts are waiting. But to succeed he …

Maze is a real-time game with fast 3D graphics. You must find your way around the mazes which make up the security system inside the top secret installation of a rival company. To obtain the secret information you are looking for, you must search as many of the levels as you can, moving between them in the computer-controlled lift. The …

Master Break is a snooker themed quiz game that can be played by up to four players. In a single player game the aim is to get the highest break (up to a maximum of 147) while the multi player game is simply about getting the highest score. The player starts with a red ball question and the player has …