Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation 2 1. Start 2. Copyright 3. Guys 4. Story 5. Controls 6. Help 7. Levels 8. Walkthrough 9. Thanks 1. Start Version: 1.61 Updated: August 26th 2002 First Version maked: January 23rd 2002 Maked by: viihdemedia E-Mail: E-Mail to me ONLY advertisements for mistakes and something what aren't in my FAQ/Walkthrough and e-mail always English This FAQ/Walkthrough is for European Version. Something may be different in another versions of the game. This FAQ/Walkthrough can ONLY published in GameFAQs <> 2. Copyright This FAQ was Copyright by viihdemedia 2002 and this FAQ can’t publish another site without my permission 3. Guys GOOD GUYS: Aku Aku -The good leader Crash Bandicoot -The hero who has the jeep, ball, Mech, aeroplane, firefly, diving bell and copter-backpack. Coco Bandicoot -Crash's sister who has the space-ship, scooter, water-scooter and snowboard. BAD GUYS: Uka Uka -Aku Aku's bad twin. Dr. N. Cortex -Uka Uka's most important man. Crunch Bandicoot- The boss who wants also destroy Aku Aku, Crash and Coco. Tiny Tiger- Tiny is big and he try to stop Crash and Coco. Dingogile- Dingodile is half Dingo, half Crocodile and his favourite hobbies are reading Shakespeare, playing croquet and roasting people with his flamethrower! Dr. N. Trophy- He makes warp technology to Uka Uka. Dr. N. Gin- Half man, half machine, with half missilesticking out of his head. 4. Story When we last time saw Crash Bandicoot, he was just defeated Dr. N. Cortex and Uka Uka. Now Crash, Coco and Aku-Aku are at holiday at beach. Luckily, over the past couple of years, Dr. N. Cortex has been working on a super-secret weapon that will surely crush Crash forever. The weapon is super-bandicoot called Crunch, but it needs more power. Uka Uka tells a story to every bad guy: “Several thousands of years ago the Ancient Ancestors fought a brave battle against the elementals - a group of renegade masks who had control and power over the elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Each mask reigned over a specific element and used these elements to ravage the globe. The Ancient Ansetors were able to imprison the Elementals through the use of special crystals that put them in a state if hibernation.” Uka Uka explains that if they canrelease these masks and harness their destructive power, Cortex can complete his super-secret weapon and rid themselves of Crash Bandicoot once at all. Back on Earth, all heck breaks loose. A volcano erupts, showering the land with lava and charred rock. A tornado rages through the jungle and then a thundering earthquake shakes the Earth off of its hinges. Aku Aku knows somwthing is very wrong here. He knows the Elementals have been unleashed on the world once again. The only way to put an end to the Elementals is to find the Elemental crystals that are scattered all across the Earth. Utilizing her brilliant technical savvy, Coco creates a Virtual Reality warp device that will take them to the different points on the globe to retrieve the crystals. Can Crash and Coco brave the elements and destroy Ctunch? Or will Cortex finally have his day in the sunlight? 5. Controls The arrow controls can replace left analog stick. Crash/Coco: Up: Forward Down: Back Left: Left Right: Right Triangle: Show the game situation X: Jump Square: Crash’s Spin/Coco’s Karate Kick Circle (or R1): Crouch Hold up Circle (or R1) and press Up, Down, Left or Right: Creep X + Circle (or R1): Crash’s Body Slam/Coco’s Thump Circle (or R1) + Up, Down, Left or Right while running: Slide Circle (or R1) + X + Up, Down, Left or Right while running: Super-Slide Aeroplane: Up: Up Down: Down Left: Left Right: Right R2: Direct barrel to right L2: Direct barrel to left Ball: Up: Forward Down: Back Left: Left Right: Right Mine Cart: Up: Faster Down: Slower Left: Left Right: Right Jeep: Left: Left Right: Right X: Accelerate Diving Bell: Up: Up Down: Down Left: Left Right: Right Square: Shoot X: Drop depth bomb Firefly: Up: Up Down: Down Left: Left Right: Right X: Holding down sight locked. When it’s locked, shoot by ending the holding. Coco’s Scooter/Snowboard: Left: Left Right: Right X: Jump Circle: Accelerate Copter back: Up: Down Down: Up Left: Left Right: Right X: Forward Circle: Back Mech: Up: Forward Down: Back Left: Left Right: Right X: Jump Square: Hold up it to raise the gun and move the target with directional buttons. When it’s locked, shoot by ending the holding. Space Ship: Up: Up Down: Down Left: Left Right: Right X: Shoot 6. Help You can load/save/delete game if you watch the LOAD/SAVE screen. You can go to the death route only if you're not died any time in the level. In the bonus if you die, you don’t lose a life. Only you must go to bonus second time. Every time you get the first clear gem from destroying all the boxes (not boxes those are already iron). If you have already the Crystal, getting the clock you can go to Time Trial and try getting the Sapphire, Gold or Platinum Relic. Percentage doesn’t any effect what Relics there are. It’s the same is it Sapphire, Gold or Platinum. Of course, Sapphire is easiest, second-easy is Gold and Platinum is hardest. Often you get the second clear gem if you go end of bonus platform. If you want to go to bonus platform, you need the coloured gem from another level’s death route. In the Secret Warp Room, the second clear gems are like Crystal, but you can go to Time Trial also if you haven’t got the second clear gem. Boxes: Normal Box: It’s brown and you get Wumpa-Fruits destroying it. Jumping Box: It’s also brown and it has down-up boards. If you jump on it, you get very many Wumpa-Fruits. ? Box: It’s brown and it has yellow ? There is a surprise. Aku Aku Box: It’s brown and it has Aku Aku. You get there Aku Aku mask. If you have three Aku Aku masks, you get undamaged for short time. Checkpoint: It’s brown and it has yellow C. If you die, you can start from last Checkpoint, if you destroyed it. Crash/Coco Box: It’s Brown and it has Crash/Coco. There you get an extra life. Slot Box: Every time it changes faster and faster. After a short time, it changes to Iron Box. Arrow Box: It’s brown and it has an arrow to up. You can jump high on it. If you destroy it, you get Wumpa-Fruits. Iron Arrow Box: It’s grey and it has an arrow to up. Iron Box: It’s grey. If this comes to your head from up, you die. Steel Box: It’s grey and brown. You can destroy it, if you do Body Slam or Karate Kick. Line Box: It has only lines. You must shoot ! Box for making Line Boxes real. ! Box: It’s Grey and it’s got ! Nitro Crasher: It Crashes all the nitro’s in the level. It’s green and it’s got ! Nitro: You crash if you touch Nitro. TNT: If you touch it, it crashes after three seconds. If you spin or slide it, it crashes immediately. Invisibility Box: If you get it, you get invisibility for short time. If you have invisibility, you can go through lasers. Time Box: These are only in Time Trial. If you destroy them, clock stops as many second as in the box. 6. Levels Quick Level List: 1: Arctic Antics 2: Tornado Alley 3: Bamboozled 4: Wizards and Lizards 5: Compactor Reactor Boss 1: Rumble in the Roks 6: Jungle Rumble 7: Sea Shell Shenanigans 8: Banzai Bonsai 9: That Sinking Feeling 10: H2 Oh No Boss 2: Drain Damage 11: The Gauntlet 12: Tsunami 13: Smokey and the Bandicoot 14: Eskimo Roll 15: Fahrenheit Frenzy Boss 3: Crashes to Ashes 16: Avalanche 17: Droid Void 18: Crashteroids 19: Coral Canyon 20: Weathering Heights Boss 4: Atmospheric Pressure 21: Crash and Burn 22: Gold Rush 23: Medieval Madness 24: Crate Balls of Fire 25: Cortex Vortex Boss 5: Crunch Time 26: Knight Time 27: Ghost Town 28: Ice Station Bandicoot 29: Solar Bowler 30: Force of Nature Crash Levels: 1: Arctic Antics 2: Tornado Alley 3: Bamboozled 4: Wizards and Lizards 5: Compactor Reactor Boss 1: Rumble in the Roks 6: Jungle Rumble 7: Sea Shell Shenanigans 9: That Sinking Feeling 10: H2 Oh No Boss 2: Drain Damage 11: The Gauntlet 13: Smokey and the Bandicoot 14: Eskimo Roll 15: Fahrenheit Frenzy Boss 3: Crashes to Ashes 17: Droid Void 19: Coral Canyon 20: Weathering Heights Boss 4: Atmospheric Pressure 21: Crash and Burn 22: Gold Rush 23: Medieval Madness 24: Crate Balls of Fire 25: Cortex Vortex Boss 5: Crunch Time 27: Ghost Town 28: Ice Station Bandicoot 29: Solar Bowler Coco Levels: 8: Banzai Bonsai 12: Tsunami 16: Avalanche 18: Crashteroids 26: Knight Time 30: Force of Nature Level-Jumping Levels: 1: Arctic Antics 4: Wizards and Lizards 5: Compactor Reactor 6: Jungle Rumble 8: Banzai Bonsai 10: H2 Oh No Boss 2: Drain Damage 11: The Gauntlet 12: Tsunami 15: Fahrenheit Frenzy 16: Avalanche 17: Droid Void 20: Weathering Heights 21: Crash and Burn 22: Gold Rush 24: Crate Balls of Fire 25: Cortex Vortex Boss 5: Crunch Time 26: Knight Time Flying Levels: 2: Tornado Alley 9: That Sinking Feeling 18: Crashteroids Boss 4: Atmospheric Pressure Ball Levels: 3: Bamboozled Boss 1: Rumble in the Roks 14: Eskimo Roll 23: Medieval Madness 29: Solar Bowler Fleeing Levels: 4: Wizards and Lizards 6: Jungle Rumble 12: Tsunami Boss 3: Crashes to Ashes 16: Avalanche 24: Crate Balls of Fire Mine-Cart Levels: 5: Compactor Reactor 22: Gold Rush 27: Ghost Town Jeep Levels: 6: Jungle Rumble 13: Smokey and the Bandicoot Diving Levels: 7: Sea Shell Shenanigans 10: H2 Oh No 19: Coral Canyon Racing Levels: 13: Smokey and the Bandicoot 27: Ghost Town 28: Ice Station Bandicoot Copter-back Levels: 15: Fahrenheit Frenzy 28: Ice Station Bandicoot Mech Levels: Boss 3: Crashes to Ashes 17: Droid Void 24: Crate Balls of Fire Arctic Levels: 1: Arctic Antics 14: Eskimo Roll 16: Avalanche Boss 4: Atmospheric Pressure 28: Ice Station Bandicoot 30: Force of Nature Wizard Levels: 4: Wizards and Lizards 8: Banzai Bonsai Reactor Levels: 5: Compactor Reactor 10: H2 Oh No 15: Fahrenheit Frenzy 20: Weathering Heights Water Levels: 6: Jungle Rumble Boss 2: Drain Damage 12: Tsunami Fire Levels: 9: That Sinking Feeling 15: Fahrenheit Frenzy Boss 3: Crashes to Ashes 21: Crash and Burn Gauntlet & Knight Levels: 11: The Gauntlet 26: Knight Time Space Levels: 17: Droid Void 18: Crashteroids 24: Crate Balls of Fire 25: Cortex Vortex 29: Solar Bowler 7. Walkthrough WARP ROOM 1 Level 1: Arctic Antics 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Blue Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:15.00 Gold 0:45.00 Platinum 0:37.00 Best time 0:34.12 This is an old level-jumping level. Dodge seals and don’t fall to the water. The Ski men are stupid because they come supremely. Near, left of the bonus is a death route where is very many nitro's and you must jump to the gliders in the end of it. You get there the blue gem. Crystal is after Bonus and Death Route over the bridge near the end of the level. There are also mammoths. Shoot them and get lives. Boxes: 15 Enemies: Ski men, Whales, Seals and Penguins Level 2: Tornado Alley 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 2:00.00 Gold 1:20.00 Platinum 1:00.00 Best time 0:30.04 You're going with an aeroplane. Now you must destroy all Mini-helicopters. Shoot them. You get more health if you get health boxes. You get the crystal from it and you end the level. Boxes: 15 Enemies: Mini-helicopters and Air Crafts Level 3: Bamboozled 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:15.00 Gold 0:35.00 Platinum 0:25.00 Best time 0:20.50 Now you're going with ball. Dodge nitro's and don't fall down. If you are getting all the boxes, middle of the level is a place where you can go to left or right. First go left (from you) and be careful because there’s very many nitro’s and the ramp ends fast. When you get the normal boxes, go right. The Crystal is near the end, when the last ramp ends. Boxes: 126 No Enemies Level 4: Wizards and Lizards 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Green Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:15.00 Gold 0:45.00 Platinum 0:35.00 Best time 0:00.30 Dodge the wizards and beams. You can’t kill soldiers spinning. You must jump up of the soldier or slide them. In middle of the, after the bonus level is a monster. You must flee it. Run, Run, RUN!!! After it, there are some soldiers and bats, after them is a death route. Don't fall down when the doors are open. Crystal is near the end, after the death route and before camera view changing. The Platinum Relic is very easy, because if you press SELECT, after you get the clock, you go to near the end, before the two wizards and much nitro’s. This is “3 second Time Trial”. Boxes: 128 Enemies: Wizards, bats, soldiers and a monster. Level 5: Compactor Reactor 1 Crystal 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Sapphire: 1:30.00 Gold: 1:10.00 Platinum: 0:55.00 Best time 0:38.96 First, you go to the mine cart. Dodge the nitro's. Be careful, if you’re going to get first clear gem. If you got a yellow (gold) gem from level 22, go to special track right near the start. There is only the track, nitro's and a clear gem. In normal track, after the mine cart, dodge mine men, whose shooting blue or green beams. Dodge also drills and clubs. Crystal is near the end, middle the clubs. And be wheely careful! Boxes: 155 Enemies: Mine men Boss 1: Rumble in the Roks It's the first time when Crunch comes to your boss. Paint the black roks to blue and Dodge the Crunch. Crunch paint them to orange, but wait and they comes to black. Your energy falls down if you crash to Crunch or fireball. If you paint all roks to blue, they fall down going to Crunch. Do this three times and you win. Power: Sneak Shoes: To Sneak along suspended Nitro crates, hold up L2. WARP ROOM 2 Level 6: Jungle Rumble 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 2:00.00 Gold 1:20.00 Platinum 1:12.00 Best time 1:03.56 Now don't fall to the water and dodge the clown soldiers. After you go in the river and after the bonus, you're going with jeep flee from the rhinos. The Crystal is near of the end after you're going with the jeep and before the bridges. Boxes: 155 Enemies: Clown Soldiers and Rhinos Level 7: Sea Shell Shenanigans 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:23.60 Gold 1:07.91 Platinum 0:52.38 Best time 0:29.40 Now you go dive to the water. Dodge enemies and bombs. In middle of the level you're go to diving bell. Crystal is near the end between towers and "water rooms" before four last bombs. Boxes: 99 Enemies: Shooting men, Diving men, Fishes, Bombs and Sharks. Level 8: Banzai Bonsai 1 Crystal 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Power: Super Body Slam: To do big destroy press X jump, then press circle in top of the jump. Times: Sapphire 1:30.00 Gold 1:00.00 Platinum 0:45.00 Best time 0:39.60 This is a first Coco level. You can't use Crash's powers. Don't fall to water and dodge enemies. If you got a red gem from level 21, after the maze is a red platform. You can go there, where very many nitro's and enemies are. There you get the second clear gem and a hidden power. In normal level, after the bonus is fire. If you fall to fire, you die. The Crystal is near the end, when camera changed. Boxes: 155 Enemies: Wizards, Fire, Flying Fishes, Kicking men, Mini-dinos and Storks. Level 9: That Sinking Feeling 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 3:30.00 Gold 2:20.00 Platinum 1:15.00 Best time 0:46.58 You're going with Firefly. You should watch in this FAQ the “Firefly” in the“4.Controls”. Lock the shoot to a boat and when you locked it, shoot. Don't crash to Boats or Air Crafts. You destroyed a boat, when you shoot it three times. You get a crystal when you destroyed all the boats. Boxes: 12 Enemies: Boats and Air Crafts Level 10: H2 Oh No 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:35.00 Gold 1:00.00 Platinum 0:50.00 Best time 0:45.28 First you're going with the diving bell. When you're going above water, there are radioactive and electric water. Don't fall to there. Aku Aku safes you from it. The Crystal is near the end before the laser beams. Boxes: 165 Enemies: Sharks, Fishes, Flying Fishes, Shooting men, Diving men and Mine men Boss 2: Drain Damage This is really hard. Don't fall to the water and dodge Crunch's attack. If it’s blue beam, jump. If it’s green beam, creep. When you reach Crunch, spin. Crunch is going forward. Do this four times and you win. Power: Double Jump: To Jump twice as high, press X to jump, and then, press X again at the top of the jump. WARP ROOM 3 Level 11: The Gauntlet 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Purple Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:30.00 Gold 0:50.00 Platinum 0:40.00 Best time 0:27.00 Be careful, because there are very many dead ends. One of them is middle of the level between Bonus and Death Route. There are Guillotines, Brooms and Spikes. If you get to the Death Route, it's very hard. It's full of nitro's Guillotines, Brooms and Spikes. I think you need Aku Aku. You get there the Purple Gem. After the Death Route, there is the Crystal and the end is near. Boxes: 143 Enemies: Soldiers, Wizards, Spikes, Guillotines and Brooms. Level 12: Tsunami 1 Crystal 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:30.00 Gold 0:45.00 Platinum 0:40.00 Best time 0:33.58 This is a Coco level. In start, be careful, because carriages come supremely. After them, you shouldn't fall to water. After the bonus, Tsunami comes and you go to scooter. Go very fast and flee the Tsunami. After it and before last Checkpoint is the Crystal. If you got the Blue Gem from Level 1, Jump to it but not crash the Nitro's because you need it at blue gem area, because you must jump on the boxes above the nitro’s. In end of it, you get the second Clear Gem. Boxes: 100 Enemies: Taxis, Flying Fishes, Wizards, Carriages and Tsunami. Level 13: Smokey and the Bandicoot 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:20.00 Gold 1:10.00 Platinum 0:42.94 You race with the jeep. If you fall down to the canyon, you die. You get the crystal if you win the race. The first clear gem is hard, because there are many boxes. Boxes: 34 No Enemies Level 14: Eskimo Roll 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:25.00 Gold 0:45.00 Platinum 0:27.70 There is very dangerous. Dangers are everywhere. But you can't die if you crash to penguins. Tigers are stupid in the Time Trial, because they make you slow. There are two tricky boxes. First is a life when you're going down. The second is when platforms moving: Go to the littlest platform. Boxes: 82 Enemies: Penguins, Tigers, Fire-makers and Beam-makers Level 15: Fahrenheit Frenzy 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 2:00.00 Gold: 1:20.00 Platinum 0:52.10 In start, you go with copter back. Dodge the beams and don’t go too down. After it, there is very much fire and very many beams, mine men and robots. Near the end, between last Checkpoint and last beams are the Crystal and one tricky box: If you go to UP box and jump there is a ? Box and an Aku Aku box. But there is a third box. Boxes: 146 Enemies: Robots and Mine men Boss 3: Crashes to Ashes Dodge fireballs and go to robot and jump and shoot Crunch. Do this three times and you win. Power: Death Tornado Spin: To Spin longer and faster or to glide while in the air press square repeatedly. WARP ROOM 4 Level 16: Avalanche 1 Crystal 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:35.00 Gold 1:00.00 Platinum 0:44.10 Best time 0:42.65 by viihdemedia This is a snow-level. There is many enemies and nitro's. Near the end, avalanche comes. You get the second Clear Gem if you go every time between the flags. Crystal is after the avalanche area very near the end. Boxes: 113 Enemies: Penguins, Ski men and Avalanche Level 17: Droid Void 1 Crystal 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 2:00.00 Gold 1:25.00 Best time 1:04.82 This is a droid level. In start, you need the Death Tornado Spin. Dodge the beams. After first Checkpoint is an electric. You must go when it's not electric. After it, you go to mech. If you have the Purple Gem from Level 11, you can go to purple platform. There is nitro's and enemies. When camera view changed after one robot is the Crystal. Boxes: 168 Enemies: Robots, Aliens, Space Stations, Crashing stations, Mine men and Gunmen Level 18: Crashteroids 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:54.36 Gold 1:25.00 Platinum 1:20.00 Best time 0:37.76 This is a level where you go with spaceship. You must destroy all space stations. First, you must destroy all three satellites around the space station. Now you can destroy the space station. When you destroy all, you get the crystal. Level 19: Coral Canyon 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:14.17 Gold 0:56.37 Platinum 0:48.35 Best time 0:35.98 First you go with the diving bell. Be careful if you go to Time Trial. There are very many bombs and they’re falling when you come under them. Then, you go unless diving bell. The Crystal is near the between shooting man and diving man. Boxes: 85 Enemies: Diving men, Shooting men, Fishes, Sharks and Bombs Level 20: Weathering Heights 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:37.34 Gold 1:00.00 Platinum 0:54.08 Best time 0:33.44 Destroy enemies and dodge fire and fan ventilators. The Crystal is near the end, before laser beams. If you go to Time Trial, when you’re going to under the bridges, fall if under is iron boxes. Boxes: 137 Enemies: Gunmen, Mine men and Robots Boss 4: Atmospheric Pressure Shoot Crunch where he shots you. If he shoots you from hand, shoot his hand. If he shoots you from head, shoot his head. If he shoots you from chest, shoot his chest. If he shoots you from body, shoot his body. That's the secret of this boss. Power: Fruit Bazooka: To fire fruit at a target hold L1 to raise the gun. Aim with the directional buttons, press circle to fire. WARP ROOM 5 Level 21: Crash and burn Times: Sapphire 1:45.00 Gold 1:20.00 Best time 1:09.50 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Red Gem 1 Relic First, Death Tornado Spin to N. Then, go to forward. Don’t fall to fire, because you burn in it. Middle of the level, when camera view changed, big ball comes to you. There is a death route where you get the red gem. You must shoot it or make a very good Death Tornado Spin. Near the end, in first bridge is the Crystal. Boxes: 138 Enemies: Crabs, Mini-dinos, and falling Level 22: Gold Rush 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Yellow (Gold) Gem 1 Relic Don't try spinning the birds. They have immunity. The level is very, very long. When you go with cart, and you’re in Time Trial, press X,X,X,X,X,X,X...Then you go faster. Middle of the level, after the cart, when you must go right at left is a death route. The Crystal is near the end, when you must go right, after the dynamites. Boxes: 209 Enemies: Crabs, Cactuses, Birds, Dynamites and mules. Times: Sapphire 2:15.00 Gold 1:45.00 Best time 1:09.38 Level 23: Medieval Madness 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Dodge enemies and nitro's and don't fall down. If you’re getting Clear Gem, when you can go to up or down (in down is a tiger) go first up and before Fire-makers and Beam-makers go down. In end of down area, are five boxes. Go back on the down area and be careful, because there are very many nitro’s. Crystal is near the end in the platforms near the water where you're going to the ramp. Boxes: 162 Enemies: Tigers, Fire-makers and Beam-makers Times: Sapphire 1:35.00 Gold 1:10.00 Best time 0:49.68 Level 24: Crate Balls of Fire 1 Crystal 1 Clear Gem 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 2:20.00 Gold 1:55.00 Platinum 1:40.00 Best time 1:26.02 Be really careful, because there are many dangers. When camera view changed, you have the Mech and when you go to N, fire comes. Go fast forward to flee the fire. After one robot and checkpoint is the Crystal. The end is near. Boxes: 110 Enemies: Space stations, Crashing stations, robots, aliens, fire Level 25: Cortex Vortex 1 Crystal 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:40.00 Gold 1:05.00 Platinum 0:53.58 Dodge the fire and electric. There are many dangers. If you have the green gem from death route at level 4, you can go green gem area. It’s after two camera view changes. The Green Gem area is also very hard and near the end of it, there is big Nitro Bridge. The best tactic is shooting it and makes a good Death Tornado Spin. In the normal level, near the end, after three Aku Aku masks and camera view change, there is the Crystal. Boxes: 156 Enemies: Robots, Crashing stations and mine men. Boss 5: Crunch Time Every time, when fireballs falling, use Sneak Shoes. Every time, when the Cortex comes to you, spin it. First, fireballs falling. Then, shoot Crunch. After it, fireballs and freezing comes. Then, shoot Crunch. After it, fire, fireballs, freezing and fire comes. Then, shoot Crunch. After it, beams, fireballs, freezing, beams, fireballs, fire and beams comes. After it, shoot Crunch. Now you win. Power: Speedy Shoes: Hold R2 to run faster, while running. SECRET WARP ROOM (Middle of the middle-room is platform, what takes you to Secret Warp Room, the Warp Room is open by winning the fifth boss) Level 26: Knight Time (Open by 5 Relics) 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:20.00 Gold 1:05.00 Platinum 0:50.11 Best time 0:32.02 Dodge the guillotines, brooms and spikes. The Second Clear Gem is in middle of the level when is a moving platform. It's under are nitro's. In the right is another moving platform, but when it's on and you're down in front of it, you die. You should make big jump from the first moving platform when the second is on. The Second Clear Gem is there. Boxes: 115 Enemies: Soldiers, Wizards, Guillotines, Brooms and Spikes Level 27: Ghost Town (Open by 10 Relics) 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:10.00 Gold 0:40.00 Platinum 0:30.00 Best time 0:14.78 Now you go again with mine cart. You get the second clear gem if you're first in the end of the level. Boxes: 65 No enemies Level 28: Ice Station Bandicoot (Open by 15 Relics) 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:08.35 Gold 0:55.00 Platinum 0:51.23 Best time 0:37.04 Now you go again with the copter back. You get the second clear gem if you're first in the end. But you must go through all the rings. Boxes: 20 No enemies Level 29: Solar Bowler (Open by 20 Relics) 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:00.00 Gold 0:40.00 Platinum 0.30.00 Best time 0:20.98 Now you go again with the ball. You should examine all the areas, because in one dead-end middle of the level is the second clear gem. Boxes: 86 Enemies: Fire-makers and Beam-makers Level 30: Force of Nature (Open by 25 Relics) 2 Clear Gems 1 Relic Times: Sapphire 1:15.00 Gold 0:50.00 Platinum 0:43.00 Best time 0:35.76 The first clear gem is REALLY hard, because there are very many boxes. The second clear gem is when you dodge the nitro towers going to left-right-left and it's above the second nitro tower. Boxes: 111 Enemies: Ski men When you have all the Gems, go again to Crunch Time 8. Thanks -to stagetree for the best times and correcting time errors -to Charles Dietrich for telling me some times -to MrJag for telling me some times -to Nic01Con for telling me some times -to GameFAQS for publishing this FAQ -to CJayC for making the GameFAQs -to Traveller’s Tales for making the game -to Universal Interactive for published the game -to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) for making the PlayStation 2 -to you for reading it __ __ ___ ___ / / / / /__//__/ / / / / __ __ ___ ___ / /___ _____/ /___ \ \ / // // // __ // ___ // _ \ \ \ / // // // / / // / / // / \ \ __ \ \ / // // // / / // / / // /___\ \ /_/ \ \/ // // // / / // / / // ________\ __ _ _ __ __ \ // // // / / // /__/ // /_________ ////_\_ _/ // /_\ \ \//__//__//_/ /_//______//_____________\////___//__//_//____\ © viihdemedia 2002