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You have been woken too late from suspended animation to save your ship from crashing on a strange planet. Now it is up to you to save your fellow crew members by finding replacement Plasma Pods and getting of this hostile planet. You fly around in your spacepod over the planets surface and in underground tunnels trying to find the …

Steer your hot air balloon through the tunnel to safely escape. The game plays like a more complex lunar lander. You must move through the cave system in your balloon without your wobbly hot-air balloon hitting any of the cave walls. You must avoid them and land the balloon. There is a time limit in force for all levels. Bonus …

A game of the infamous "Cassette 50" collection. This is essentially the same text adventure game as Skull Castle on the Vic-20. Who hasn’t ever wanted to be put in a cage in a smelly room by the Skull Master? I know I have. And now you can, by playing THE FORCE. You are a barbarian and you hear about …

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection. Pontoon is a type of solitaire game. This one is presented completely in text without any graphics at all. The goal is to get closest to 21 in five cards or less. With less cards scoring higher, with the exception of having five cards and still being less than 21 being scored …

A game of the infamous "Cassette 50" collection. Also published in Digital Marketing PD #229. You are a Jet-powered caterpillar and have to eat as many lettuce leaves as possible in 2 minutes. You must not bite yourself or run into the side of the box, which also contains a hungry blackbird. Extra points are given for the length of …

A Blitz clone from the rather infamous Cassette 50 compilation from Cascade Games. You are the pilot of a fighter plane. Fuel is running dangerously low and in order to refuel your bomber, you must destroy the enemy city before landing. Use your bombs carefully as there is only one available at a time. Your skill level is increased after …

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection. Guide your bug up the screen, while avoiding the fast growing mushrooms. The mushrooms will spread down the screen as the spores germinate. By avoid the mushrooms we mean DON'T TOUCH THEM, THEY ARE CONCENTRATED EVIL!

A text adventure from the rather infamous Disk 50 compilation from Cascade Games.

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection. You have trespassed in a forbidden garden and the weeds are trying to trap and engulf you. Try to avoid being trapped by the multi-colored man eating weeds. keep going as long as you can. Once surrounded by weeds you will no longer be able to move. The longer it takes for …

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection. You are trapped inside a maze that is on fire. Can you escape the Infernal MAZE?!

Ice Busters is an arcade adventure set in the Ice Age. The game is split into two levels. The first level varies between the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum versions. In the C64 version, Eddie must make his way toward Percy Penguin who has been captured by a polar bear named Growler. This can be done by navigating a series …

A game of the infamous "Cassette 50" collection. Also published in Tiger-Crew-Disk #06 (1994/09) and Digital Marketing PD #055, also Digital Marketing PD #229 and finally Stonysoft #0419. In this game, the highest hand is 3 threes, followed by 3 aces, three kings, three queens, etc. Nest best is a running flush (straight), first ace-two-three, then ace-king-queen, king-queen-jack, etc. After …

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection and also in the equally ill-famed 75 Spill Datatronic collection. This is a basic version of the pencil-and-paper game hangman. A mystery word is presented by an amount of underlines equal to the letters in the word you need to guess. Each letter you guess incorrectly builds first the gallows pole and …

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection. In this Pac-Man "clone", to meet a ghost means death unless you have eaten a power pill. Eat bonus fruits to score extra. Eat an "*" and you can kill a ghost.

Published as a game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection. This is a head-to-head, 2 player game where you try to shot down your opponent's five planes using rockets or Air-Mines. Turbo boosts can also be used to get yourself out of trouble or to surprise your opponent. You have 5 mines and 5 turbo boosts to last you for …

In this game, players have to launch a spaceship from a vessel that moves left and right repeatedly until the fire button is pressed. After the ship is released, it must be guided through a field of orbs (that also move left and right) to one of the four pads at the bottom of the screen. While avoiding the orbs, …

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection. You are trapped in a force field with 10 Spongs and 10 fast moving Gulpers. Gulpers can move, but Spongs can't. Gulpers can eat you, Spongs can eat you and Gulpers. Try to escape and destroy the Gulpers. Hint: Try hiding behind the Spongs!

A game of the "Cassette 50" collection. A game based on the popular TV game countdown. You first may choose the number of letters you wish to play with. Type in the number and hit return. A maximum of 14 letters is recommended, but 8 is the usual number. Then you may choose vowels or consonants one at at time …

A maze/labyrinth game published by Cascade Games/Cascade Software in their rather infamous Cassette 50 compilation (C64 version). This is a one player game and your mission is to rob the bank in a limited time and escape. You have to make your way through the invisible maze towards the safe. The fire button will show you a map of the …

A game of the notorious "Cassette 50" collection and also released on Digital Marketing PD #234. Pick your level of difficulty and then hit the slopes, but not too hard or they'll need to send out the Sonny Bono memorial ski patrol to scrape up what is left of you. Shoosh left and right to avoid the trees, houses and …

A game of the infamous "Cassette 50" collection. This game collection taught so many youngsters so very much: not to trust advertisements, if it looks too good to be true it is probably worse than you can even imagine, that sort of thing. This game screams DO YOUR SUMS! Then asks for your name and age and if it can …

A game of the ill-reputed "Cassette 50" collection. Also released in Digital Marketing PD #055 and Stonysoft #0419. You start off with £1000.00 and bet on a horse 1 to 6. If your horse wins the race then you win the amount of money depending on the odds. So if you put in £10 on a 5/1 then you win …

You are Davy: King of the Wild Frontier, and your gal and all your clothes and equipment have been taken by the pesky Injuns in this side view flick screen game where you have to get from the left of each screen to the right. On each screen is a piece of clothing or equipment on the right and you …