****************************************************************************** ____________________ ______ | | | __ \ | | | | | | __ ______ __ __ __ __ __ | _ __ ____ __ | | | | | / \ | || \/ | / \ | \| | | / / / _//___// /| | |__| / / \ |_ _|| | / \ | | | | / /_ / _/// ///// | | __ | | || | | | | || || || | | |/___//__//___//__/ | | | | \ | | | | | || || || | | | | | | | | || | | | | || || || || | | | | | |__| | | || | | | | || || || || | | |____________________| |______/ |__||__| |__| |__||__||__||__||__|\__| ============================= = T H E V I D E O G A M E = ============================= ****************************************************************************** LEGO Batman: The Videogame (Wii Version) A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ Version 1.1 E-mail: cyricz42 at yahoo.com ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. FAQ 3. Basics 3A. Controls 3B. Menus/Displays 3C. Hints/Tips 4. BatCave/Arkham 5. Story Walkthroughs - Heroes Episode 1: The Riddler's Revenge 5A. You Can Bank on Batman 5B. An Icy Reception 5C. Two-Face Chase 5D. A Poisonous Appointment 5E. The Face-Off Episode 2: Power Crazed Penguin 5F. There She Goes Again 5G. Batboat Battle 5H. Under the City 5I. Zoo's Company 5J. Penguin's Lair Episode 3: The Joker's Return 5K. Joker's Home Turf 5L. Little Fun at the Big Top 5M. Flight of the Bat 5N. In the Dark Night 5O. To the Top of the Tower 6. Story Walkthroughs - Villains Episode 1: The Riddler's Revenge 6A. The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal 6B. On the Rocks 6C. Green Fingers 6D. An Enterprising Theft 6E. Breaking Blocks Episode 2: Power Crazed Penguin 6F. Rocking the Docks 6G. Stealing the Show 6H. Harboring a Grudge 6I. A Daring Rescue 6J. Arctic World Episode 3: The Joker's Return 6K. A Surprise for the Commissioner 6L. Biplane Blast 6M. The Joker's Masterpiece 6N. The Lure of the Night 6O. Dying of Laughter 7. Free Play Runthroughs - Heroes Episode 1: The Riddler's Revenge 7A. You Can Bank on Batman 7B. An Icy Reception 7C. Two-Face Chase 7D. A Poisonous Appointment 7E. The Face-Off Episode 2: Power Crazed Penguin 7F. There She Goes Again 7G. Batboat Battle 7H. Under the City 7I. Zoo's Company 7J. Penguin's Lair Episode 3: The Joker's Return 7K. Joker's Home Turf 7L. Little Fun at the Big Top 7M. Flight of the Bat 7N. In the Dark Night 7O. To the Top of the Tower 8. Free Play Runthroughs - Villains Episode 1: The Riddler's Revenge 8A. The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal 8B. On the Rocks 8C. Green Fingers 8D. An Enterprising Theft 8E. Breaking Blocks Episode 2: Power Crazed Penguin 8F. Rocking the Docks 8G. Stealing the Show 8H. Harboring a Grudge 8I. A Daring Rescue 8J. Arctic World Episode 3: The Joker's Return 8K. A Surprise for the Commissioner 8L. Biplane Blast 8M. The Joker's Masterpiece 8N. The Lure of the Night 8O. Dying of Laughter 9. Bonus Missions 9A. Hostages 9B. Wayne Manor 9C. Arkham Asylum 10. Characters 10A. Hero Characters 10B. Villain Characters 10C. Ground Vehicles 10D. Water Vehicles 10E. Air Vehicles 11. Secrets/Unlockables 11A. Main Unlocks 11B. Extras 11C. Secret Codes 12. Standard Guide Stuff 12A. Legal 12B. E-mail Guidelines 12C. Credits 12D. Version Updates 12E. The Final Word ****************************************************************************** 1. INTRODUCTION ****************************************************************************** Greetings, true believers (or whichever saying is associated with the Batman franchise)! Welcome to my FAQ for LEGO Batman: The Video Game, specifically the Wii Version! Like my FAQs for previous Travellers' Tales LEGO games, this is a complete exploration through the game, providing you with walkthroughs on how to get through each mission, runthroughs on how to collect all the elusive items in Free Play, as well as descriptions of all the characters and secret stuff. That said, let's begin the rope-swinging adventure! ****************************************************************************** 2. FAQ ****************************************************************************** Q: What is LEGO Batman: The Video Game? A: This is a LEGO-styled action game released in 2008 based around the mythos of DC Comics' Batman. Q: What is the ESRB rating of this game? A: This game is rated E10+, with the added descriptor of Cartoon Violence. Q: Would this game be good for my kids? A: All violence is done towards LEGO bricks, so there's no blood. Any references to the grim and gritty nature of the Batman mythos is toned down, without being TOO campy. As far as positive aspects of the game towards kids, the gameplay is focused on exploration, discovery, and critical thinking. The co-operative gameplay style and forgiving difficulty is also a plus. Q: How many people can play? Does this game require a Nunchuk? A: Two, and yes. Q: So, how is this game different from LEGO Star Wars or LEGO Indiana Jones? I mean, besides the obvious. A: Much of the concept has remained the same. You still need to progress through the missions fighting your foes and solving puzzles involving building, jumping, pushing, etc. One major change is that each episode has two storylines: one for the heroes and one for the villains, with Story and Free Play for each. As before, certain characters are suited to certain aspects of the game, such as jumping, moving things, etc. To compensate for just being two guys, Batman and Robin will now have the option of using Suit Swappers found in the game, which will give them new and special abilities to complete missions. Lastly, there's a new Batarang mechanic which allows the heroes to throw Batarangs at long-distance to hit multiple targets. Q: What part of the Batman mythos does this cover? A: This game is its own continuity. It doesn't operate under any specific Batman stories in comics, movies, television, or animation. Still, several of the designs will seem familiar to the animation, and Danny Elfman's theme from the Batman movie (and the animated series) are used, so there are some connecting elements. ****************************************************************************** 3. BASICS ****************************************************************************** Most of this information can be found in the instruction manual, like anyone reads those. ============== 3A. Controls = ============== General Controls - Control Stick: Move your character. A Button: Jump. Some characters can double jump if you press A again. B Button: Attack. Hold down to ready a Batarang if you have them. Z Button: Perform special move or interact with environment. Used for building piles of LEGOs, pulling switches, etc. C Button: Shift focus. As a side note, in this game you don't have to be next to each other to shift to the other character. It can be done from about a screen away. Also used to climb on vehicles or animals. 1 and 2 Buttons: Only used during Free Play. Switch between characters you selected for this mission. + Button: Brings up Pause Menu. Pointer: Used in conjunction with holding down B. Point to the screen and highlight any objects you want to target with a Batarang. Can also be used with certain other abilities. Controls can slightly change depending on your situation. If something specific changes per a mission, I'll mention it in the walkthrough. ==================== 3B. Menus/Displays = ==================== Main Menu - New Game: Start a new game. Load Game: Load a previously saved game. Coming Soon: Shows a preview trailer of TT's next game. Options: Opens Options Menu. --- Options Menu - Surround Sound: Turn on for the full surround experience, where available. Audio Volume: Adjust the general volume of the audio, if you can't be bothered to find your TV remote. Music: Toggle music on/off. Widescreen: Toggle widescreen functionality. Screen V-Sync: Toggles V-Sync, whatever that is. >_> --- Pause Menu - Resume: Get back to the game. Options: Opens Options Menu. Extras: Opens Extras menu, where you can select any extras you've purchased, as well as toggle the Adaptive Difficulty. Quit: Return to the Main Menu, the Batcave, or Arkham depending on where you are. ================ 3C. Hints/Tips = ================ Unlike LEGO Star Wars, there are no Gold Bricks in this game. Progress is based on the missions you complete, the number of times you get "Super Hero/Villain" status, the amount of Minikits you collect, and the amount of Power Bricks you find. Keep collecting studs. Collecting a specified number will give you "Super Hero/Villain" status at the conclusion of the mission. Once you hit the Super threshold, you cannot lose it, no matter how low your studs get afterwards. You only need to get Super once, either on Story or Free Play. However, the thresholds are different for each. For the sake of simplicity, I've only given the Story thresholds, because they're far easier to get, given how the Free Play thresholds require a ton of exploring and a lot of extra characters. There is one exception, but I'll get to it when I get to it. On the note of studs, if you're looking for a little boost, here's a tip: you may notice while punching out streams of bad guys that you'll see a little combo multiplier racking up as you take out successive dudes. That combo can then be transferred to your stud collecting for a brief moment, so consider the possibility of luring enemies to a pile of junk and beating both up and you might get some cool multipliers to your studs. Unfortunately, opportunities for this are rare, and the window to grab these studs is pretty small, so I wouldn't rely on it. Furthermore, the threshold for Super Hero is generally low enough that you don't need to do this, so I won't focus on it much for the purposes of this guide. To add on to the previous paragraph, certain characters (Batman and Robin plus some villains) have a "grab and attack" move, where you press Z when you get close to them, then hit B or Z to finish them. If this happens, you'll get a small amount of studs for the move. Not a ton, but if you're a few away from Super status, it might just be enough. Consider using it in areas with infinite enemies. Collect Minikit Canisters to assemble a vehicle. Collecting all ten and completing the vehicle will get you 50,000 studs and will place the completed vehicle in the Hero Trophy Room. The last minikit in either the Hero or Villain missions will give you 500,000. Each mission has a red Power Brick in them. Collect that Power Brick, then complete the mission to unlock a Suit Upgrade or Extra for purchase in the Batcave/Arkham. Some of these can be pretty expensive, mind you, but they're the most useful ones. Punch. Freakin'. Everything. If it's made out of LEGO bricks and not obviously part of the background, bash it down, or whatever you have to do, because a lot of stuff to move ahead in the game requires you to go on a destruction frenzy. DON'T FORGET YOUR BATARANGS. This is a new aspect of gameplay that allows you to hit far off targets, so use them whenever you think you can't progress through a mission. Explore everywhere. Run into walls and behind them to look for any areas you might be missing. If you die, you'll drop a portion of your studs: usually 2,000, but that can vary if you have Adaptive Difficulty turned on. You can die as many times as you want and you can still finish the mission. However, losing too many studs means you'll have a harder time getting Super status, so be sure to recollect those lost studs when you croak. Look out for visual cues to see how you can progress in a mission. Many of the spots that hide Suit Swappers are under brightly glowing objects. ****************************************************************************** 4. BATCAVE/ARKHAM ****************************************************************************** Although you start the game with the first mission in the first episode, you actually have the option of returning to the Batcave at any time during a mission. The Batcave serves as the main hub for your missions, with several points of interest. --- Batcave Hero Mission Room: Or as I like to call it, "The Garage". This is where three vehicles are, each representing one of the three major episodes of the game. On the left is the Batmobile, allowing you access to the missions in "Riddler's Revenge". In the middle is the Batboat, allowing you access to the missions in "Power Crazed Penguin". On the right is the Batwing, where you can access the missions in "The Joker's Return". On the far left of the room is an elevator leading down to the lower Batcave. On the right is an elevator leading up to Wayne Manor and the Hero Trophy Room. Hero Trophy Room: Here is where all the minikits you've picked up in the Hero Missions are displayed. Batcave: This area contains Suit Swappers for Batman and Robin, allowing each to become any suit that you've currently unlocked, which you can use to explore. Also, on the far right is a computer that will start working once you complete all the missions in an episode, allowing you access to Arkham Asylum. In the center, the Batcomputer occupies this area, which you can use to buy things and check your progress: Data - This is mostly flavor info about the Batman mythos. I suggest not paying good money for this stuff until you've unlocked everything else. Characters - Certain characters become available for purchase upon certain conditions. Enter Code - If you find any codes online (or in this walkthrough) you can input them here, which will unlock the item for purchase. Extras - Some are unlocked already, but the rest you must purchase after finding the proper Power Brick. Fifteen of the thirty apply to this. These tend to be the generic Extras that anyone can employ, like score multipliers and invincibility. Suit Upgrades - The other fiteen Power Bricks will let you access these for purchase, which are specifically tailored to Bats and Bird-boy and their myriad suits of awesome. --- Arkham Asylum Only accessible after completing your first full episode, and you can only play whatever episodes you've already beat from the Hero perspective. Arkham Asylum: The main room has two computers in it, one can hack the Batcomputer so you can access it there, the other will switch back to the Batcave. To the left is the Villain Mission Room, and to the right is the Maximum Security Area (the door on the right) and the Villain Trophy Room (the door on the left). Villain Mission Room: The parking lot of Arkham features three vehicles for you to access, much like the Batcave's vehicles, each pertaining to one of the episodes. The Armored Van is the Riddler's episode. The Penguin's Sub is the Penguin's episode, and the Joker's Copter is the Joker's episode. Villain Trophy Room: This nice wide-open area allows you space to view all the minikits you've been working on for the villains. Maximum Security Area: Well, there might be some use for this area, but danged if I can figure it right now. As for now, it's just a connector to... Experiment Room: This is the famed "Create-a-Character" room. Walk up to the tank to access the creator. You can modify every aspect of their body: their hat/hair, head, shirt, hands, belt, legs, and weapon (which will be their main weapon in game). You can even "test drive" them in the room itself, although you can't leave the room while controlling them. Once finished, you can select them in any Free Play mission. ****************************************************************************** 5. STORY WALKTHROUGHS - HEROES ****************************************************************************** Below you'll find walkthroughs for all the main missions in the game. These walkthroughs take relatively few diversions from the main path, nor do they stop to find minikits along the way. We'll cover all that in the next section. ============================ 5A. You Can Bank on Batman = ============================ Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman, Clayface Super Hero at 38,000: Shouldn't be too hard. General rules are to make sure you smash everything and go out of your way for little extras. Blues tend to hide in corners, for example. Streets: Begin by beating up any nearby bad guys. I won't point out EVERY set of bad guys that shows up, mind you. I'll largely be assuming you know the concept of "bad guys over there, kill they butt". So, to move ahead, walk to the right and you'll find a grapple point marked by a white circle. Press Z and you'll get grappled up to the ledge. Move to the right and jump onto the tightrope. Make your way across and you'll be past the toxic waste on the street. In this next area, you'll find plenty of goons, with some in high ledges gunning at you. A perfect opportunity to use your Batarang (hold B and point at your target if you're close enough to hit it). You may have dropped off the ledge, so grapple back up to it and assemble the tightrope anchor so it stretches off to the right. Cross it to your first Suit Swapper, giving you the Demolition Suit for Batman. With this, you can set bombs using Z, then hold down Z to detonate them. Drop down to street level and start blowing shiny objects up. To move ahead, go to the right and blow up the cement mixer blocking your way. Past that, blow up the semi to move on. Park: Continue to the right. Your next landmark to move ahead is the the tree-lined park. Note the glowing coming out of the ground. That means there's a Suit Swapper that will appear there. Bust up all the trees and park benches in the immediate area and you'll eventually find the pieces to build a Suit Swapper. This is Robin's Technology Suit. Head for the green panel on the back wall and press Z. You'll control a little robot dude. Drive it along the stud trail to the little ramp leading into the building. Drive it into each of the three red lights on the back wall to turn them green and open the door. Press Z and you'll regain control of your team. Head inside the building and smash the right wall to move on. Bank: It's time for the Clayface fight. Punch him a few times to knock off two hearts and he'll retreat behind the iron bars. At this point, you need to use the Demolition Suit's bombs. First, lay one on the left side of the bars to blow up the safe behind it, then lay another on the right side to blow up the safe and the door. Finally, Clayface will perch himself on the top of a cage. Use the Batarang and target all three yellow valves above him to drop him into the cage and complete this mission. New Characters: Demolition Suit Technology Suit Riddler Goon (6,000) Riddler Henchman (7,000) Power Brick Upgrade: Fast Grapple (10,000) ====================== 5B. An Icy Reception = ====================== Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman, Freeze Girl, Mr. Freeze Super Hero at 60,000: Okay, I finally got this in Story, but it basically requires getting a very particular stash. This stash is right under the stairs leading into the factory (just past the gate). Just walk under them and you get a serious bunch of blues. That said, you STILL need to be careful and hold onto as many as you can, because this mission still isn't that easy. Parking Lot: First step is to remove the trucks that are spitting out bad guys at you. Looking towards the screen from each truck you'll find a pile of stuff. Smash it up, then assemble the pieces. You'll make a launcher. Step on the valve near the launcher a few times and you'll launch a... well I guess it's a balloon bomb at the truck to blow it up. Do this for both to remove headaches from the trucks. Now, focus your attention on the main gate. Use a Batarang on the four yellow clamps holding the gate shut to knock it down (you need to at least use it on the top two). To get into the factory itself, head to the left of the gate and smash up the objects to make a Suit Swapper, giving Robin the Magnet Suit. Head inside the gate and to the left. Scale the magnetic wall by walking into it. At the top, pull the lever twice to match up the colors of the ice cream cones at the top. Do the same at the bottom and the factory will open up. Ice Cream Factory: Smash up all the objects to find parts for a rotator switch and a Suit Swapper, giving you the Glide Suit for Batman. Push the green side of the rotator switch to lower the ice jet so you can glide across to the back. Assemble the two brown wheels near the end of the bridge so Robin can cross. Now, note the two hanging blocks of ice. Use a Batarang on both to drop them and make pieces. Assemble the stairs and climb up, then have both characters stand on the yellow valves to remove the ice jets blocking your path. Mind the ice cream, as it's very slippery. Keep going to the right and have Robin climb up the wall and assemble the grapple point so Batman can follow. Continue to the right. Have Robin climb up the curvy pipe to the top. Break the objects and assemble the box so you can push it over the edge. Assemble the pieces that result to get the nearby platform moving. Ride across and climb the magnet wall. Pull the lever to open the door. Inner Factory: Glide Suit Batman can make the jump off to the right to the other side. Push the rotator switch so Robin can use the grapple point, then push it back to your side. Stand on the yellow valve and stay there so your partner can climb the stairs and stand on the other valve to let you up. Head to the right and hop across the platforms quickly so they don't sink into the steam. Slide down the ramp and hop onto the freeze gun turret. Fire at the yellow valves in the distance to drop molten lava into the tanks, which will then freeze under your ice gun. Head to the right and onto the tanks to get to the back of the room. Climb up the magnet wall and pull the lever to raise the grapple point all the way up, then use it to get to the top. You need to remove three ice jets to proceed. For one, push the crate into the far end of its path to break one of the pipes. For the other two, stand on the brown and red switches together. Head on through. Cold Room: Time for the Mr. Freeze fight. The trick to beating him is to goad him into using his freeze gun, then running circles around him so he can't hit you. After a little while, he'll tire, which is your cue to punch him. Do this twice and he'll jump up to the top and pull a lever, starting up a fan. Assemble the launcher near the front of the room and fire it at the fan. Hit Freeze two more times. For his next trick, he'll fill the containers on the sides with hot stuff. Climb up the magnet wall on each side, then hop over to the lever and pull it. Assemble each box that appears and push them to the end. After both are pushed all the way, a big ice block will drop on Freeze, so he'll jump back down where you can punch him two more times. New Characters: Glide Suit Magnet Suit Freeze Girl (4,000) ==================== 5C. Two-Face Chase = ==================== Starting Characters: Batmobile, Batcycle Enemies: Riddler Truck, Two-Face's Armored Truck Super Hero at 64,000: Does saying "blast everything" help? Monarch Theatre: The object of this mission is to shoot up your enemy's vehicles. Specifically, you want to be targeting the green trucks. These trucks will not be destroyed, but will tip over after you blast them enough times. At that point, you need to press Z near them to use your tow cable. Then, drag them to a Batman symbol so a police chopper comes and takes them away. Once that's done, the police trucks will move out of the way, allowing access to the next area. Streets: In this large area, there are three green trucks you need to snag. The area is pretty much a big circle, with a jump to the northeast allowing you access to that area, and another which goes to the left at the south end, so basically you can travel in a clockwise direction. The first green truck is just north of you. The second is further south at the far end. The last is on the east side of the area. Drag them all to the police copter in the northeast corner. Office Building: Now it's a big fight against Two-Face's Armored Van. Blast the van multiple times to get it to stall, then drag it all the way to the right under the police copter. Instead of carting it away, the copter will drop a mine on it. That needs to happen three times to finish the mission. New Vehicles: Batmobile Batcycle Police Car (10,000) Police Bike (11,000) Police Van (13,000) The Joker's Van (60,000) ============================= 5D. A Poisonous Appointment = ============================= Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Poison Ivy Goon, Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman, Poison Ivy Super Hero at 78,000: Shouldn't be an issue. There are a lot of plants and a lot of studs to be had from them. Garden: Your way forward is to the right. Either smash up the garden to the east of the water or to the south and assemble a bulldozer. Drive it to the right and over the fountain. This Suit Swapper gives you the Sonic Suit, which will allow you to fire sonic waves that can break glass. Take it and use it on the glass door to the greenhouse and enter. Greenhouse: Plants block your way forward. Time to make further use of your sonic powers. Blast the glass lines that are feeding stuff to the plants to remove them. Further on, blast another set of three glass tubes (one is behind a glass wall) to remove more plants. In this little alcove, smash everything and build a Suit Swapper that gives you the Attract Suit. You may have noticed that when smashing stuff in the area, little red, yellow, and green objects are left behind which you can't interact with. Well, now you can. Hold Z to start sucking, then aim the crosshair at the objects to mop them up. Now, head all the way right and you'll find the container you need to deposit them in. Put 25 in the container and you'll kick out a bomb which will blow up the plant blocking your exit. Put another 25 in and you'll get a bunch of studs. Caves: Use a Batarang on the blue object to drop the ladder so you can jump to the other side of the water. Break some objects and you can assemble a Suit Swapper with a Heat Protection Suit. Using it, you can touch anything that's glowing red, like the red railings nearby, although that won't move you ahead. Go to the right. To get across these plants, simply hop on them when they're closed and bounce off the leaves. Head to the right. You should have the HP Suit on, so walk onto the red-hot stuff to the right and put together the tightrope. Cross and leave to the right. Laboratory: This area's kind of a pain because the enemies just do not stop coming. What you need to do is smash open all the cupboards because each has five blocks for the Attract Suit. Deposit 25 to open the door to the next room. Toxic Pit: Bust up all the lockers on the back wall, then put together three flowers, which will cause other flowers to pop up in the muck. Jump across, then smash the trees to make a rotator switch to open the door. Hidden Garden: The fight against Poison Ivy is one of patience. As you fight her goons, parts of a bomb will be spit out of the other plants. Wait until you can build, then build the bomb, destroying one of the plants. Continue for the others. At the third plant, Ivy herself will attack, but can't be hurt. Try to avoid her while you set the last bomb. After that, Ivy's hearts will appear, so wear her down. New Characters: Heat Protection Suit Sonic Suit Attract Suit Poison Ivy Goon (25,000) ================== 5E. The Face-Off = ================== Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman, Two-Face, The Riddler Super Hero at 65,000 Outside: Head to the right. That Bank Van is your ticket in, but you can't get it past the pylons. Head to the right and start smashing. You need to first assemble some wheels near the gate, and a cage of several steel bars from the nearby pile. Once that's done, pull both levers to lower the pylons and drive the van onto the marked spot. Head down the street and smash some lights at the end to find a Glide Suit Swapper. Put Batman in the nearby elevator and turn the rotator switch with Robin. Once it's up, quickly switch back to Batman and glide to the right. Use a Batarang on the very obvious spinning thing to remove the lasers so you can pull the lever and extend the bridge. Drive the van across the bridge and park it on the platform to open the gate. Now, put the van on the red dollar sign switch further to the right to bust open a Magnet Suit Swapper. Take it, then head back to the left. Climb up the magnet wall, the pull the lever to reveal a ladder for Batman. Glide across to the railings and scale them all the way to the top. Put together a tightrope for Robin, then head to the scaffolding and assemble another lever so you can both operate to ride up and enter the vent. Offices: Toxins in a bank? Well, why not? Punch Two-Face a couple of times, then he'll run off. Smash the stuff on the left to find an Attract Suit. Use it to sweep up 25 blocks, then deposit them in the container on the far right, which will make a boat for you. Hop on, then steer back to pick up Batman and head for Two-Face. Punch him a couple more time to get him to retreat. Assemble the parts to make platforms to jump across. Climb up the stairs to the right and pull a lever, then glide across to the left to get the other one. Head back through the door. Security Hallway: In this hallway, you need to avoid the moving lights and step on all four blue squares. This will open the far door. Vault: Time for the showdown. First is Two-Face. Continue to fight him down to his last heart, taking care of the goons when he runs off. Once he's drained, bust down the two nearby steel boxes and the gold inside, then make a mirror out of the pieces. That will reflect the Riddler's beam back at him. Then, use the pieces made from the last blast to assemble locks on the other two steel boxes. Smash those and make another mirror. With that done, the Riddler will attack. Knock him down three hearts and he'll retreat to let goons fight. Once they're down, knock him down another three hearts. He'll start controlling Two-Face to send him to fight now. Bash Two-Face and the Riddler will drop down for a bit. It's all just a straight-up brawl until you finish off the Riddler. New Characters: The following characters are actually earned at the completion of any one complete episode. I just put them here because here's the most likely place you'll run across them. Bruce Wayne (100,000) Alfred (75,000) Batgirl (100,000) Nightwing (125,000) Police Officer (5,000) Military Policeman (17,000) Security Guard (10,000) ========================== 5F. There She Goes Again = ========================== Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Penguin Goon, Penguin Henchman, Catwoman Super Hero at 110,000: A fairly large total, but there's a lot to be had, so spend a lot of time clearing out the initial area and looking in nooks. Streets: Go to the right and to an alley that has the Suit Swapper light. Clear out the area and assemble a Magnet Suit. Take it and clib up the magnet wall to the right, then pull the lever so Batman can follow. Climb up the ladders and cross the tightrope. Grapple up to the next catwalk and assemble the next tightrope. Assemble the ladder and climb up. Rooftops: Head up and to the back. Grapple up to the top roof to get a Glide Suit, then glide across to the right. Assemble the bridge to let Robin across. Continue to the right across another bridge, then magnet up the wall. Assemble the grapple point for Batman, then glide across to the far side. Move the rotator switch so Robin can follow, then drop down and fight Catwoman for a bit. Knock down her four hearts and she'll run off. Glide across to the right and build a tightrope for Robin. Magnet up the wall to the right and throw the switch for the ladder. Have Batman take the Demo Suit and Robin take the Tech Suit. Head right and blow up the shiny object blocking the greenhouse, then build the little robot. Have Robin use the panel to roll the robot into the greenhouse and roll over the two red lights. Now, blow up the shiny objects that just appeared and make a little copter thing. Hop in and your partner will grapple to it. Go to the right and crash. Smash the junk to the right to make two levers and pull both to open the hatch. Buildings: You're inside a building, now. Fight your way out to the ledge, then cross the tightrope. Head into the building and out the right side to corner Catwoman. This fight is mainly a brawl. Smack her around, and if she starts jumping around, give chase, or take care of any goons that have shown up. Drain her hearts and you're done. New Characters: Fishmonger (4,000) Penguin Goon (3,000) Penguin Henchman (5,000) Also, you'll unlock Magnet Suit, Glide Suit, Demolition Suit, and Technology Suit if you hadn't already. ==================== 5G. Batboat Battle = ==================== Starting Characters: Batboat, Robin's Watercraft Enemies: Penguin Goon Submarine, Crocodile, The Penguin's Submarine Super Hero at 19,000: A nice low total, but then, there isn't much to be had throughout the mission. Make sure you make the jumps to try to grab some blues, because you'll need all you can get. Harbor: Speed to the right. Use the Batboat's tow cable (press Z) on an orange mine and drag it into the gate on the right. Continue to the next area. You can't take down the gate on the back wall from this side, so speed the Batboat up the ramp and launch over to the other side of the wall. Blast the gate from this side to knock it down. Now, take Robin's Watercraft and use its torpeodes to shoot out the wall on the right. Take the mine as the Batboat and slam it into the back gate to proceed. Wharf: Shoot the enemies and more will break in via a wooden gate. Cruise down the canal, blasting anyone that gets in your way. In the larger open area you need to open a gate on the right side. There are four targets you need to hit. Two are right by the gate and easily shot. A third needs a mine dragged into the wall blocking it, and the last needs a torpedo shot at it. Continue on once all four are down. Marina: This last area is a fight against The Penguin's Submarine. Take a mine and drag it into the side of the sub to blow open a hatch, then another mine into the other side. Now a mine-layer will pop out and drop off some mines. Fire a torpedo at it to get rid of it, then drag another mine into the back of the sub. With two hearts left, all you need to do is blast it with laser after laser to finish it off. New Characters: Batboat Robin's Watercraft Robin's Submarine (30,000) Penguin Goon Submarine (15,000) Harbor Helicopter (16,000) ==================== 5H. Under the City = ==================== Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Penguin Goon, Penguin Henchman, Crocodile, Killer Croc Super Hero at 59,000: Exploit the Score Multiplier area and Water Suit to get the best return on your studs, because I found a good percentage of this amount in the water in the first area. Sewer Entry: Head straight back and bust the items for a Magnet Suit. Climb up the wall and pull the lever to drop the ladder, giving Batman access to the Demolition Suit. Blow open the door to the right, then move on right. Bust some items further right to make the parts for a rotator switch, which can lift Robin up to a Water Suit. This Water Suit allows him to safely sink to the bottom of any body of water. Now, go back left and grapple up to the water tanks. Drop into the water and walk to the right, then hold down A to swim up. Step on the button multiple times to drain the water, allowing Batman to come in so he can blow up the shiny hatch with a bomb. Reservoir: Jump across the pipes to the structure to the right. Blast the fan and assemble it as a grapple point. Grapple up and change your suits to Glide and Magnet. Take Robin across by the wall and Batman across by gliding. Step on both buttons in the back to extend a platform. Now, go back as Batman and get the Demolition Suit again. Head back to the right and blow up the manhole cover. Sewer Depths: Head to the right and slide down the path. Bust all the objects and place the gears on each of the green ramps. Use a Batarang on the two valves in the back to fill the water. Climb up to the pile and assmeble it. Pull the lever to fix the stairs. Climb up to the right. Go up the stairs to the right and smash the object to assemble a lever. Pull it to drop some magnetic tiles. Assemble them, then climb up and take the Water Suit. Drop down into the water and pull the lever to move the water to the other tank. Hop across the lids that just rose up. Climb the ladder. Solitary: Killer Croc's a pretty simple fight. Pound him, then dodge the stuff he throws at you. New Characters: Water Suit =================== 5I. Zoo's Company = =================== Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Penguin Goon, Penguin Henchman, Man-Bat Super Hero at 58,000: Not a hard threshold. Be sure to sit on the ride until it spits out studs. Zoo Entrance: First, head inside the gift shop and grab the Magnet Suit. Head back outside and throw a Batarang at the back door to open the arcade. Smash up the machines and assemble the Glide Suit Swapper. Now, climb the magnet wall. Break the windows and assemble the grapple point so Batman can climb up. Glide across to the right, then behind the gate. Assemble the bulldozer and barrel over the gate, then to the left through the gate. Lion Exhibit: Head straight right and bust down the gate. At the far right end, glide across and bust down all the objects to construct a rotator switch to extend the bridge, and also assemble a turtle. Head back to the left and bust down the objects next to the shack, as well as the lower boards on the shack itself. Take the Tech Suit and use it on the green panel to control the turtle. Steer it into the shack and have it stand on the button so you can take the Sonic Suit. Go to the right and use it on the lever near the gate. Pull the lever. Jungle Exhibit: Head to the right and to the riverboat. Smash everything to uncover a shiny grate in the floor and to assemble a plank sticking out to the right. You need to get over to the shore on the far side, and it's easier if you bounce across the lilypads. On the far side, smash stuff to find a Demolition Suit pad, so put it on and go back to the boat. Set an explosive and drop down. Observation Room: Now to fight Man-Bat. Punch him to knock off three hearts, then head for the objects on the left side of the room. Put them together and push the rotator switch so that the megaphone makes sound that disrupts Man-Bat. Punch him some more then repeat the process. New Characters: Zoo Sweeper (12,500) Also, you'll unlock Sonic Suit if you hadn't already. ==================== 5J. Penguin's Lair = ==================== Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Penguin Minion, Freeze Girl, Red Freeze Girl, Catwoman, The Penguin Super Hero at 26,000: Not an easy goal, but doable. Just punch everything and try to avoid dying. Icy Cliffs: Head right and smash the stuff near the Suit Swapper to find ladder pieces. Climb up and switch to the Glide Suit. Glide across the gap and bust up the place. Assemble pieces near the green and red thing and you'll make an air pump. Jump on it three times to inflate a raft so Robin can cross. From here, fling a Batarang at the icicles above the shack to find pieces to make a heater, which will melt the ice in front of the shack so you can enter and take the Water Suit. Head into the water and pull the lever in the back to raise the bridge so you both can cross, the head into the cave in the back. Ice Cavern: Well, this was a short chapter. It's time for the fight with the Penguin and Catwoman. Catwoman's job is simply to get on your case while you work. Beat her back so she retreats, then she'll come back again a little later. First, throw a Batarang at the two nodes on the side of the machine to shock the Penguin. At this point, he'll start sending out Penguin Bombs. The idea here is to use the rotator in the center of the room to redirect the bombs, because he always sends them out in a straight line. Aim them at any of the purple objects. Once it hits one of those, he'll fire up the machine again and you can start again. Keep doing this for all four purple objects. Once they're all gone, the Penguin will attack himself. Strike him until he floats away, then hit him with a Batarang to bring him down. Continue this until he's finished. New Characters: Penguin Minion (30,000) Yeti (9,000) Man-Bat (40,000) ======================= 5K. Joker's Home Turf = ======================= Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Joker Goon, Joker Henchman, Mad Hatter Super Hero at 60,000: This one shouldn't be too much of a problem. I had it well before I hit the last area. Factory Entrance: Head straight back and bash the gate down. Go back and to the right. Use a Batarang to knock down the two parts near the Swapper light. The boxes will fall, so assemble the Attract Suit Swapper. Clear the area of blocks and you should just have 25. Deposit them in the container to make a toxic sucker. Ride it around sucking up the toxins, particularly the ones on the right. Next to the tank are some railings, so attach them to the wall and climb up, then grapple up to the Glide Suit. Drop down to the left and assemble valves to stop the toxic gas flow, then glide across the gap. Assemble the tightrope so Robin can follow, then climb up the ladder. Have both characters hang from the scaffolding to drop it on the grate, then drop down. Slam the gate on the left wall to leave. Factory, West Side: From here head to the back of the room and push the box off the ledge, then glide to the other side and push that box off. Drop down to the lower floor (y'know, AWAY from the slime) and find 25 blocks for the nearby Attract Container, which will blow open the door to the right. You can now get the toxic sucker and bring it back to this side to suck up all the gunk in front of the door. Assemble both levers and open the door. Factory, Interior: Head to the right past the gunners and up to the red boxes. Push down the two that are here, then glide across to the one on the opposite side. Assemble all the pieces to make a forklift. Ride it into shiny things. You can make another forklift, as well as a ladder and a switch for the wall which you can step on to remove the toxic gas on the upper platform. Glide to the right and you'll find another panel you can use to remove the toxic gas on the lower floor. Drop down and take the forklift to the shiny objects, with which you can make a rotator switch. Take Batman up the railing and glide to the left. Assemble the chute, then push the rotator switch to move it to the right. Throw the lever to fill up the tank with toxic stuff, then jump across the platforms. Glide to the right and hop up to the lever. Pull it to extend a bridge. Now, drop down to the lower floor again and take the forklift to the right. Leave it on the big orange switch to start an elevator working. Head to the right and into the red-lit tunnel. Factory Depths: Head to the right and fling a Batarang at the five red lights to uncover the parts for a Magnet Suit Swapper. Climb up the magnet wall and assemble the box. Push it to the end to partially extend the bridge so Batman can glide over. Assemble the pieces on the right side to finish the bridge. Now, magnet walk up the wall on this side and push the rotator switch to open the shutter. Control Room: Time to fight Mr. Raven-like-a-writing-desk. Slap him twice so he retreats up the right side. Have Robin walk up the magnet wall and walk onto the catwalk so it collapses. Have both characters stand on the button and you'll drop him into the muck. Now, he'll start using mind control on you. When he grabs one character, switch off and have the other pound him. When he retreats this time, go to the left and assemble the lift. Ride up and have both characters step on the buttons. Hit the Mad Hatter once more to finish him. New Characters: Joker Goon (7,000) Joker Henchman (9,000) Mad Hatter (35,000) Mad Hatter's Steamboat (23,000) Mad Hatter's Glider (18,000) Also, you'll unlock Glide Suit, Magnet Suit, and Attract Suit if you hadn't already. =============================== 5L. Little Fun at the Big Top = =============================== Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Joker Boxes, Joker Goon, Joker Henchman, Harley Quinn Super Hero at 68,000: Take the time to smash all the stuff you can and explore. There's nothing really special about this area. Circus Outskirts: Head to the right past several buildings. You need to go inside the third building to get the Demolition Suit, then head for the gate to the right. Assemble the shiny objects and blow them up to enter the next area. Plaza: Head all the way to the right and back to get the Sonic Suit, then break the glass on the doors and assemble the Magnet Suit Swapper. Smash objects near the water to find a rotator switch which raises a magnet wall. Assemble the grapple point so you can grapple to the other side. Smash the patio furniture to find the pieces for an Attract Suit Swapper. Explore the area for colored blocks, then deposit them in the container to make a ladder. Climb up and head to the right. Big Top: Head to the right and smash up some bricks near the gate to make a rotator switch and open the gate. Head to the right and back to the checkered floor to face off against Harley. Fight Harley is pretty basic. Simply chase her around as she backflips all over the place. Eventually, she'll get tired of flipping and get dizzy. Smack her then. After a couple of hits, she'll start summoning enemies, but her pattern won't change. New Characters: Clown Goon (100,000) Also, you'll unlock Demolition Suit and Sonic Suit if you hadn't already. ======================= 5M. Flight of the Bat = ======================= Starting Characters: Batwing, Batcopter Enemies: Goon Helicopter, Scarecrow's Biplane Super Hero at 29,000: If you're judicious, you'll get this just as you enter the last area, even though the last area has a ton of studs to get anyway. Try to shoot everything and not die too much. Rooftops: Blast everything. Go straight back from your starting position and you'll find a "bat-labelled" torpedo launcher. Snag some torps as the Batwing and fire one at the missile turret. Pass through and fire another torpedo at the launcher near the train to drop the tracks (a little structural damage never hurt anybody). Now, head back to the upper left and smash the structure near the two turrets to find a mine. Use the Batcopter to grab it with a tow cable and drag it through the hole in the tracks and into the flaming gas tank. Industrial: Blast everything. Head to the right and grab a mine near the orange stuff. Slam it into the metal box nearby and shoot it to open a torpedo launcher. Fire torps at the guns flanking the gate to knock out the electrical field and press on. Skyscrapers: Time for the shooting fest against the Scarecrow. Go to the right to find a torpedo launcher. Now, snag the Biplane as the Batcopter. While he's snagged, switch to the Batwing and blast him with a torpedo. Do this three times. New Characters: Batwing Batcopter Bruce Wayne's Private Jet (15,000) ======================= 5N. In the Dark Night = ======================= Starting Characters: Batman, Robin Enemies: Joker Goon, Joker Henchman, Killer Moth Super Hero at 73,000: There's one thing here that's really worth the effort.