__ .~' `---.--- .'./' ,~--`-.--._ | _.- / /.' | | \_.--.__.-' | | \_ _.~' / / .--__ `. / _-'_ / / \. \ \ | _.-' `._ / .' / \ |/ .' `. .' .' / /\ \ // / ._ .--`. \ / _.---. / _`-- \ \\ / .' `' \ \ / /_.-' | / / `--- \ .`- || | | | | | .' \ / \ \ | \ .-_ | | | | | / .__.-'. `. ' `-.\ / | / \ \\ \ `-______--' | / | \ \ / \.' / || \ _/ _.' .' `._.' / |\ /| | || `--.______.-' .-' / .' / `--/ | | || / _.-' .-' _/ !.' || `-._.' `---' .-' `-_.' | ', \._ _-_/ `' (Thanks to 1337mangamaster for the art!) .==========================================================================. |Okami FAQ/Walkthrough | |Author: forweg | |Version: 1.05 | |Started: 11/28/06 | |Last Updated: 6/11/08 | |E-mail: paridoxicallyidiotic@hotmail.com | |http://www.goozex.com/trading/asp/join.asp?idr=559496179505 | .==========================================================================. .---------------------------------------------. | Table of Contents | .---------------------------------------------. |1. Intro | |2. Controls | |3. Game Basics | |4. Walkthrough | | 4.1 River of the Heavens | | 4.2 Kamiki Village | | 4.3 Shinshu Field (Cursed) | | 4.4 Hana Valley | | 4.5 Shinshu Field (Restored) | | 4.6 Kamiki Village (Second Time) | | 4.7 Agata Forest | | 4.8 Tsuta Ruins | | 4.9 Agata Forest (Post-Tsuta Ruins) | | 4.10 Taka Pass | | 4.11 Kusa Village (Cursed) | | 4.12 The Cutters and Sasa Sanctuary | | 4.13 Agata Forest (Return Trip) | | 4.14 Shinshu Field (Return Trip) | | 4.15 Kamiki Village (Return Trip) | | 4.16 Gale Shrine | | 4.17 Kusa Village (Post-Gale Shrine) | | 4.18 Taka Pass (Post-Gale Shrine) | | 4.19 Full Moon | | 4.20 Moon Cave | | 4.21 Festival | | 4.22 City Checkpoint | | 4.23 Ryoshima Coast | | 4.24 Sei-an City (Cursed) | | 4.25 Sunken Ship | | 4.26 Imperial Palace | | 4.27 Sei-an City (Revived) | | 4.28 There and Back Again | | 4.29 North Ryoshima Coast | | 4.30 Catcall Tower | | 4.31 Sail On, Sail On | | 4.32 Watcher's Cape | | 4.33 Dragon Palace | | 4.34 Inside the Dragon | | 4.35 Betrayal | | 4.36 Oni Island | | 4.37 Northward Bound | | 4.38 Kamui | | 4.39 Wep'keer | | 4.40 Ezofuji | | 4.41 Yoshpet | | 4.42 Ponc'tan | | 4.43 Inner Yoshpet | | 4.44 Spirit Gate | | 4.45 Wawku Shrine | | 4.46 Backtracking through Nippon | | 4.47 Ark of Yamato | |5. Bonuses, Rankings, and New Game+ | |6. Side Quests | | 6.1 Wanted Lists | | 6.2 Guardian Statues | | 6.3 Blockhead Grande | |7. Celestial Brush Techniques | |8. Bosses | |9. Items | |10. FAQ | |11. Contact Info | |12. Version History | |13. Legal Garbage | |14. Credits | ----------------------------------------------- Note: If you want to quickly find a certain section of the guide, use the Find function (Ctrl+F). Then, enter the title of the section you're looking for. For example, if you wish to find the Hana Valley section of the walkthrough, enter "4.4 Hana Valley". Also, if you wish to know the location of a specific stray bead, type the number symbol (#) followed by that bead's number. For example, typing "#13" leads to the location of Stray Bead #13. ============================================================================ 1. Intro ============================================================================ Okami follows the dazzling adventures of the wolf/goddess Amaterasu through the land of Nippon (Japanese for Japan). She is accompanied by a tiny green sprite named Issun, who rides on her back. Issun can be somewhat compared to Navi from Ocarina of Time, although he takes a much more central role in the story. He is also the "voice" of Amaterasu in a sense, since she never speaks. The visuals of Okami seem to garner it more praise and attention than anything else, and rightfully so. I know it sounds horribly cliched, but they really do have to be seen to be believed. This CANNOT be called cel-shading. It is something entirely unique. Okami also seems to be frequently tagged as easy, perhaps too easy. I have no clue where this comes from. Sure, it starts out rather light on the difficulty, but the challenge level ramps up about a third of the way through. Don't get me wrong, Okami is never insanely hard or anything, but I certainly wouldn't call it easy either. In fact, I personally found it harder than any 3D Zelda game. Speaking of Zelda, I've often heard Okami called "the PS2 version of Zelda" or "a Zelda clone". Puh-leeze. Where does this garbage come from? Sure, they are both adventure games. Yeah, the player explores villages and dungeons in both. Aside from minor or vague similarities, what else is there? Just stop. (Little side-note: Amaterasu is featured in another PS2 game as well: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. She is portrayed as a floating woman with radiant light surrounding her. Like with all of the "demons" in Nocturne, you can fight her plus she can join you as an ally. She may be in other SMT games as well, but I wouldn't know. I adore Nocturne, so I just had to get a little plug in there. Both games do feature mythology heavily.) One more thing: Xenophobes and racists, steer clear. Just don't play the game. You don't deserve to. OK, enough rambling from me. Enjoy the game, and enjoy the guide! ============================================================================ 2. Controls ============================================================================ X: Jump; Select on the menu screen O: Talk; Examine things; Bark; Cancel on the menu screen Square: Headbutt or dash; Attack; Paint with the Celestial Brush Triangle: Dig; Bite something or someone; Use sub-weapon; Paint with thicker strokes Left Analog Stick: Walk or run; Move the cursor on the menu screen Right Analog Stick: Control Camera Control Pad: Move the cursor on the menu screen L1: Press to change camera distance; Hold to change to first-person view L2: Display Map R1: Use Celestial Brush R2: Use Fleetfoot skill (You must learn it first) R3: Reset Camera Select: Open Options Menu Start: Open Fan Menu (which is basically the standard Pause Menu) ============================================================================ 3. Game Basics ============================================================================ This section is going to be quite large, because there is just *so* much to do in Okami! .-------------. | Exploration | .-------------. Okami's world of Nippon is a huge one, so you better be prepared for lots of exploring. Amaterasu will explore large, wide open plains, villages, dungeons and lots of other areas. Many places will be blocked initially, and you'll either need a special brush ability or a key or another item to enter them. Like many modern adventure games, time progresses naturally in Okami. There are many differences between day and night. People will appear in different places, some animals may appear only during the day, and special places to dig appear only at night. You may sometimes grow weary of Ammy's slow trot. To speed up, press Square to dash. Ammy will begin running much faster. Run a bit more, and she'll break into a full sprint. This is handy for getting to places much more quickly. .---------. | Jumping | .---------. Yep, even jumping gets its own section. You start out with the regular jump, of course, plus a Wall Jump. To Wall Jump, perform a normal jump by pressing X, then, while in contact with a wall, press X to jump again. This allows you to jump twice as high as a regular jump. You also begin with the ability to jump, then press Square to dash in mid-air. Doing this lets you reach slightly further distances. It doesn't have an in-game name, so I'll call be calling it my own generic name: "Super Jump". Creative, eh? At a certain point in the game, you will have the opportunity to buy the Double Jump (or "Holy Eagle", but meh, Double Jump is easier to remember, right?). It is basically the same as the Wall Jump, except you don't need a wall to use it. Plus, you can dash after the Double Jump too, so I'll call that the "Super Double Jump". .-----------------. | Celestial Brush | .-----------------. The Celestial Brush is a very unique feature present in Okami. Hopefully you will enjoy it, because you'll be using it quite often! Press and hold the R1 button to freeze the world around you into a painting. Press Square to paint with the brush, or Triangle for slightly thicker strokes. If you're ever stuck somewhere and don't know what to do, you most likely need to use the Celestial Brush in some way. .--------. | Praise | .--------. Ammy will earn Praise for doing good deeds. Feeding animals, blooming trees, restoring decayed environments, destroying Devil Gates, and many more activities will earn Praise. Praise sort of serves as the "experience points" of Okami, although it isn't earned in battle. Praise is used to power up your four Divine Attributes. They are health, ink, the Astral Pouch, and the purse. Enhancing health, ink pots, or the Astral Pouch increases the maximum number of each of these things you can have. Enhancing the purse increases the maximum amount of money you can hold. .--------------. | Astral Pouch | .--------------. The Astral Pouch is an odd little implementation of 1UPs. Amaterasu can fill the Astral Pouch by eating various types of food. Most food fills it only one unit, but some types of food can fill it by as much as five units. When the Astral Pouch reaches 200, it serves as an "extra life". In other words, if Amaterasu dies with the Astral Pouch at 200, she'll be revived with full health. You start out with only one Astral Pouch, but can obtain more by enhancing the appropriate Divine Attribute. .-----------------. | Feeding Animals | .-----------------. Amaterasu will come across a wide variety of wildlife on her adventure. The animals can be fed Seeds, Herbs, Meat, or Fish. These portions of food can either be bought from merchants for 500 Yen, or they can be found in jars or other such things. Most animals prefer only one of the four types of food, although some like more than one. Ammy will earn Praise for feeding animals. Usually, the bigger the animal, the more Praise earned. You can also check the Animal Tome on the Fan Menu to see what percentage of each type of animal you've fed. If 100% is reached for all animal types, you will obtain a nice reward. Plus, little hearts will appear over the animals' heads after they've been fed. Yay! .---------. | Digging | .---------. Ammy can dig a hole in the ground by rapidly pressing Triangle. Lights shining onto the ground indicate where you should dig. White lights only appear at night and indicate that a treasure chest is below the ground. Green lights will appear at any time and mean that a Lucky Clover (Clover Studio shoutout!) is below the ground. Lucky Clovers need to be restored using the Bloom brush technique. Once restored, they'll give Ammy a bit of Praise. .---------------. | Sun Fragments | .---------------. If you're at all familiar with the Legend of Zelda series, you should know what Heart Pieces are. Well, Sun Fragments are extremely similar. Collect three Sun Fragment, and Amaterasu will gain a new unit of Solar Energy. .-------------. | Stray Beads | .-------------. If you collect all 100 stray beads, you'll receive a very nice prize at the end of the game. Some of them are quite far off the beaten path, so it is quite a difficult goal to accomplish, especially if you're not using a guide like this one. This is their only use. If you don't plan on obtaining all 100 stray beads, then there is no use in getting even one. .--------. | Saving | .--------. Saving is performed in Okami by stepping on something called the Origin Mirror. This is a circular object on the ground with light shining out of it. The game itself advises you to keep multiple save files, and I would generally recommend doing this as well. You never know when you might need a previous save for some wacky reason. Origin Mirrors also fully restore your health and ink. .--------. | Combat | .--------. The vast majority of non-boss combat takes place with Demon Scrolls. They can be found wandering all over Nippon. If Amaterasu comes into contact with a Demon Scroll, she'll be forced into combat with multiple foes in an arena-like environment. These battles don't earn you any Praise. The only reward for fighting them is Yen. You can earn more bonus Yen by defeating enemies quickly, and taking as little damage as possible. The combat itself is generally rather easy against Demon Scroll foes. You can escape from these battles by finding cracks in the surrounding barrier and breaking them. You should never really need to escape, though, unless you're really low on health or something. Avoiding Demon Scrolls isn't difficult at all. You will indeed probably find yourself avoiding them quite frequently, as there just isn't enough of a reward to merit fighting them. I recommend only initiating combat with them when you desperately need some money, want to try out a new weapon, or just feel like fighting. .-------------------------. | Weapons and Sub-Weapons | .-------------------------. Amaterasu will find MANY different weapons over the course of her journey. Generally, the later the weapons are found, the stronger they are. Gold Dust can be used to power up weapons. It can only be used once on each weapon. Sub-weapons can also be equipped, and can be used in battle by pressing Triangle. Each weapon serves a different purpose as a sub-weapon. Some shoot ink bullets, some are used as shields etc. .-------------. | Devil Gates | .-------------. Devil Gates are small, crude constructions that simply look evil. If you enter one of them, you'll have to fight a series of fiends. These battles are only slightly more difficult than normal ones. After defeating all enemies, the local environment will be restored, Ammy will earn some Praise, and a group of animals will appear. .-------------. | Demon Fangs | .-------------. Demon Fangs can be used to trade with a few special merchants for some nice items. There are two ways to acquire them. After a monster dies, it will temporarily be suspended in the air before dying. While it is in the air, use a Celestial Brush technique (There's an excellent FAQ by theranmafan detailing this) on it to extract a Demon Fang. Some, more powerful foes will hold more than one Demon Fang. The other way to obtain them is screwing around with the loading screen. If the screen is blank, rapidly tap X to make paws appear. Get enough, and you'll receive your Demon Fang. If little paws start showing up at the bottom of the screen, you need to press X just as they are about to appear to make them bigger paws. Create a row of big paws, and the Demon Fang is yours. .---------. | Godhood | .---------. Godhood acts as a shield, preventing Ammy from taking damage in battle. Getting high combo counts (which are just consecutive attacks) or using Traveler's Charms increases Godhood, while running from battles, taking damage, drowning in water, or dying in cursed zones decreases Godhood. The Godhood symbol appears at the lower-left corner of the screen during combat only. A skull is the symbol for the negative Godhood level. The positive levels appear as a wolf shape with a color surrounding it. From the lowest to the highest, the colors are red, yellow, and green. .-----------------. | Mermaid Springs | .-----------------. Mermaid Spring allow you to teleport large distances instantly. A Mermaid Spring is a small body of water with greenish-blueish light coming out. Toss a Mermaid Coin into the spring to make the warp point appear. Mermaid Coins can be bought from merchants for 1000 yen, but only after a certain point in the game. Therefore, Mermaid Springs are not immediately accessible. ============================================================================ 4. Walkthrough ============================================================================ Yay, finally you were able to sift through all the crap to get to the good stuff. The purpose of this walkthrough is to provide a guide in getting through the main game, while at the same time giving info on all possible bonuses and side tasks. Collecting all stray beads, feeding all animals, obtaining all unique treasures, etc. I'll be including a handy checklist for every section of the game. These checklists will consist of only the things that I consider important. Things the checklists will include: -Animals to feed (By the way, I'll be calling all animals "sets", even if it is actually only one animal, for the sake of convenience.) -Stray Beads -Travel Guides -Unique Treasures -Rare, unique, or otherwise important items -Divine Instruments (Weapons) -Wanted Lists -Devil Gates Things the checklists won't include: -Common items -Common Treasures -Maps -Clovers -Trees to bloom -Miscellaneous Praise This doesn't mean, however, that I won't include these things in the walkthrough itself. Lastly, if you see anything wrong with my walkthrough or anything missing from it, don't be afraid to contact me! Spot a stray bead or animal(s) I missed? Contact me! Find a common, crappy item or clover I missed? Contact me! Notice a minor grammar or spelling error? Contact me! I can't stress this enough. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Important: One more thing I need to say here, after receiving several confused e-mails. I use compass directions throughout the walkthrough. When I say east, I mean the actual direction on the map (hold L2). East does NOT mean right. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 River of the Heavens ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .------------------------------. |River of the Heavens Checklist| .------------------------------. |*Astral Pouch | |*Stray Bead #1 | -------------------------------- Okami starts with a long, expository scene that explains the background of the story. Yes, it may be a tad overly long, but if you plan on following the story at all, you should pay attention. After a few more scenes, which introduce Amaterasu, Issun, and Sakuya, you'll finally gain control. Go the only way you can, through the light-filled opening. (Remember to try for those Demon Fangs on the loading screens!) Issun will explain some of the basic controls. This entire area is sort of like a tutorial stage. After he's done, and after marvelling at the dazzling environment around you, head forward towards the bridge. He'll start yapping again, this time about Origin Mirrors, so go ahead and use this one to save. I agree with Issun, you should keep at least two save files at all times, just in case something goes wrong. Head on across the bridge. Issun explains wall jumps. First, though, headbutt the jars in the area to collect a bit of Yen. Now turn right, then north to find an unfenced area to wall jump onto. Open the immediate treasure by headbutting it. Inside is a Holy Bone S, the basic recovery item. Go north to a nearby broken bridge. Issun fixes it for you, so cross. On the other side, if you approach the stone sign, Issun will babble a bit about the River of the Heavens. Ignore it for now, and go up the eastern hill. A constellation shows up. Issun will explain how to use the Celestial Brush, and commands you to fill in the missing star. Do so, it's very easy. The god of restoration, Yomigami, appears to give you his power. Yippee! Run down to the river, and fill it in using your new power. It helps if you press Triangle (and press it hard!) to make thicker strokes. You'll still probably need to fill it in multiple times. Once you're across, open the obvious treasure chest to acquire the Astral Pouch. You can find food to fill it with in some nearby jars. Proceed through the big, shiny opening. You'll be at the base of a long, elevating pathway. Just follow the path until you reach a bridge connecting the Fountain of Nagi, but don't cross it yet. You see that big waterfall nearby? Well, swim to an alcove to the right (east) of the waterfall. Open the treasure chest on the alcove for your first bead (Stray Bead #1). Now you can cross the bridge. Continue along the path, up the stairs, and into the Cave of Nagi. After a bit of dialogue from Issun, head further into the cave. You should notice that the big statue of Nagi's sword is broken. Come on, you should know what to do. Fill it in using your Rejuvenation skillz! Ooh, another constellation. Replace the one missing star again. Tachigami, another god, will grant you the Power Slash technique. Issun forces you to slash a boulder in half, so do it by drawing a straight, horizontal line. After more Issun chatter, follow the magical arrow and slash those wooden posts down. Outside, run back down the stairs. You can cut down trees now, if you like. Once you reach the bottom of the steps, you'll get your first dose of combat with two Green Imps. They are laughably easy. Just slash 'em and kill 'em. Oh, but make sure you Power Slash them while they're dying in mid-air to glean some Demon Fangs. After you're done laughing at how pathetic they were, head all the way back down the pathway until you get into another fight, which is exactly same as the last one. Yep, just as easy. Proceed through the door. Back at the River of the Heavens area, simply swim across the river and go all the way back through the big, light-filled door you entered at the start of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Kamiki Village ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .------------------------------------------. | Kamiki Village Checklist | .------------------------------------------. |*Animals to Feed: | | *4 Sets of Sparrows (Seeds) (Day only) | | *1 Set of Hares (Herbs) | | *1 Set of Dogs (Meat) | | *1 Set of Chickens (Seeds) | |*Stray Bead #2 | |*Rabbit Statue | -------------------------------------------- Once you're back out in Hell, Power Slash that fruit hanging from the big tree. It makes Kamiki Village all purty again. Advance down the hill. When you reach the intersection, you'll see a "stone statue". Oh dear, we've all seen this in video games before. Choose the left path and proceed until you reach the wooden deck stretching to the left. Go onto the far end of it and Issun will make a little comment. Okay, great. Now go back, choose the other path this time, and head into the actual village. Hmm, seems old Kamiki isn't quite fully restored after all. Don't bother going into any houses or anything yet, there's no point. There's an Origin Mirror at the far side of the village (across the bridge) if you want to save. Examine a few of the stoned people (teh lolz!) and Issun will recommend "going to a high place". Ugh, time to go back to the "sacred deck". Once you're there, Issun whines about there being no sun. If only a sun god was around... Just draw a circle in the sky to make a WW2-era Japanese flag, er, I mean the sun. Mr. Orange drops by to say some stuff, just when three evil, vicious Green Imps attack! Nope, sorry guys, adding one to your numbers still doesn't make you tough. Clobber those foos to earn your first twenty Praise points. Open the chest right in front of Ammy for a Feedbag (Seeds). And whaddya know, a flock of sparrows are located right at the top of the nearby hill. Feed them the seeds you just obtained to receive 5 Praise. Run down the hill to the intersection. Talking to the guy in the weird mask named Kumoso leads you into a fight. Be sure to fight his imps quickly enough so that he congratulates you. It's important for later. At about the starting point to the right (west) path, tilt the camera upwards to see some wooden beams located below the deck where you met Mr. Orange. Two treasure chests lie atop the beams. The first one isn't too difficult to reach, but does take a bit of skill. Wall jump off of the wall to the left of the beams, and onto a beam right across from the lowest treasure. Then, perform a regular jump as far as possible onto the beam with the treasure chest. Trust me, you will NOT go too far (unless you accidently run off after reaching the beam). Open the chest for Stray Bead #2. (Be careful not to fall off while opening it!) Getting to the second chest is considerably harder. Get back to the first beam you were on, the one across from the first chest. You need to wall jump using the nearby mountain wall. The second jump needs to be directly back from the first, to the beam right above the original beam. The reward this time is Glass Beads. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Correction: There is actually a much, much easier way to open the two mentioned chests. Simply Power Slash them from below. Thanks to a couple of GameFAQs message board posters for informing me of this. I cannot remember the names, sorry. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Progress into the actual village. You can play a little mini-game here in the turnip field. Dig up a turnip, and Mushi's Mama will slowly come over and try to beat you! Cover her with ink to delay her, and continue to dig up turnips. You need to get all ten before either getting hit or leaving the field. Pick up the last one and give it to Mushi, who is located to the right of the field with his dog. He'll reward Ammy with 7 Praise. You can now enter the houses on the other side of the street. There isn't much in them, though, other than a bit of food and Yen. Talk to Kushi, who is working in a field between two houses. Speak to her multiple times, and she'll babble about Susano. To the left of the village bridge Mrs. Orange is doing her laundry. Speak to her a few times and she'll complain that her drying pole is missing. Well, that looks like a perfect job for us. Draw a line connecting the two posts and she'll hang the laundry. But now she whines that the sun isn't shining brightly. Gee, hard to figure out what to do, eh? Make her a sun. She will reward you with 7 Praise, plus she'll invite you to her house for some cherry cakes at night. They really fill the old Astral Pouch. Now cross the bridge, and continue along the path until you reach (what would be) the village exit. Speak to the merchant trying to remove the giant boulders, and a Red Imp, along with two of his green buddies, will attack! Red Imps are slightly trickier than the green ones, because they'll often block you with their instruments. Just Power Slash them when they do this, though, and the Red Imps aren't much of a problem. 30 Praise, nice! Looks like you can enhance a Divine Attribute now. I strongly suggest Solar Energy (health). The merchant will ask for you to retrieve Susano. Let the magical arrow guide you to him (Go into his house, break the big jar to the far right, and drop down into the basement). Headbutt the buffoon and listen to his nonsense. It seems Susano enjoys riding Ammy. Carry him back to the merchant by the boulders for a scene. Follow the coward to his training ground behind his house. He'll mumble something about sake, so go back and talk to Kushi, the sake brewer, still working in her field. She's upset that her water mill is broken. The water mill is located a bit to the east of Kushi. Just use rejuvenation to fill in the top half. Follow Kushi into her house (right beside the water mill) and speak to her again. She'll offer Ammy some sake, so pick it up and head back to Susano. After he drinks his sake, talk to Susano again. Slash the dummies and the rock with your brush right after Susano does the same with his sword. He'll gain the courage to slash the boulders blocking the exit, so do the same thing here. Susano takes all the credit for what you did. Get used to it, you'll be dealing with this nuisance a lot. Sakuya shows up as well, and marks some Gaurdian Saplings on your map. You may now exit Kamiki and continue on your quest, but there's lots still left to do in the village. First off, the merchant has opened up his shop right beside the exit. Sell the Glass Beads if you got them, because treasures never, ever have any other purpose than to be sold. Buy some Feedbags. Buy at least 4 Seeds, 1 Herb, and one Meat. You don't need any Fish for now. We'll start out by feeding the animals in the village. Run a bit northwest of the merchant stand to find some hares wandering around a plant-filled area. Feed them herbs. Now go behind Susano's house to the right of his training ground to find some sparrows. They like seeds, and also note that sparrows appear only during the day. Next, return to Mushi beside the turnip field and feed his dog some meat. You'll also find some sparrows in the turnip field itself, so feed them too. Now go directly west from the turnip field to find some chickens in between two houses. Feed them seeds. Finally, go back to the intersection with the weird mask guy to find more sparrows to feed. Whew, that's all the animals in Kamiki Village. Now I'll list the buried treasures, as well as other miscellaneous treasures. Please remember, the buried ones only show up at night! They appear as white lights shining down onto the ground. You need to dig them up. Important Note: I actually realized later that I was incorrect about this. The buried treasures can be dug up at any time, but are just much easier to see at night. Traveler's Charm (Buried): Near Kumoso, at the intersection Dragonfly Bead (Buried): Located on the turnip field Wooden Bear (Buried): Located on the western island, away from the village Dragonfly Bead: It's located on the same island, behind the big rock Vase: Underwater, beside Kushi's field. Power Slash the chest to open it. Glass Beads: Underwater, just north of the village bridge Rabbit Statue: Underwater, right beside the Glass Beads Coral Fragment: Inside Mr. and Mrs. Orange's house. (from Jennifer) Okay, that's all there is to do in Kamiki for now. It may be a wise idea to buy more feedbags before leaving, especially seeds. Exit the village. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Shinshu Field (Cursed) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .--------------------------------. |Shinshu Field (Cursed) Checklist| .--------------------------------. |*Nothing yet | ---------------------------------- This place is in bad shape right now. Don't step in the evil-looking areas, because you'll die if you stay there long at all. Advance down the linear pathway and Issun will comment on the pathetic state of the Guardian Sapling in the area. Nothing can be done about it now, though. Personally, I always try to avoid the Demon Scrolls wandering around. The extra Yen just isn't worth the annoyance. Your choice, though. When you reach an intersection of the path, go left (north). Just keep following this path until you reach the Nameless Man's house. Talk to him if you like, and continue across the little wooden bridge. On the other side, turn left (northwest) into what looks like a big cave opening. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Hana Valley ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-------------------------------------------. | Hana Valley Checklist | .-------------------------------------------. |*Animals to feed: | | *1 Set of Boars (Seeds) | | *1 Set of Boar Piglets (Seeds) | | *1 Set of Monkeys (Anything but Herbs) | |*Stray Bead #11 | |*Sun Fragment | |*Travel Guide: Greensprout Tips | |*Travel Guide: Digging Tips | --------------------------------------------- There's an Origin Mirror right there at the beginning, so save. Progress down the linear path, pick up a Traveler's Charm from the chest, and cross the log bridge. You'll find some imps partying. Kill the hooligans. Head through the small tunnel, and on the other side you'll run into your first Evil Tree. They throw fruit at you, which takes away some health. Power Slash their fruit right back at them, and run by while they're stunned. Continue along the path, fighting off more evil trees on the way, and cross the long, wooden bridge. Turn right at the junction to run into a Yellow Imp and friends. You have to wait until he comes above ground to hurt him. Finish them off. Great, the charming Susano is here, too. Examine the big mural to the north. Issun points out that something is missing. Indeed. Draw a sun where the sun should be in the picture. The path to Susano's hiding place opens. Go the same way Susano did, wall jumping when necessary. Head into the room with the tiny sapling. Nothing to do here yet, so cut down the posts barring the western entrance. Enter, and save at the Origin Mirror. Advance further to find Susano and a foul beast. Cut the four torches and the beast, just as you did last time when dealing with Susano. Sweet justice, foul beast! After Susano leaves, you should notice a crystal sphere. Roll it all the way into the room with the tiny sapling. You should see a little pool of water above and to the north of the sapling. Roll the sphere up one of the ramps leading up there, and into the pool of water. It will begin elevating like a fountain. Go north as far as possible to see a small chunk of sky. Draw a sun there and tada! the sapling grows, plus a constellation appears. Fill out the constellation (two missing stars this time). Sakigami grants you the power to Bloom. So, draw a circle around the withered Guardian Sapling to restore the whole Hana Valley. Lotsa nice Praise, too. Return through the south exit, and down the path to area with the mural. After disposing of some imps, feed the boar and boar piglets seeds. If you don't have any seeds, remember to feed them later. Exit south, past the waterfalls. As Issun advises, after stunning the Evil Trees, you may now finish them off by Blooming them. Be sure to do so. Continue along until you come across a gloomy patch of grass. Try fill most of it in, but especially the darker black areas. You'll receive Travel Guide: Greensprout Tips for your efforts. Ignore the bridge, and go north to find an Evil Tree in the corner. Bloom it. Now cross the bridge. Progress down the path, making sure you bloom all Evil Trees AND all regular withered trees along the way. Beat down some imps through the cave tunnel, and feed the monkeys that appear in their place. Monkeys will eat anything but herbs. Be sure to bloom all of the trees in this area, too. "Super jump" over to the little western island. The chest contains Travel Guide: Digging Tips. Now, dig up the area where the green light is shining down and bloom the clover for some Praise. Also, remember to bloom the solitary tree on this island. When you bloom all of the trees, a chest will appear in the mural area. It's quite easy to miss a tree or two, so let's review. Along with the four Evil Trees, there are: -2 trees near the entrance -1 tree on the western island -6 trees around the campfire -3 trees along the pathway leading to the long, wooden bridge Open the chest for a Sun Fragment. Before leaving Hana Valley, there's one more important item to retrieve. At night, go to the northern side of the cave tunnel to see a dig spot. Dig up the chest and open it to receive Stray Bead #11. There's also a clover across the river from the first Origin Mirror. It's on the narrow eastern shore. Now we've picked Hana Valley clean, so leave. From Tyrryal Faelad: "i noticed that in hana valley, there is one clover you missed. It's like, after you cross the large wooden bridge and there's the evil tree to your left, right behind the evil tree is a little...bump sort of thing you can jump on, and there's a little cave/cliff if you double jump up to it. It's just one clover but it's kinda cool scenery as you're above like everything in the valley." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5 Shinshu Field (Restored) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-------------------------------------. | Shinshu Field (Restored) Checklist | .-------------------------------------. |*Animals to feed: | | *3 Sets of Hares | | *1 Set of Horses (Herbs) | | *1 Set of Pigs (Seeds) | | *2 Sets of Boar Piglets | | *1 Set of Boars | | *1 Set of Sparrows | |*Stray Bead #5 | |*Stray Bead #6 | |*Stray Bead #7 | |*Stray Bead #8 | |*Shinshu Field Wanted List | |*Rat Statue | |*Travel Guide: Fleeing Battle | |*Travel Guide: Legend of Orochi | |*Travel Guide: Feeding | |*4 Devil Gates to destroy | --------------------------------------- (Before I begin this section, I'd like to note that you'll almost certainly notice some statues around Shinshu Field. Issun will suggest making an offering to them. You *cannot* do anything with them yet. Wait until later in the game.) Well, Shinshu Field isn't quite restored yet, but it will be soon. Issun points out the (mostly) useless journal. Make your way back to the dead Shinshu Field sapling. Bloom it for more nature power! As Issey Ogata says, it's time to explore Shinshu Field. Obviously, open the chest right in front of the revived sapling for Travel Guide: Fleeing Battle. Also note an Origin Mirror that shows up near the tree. Shinshu Field is a very large area, and there's quite a bit to do here. You'll be feeding many animals, so buy a decent amount of feedbags from the merchant just southwest of the Guardian Sapling, especially focusing on seeds and herbs. Sell your treasures while you're there. I'm going to start covering tasks around the Nameless Man and go sort of clockwise around the map. Be sure you start beside him as well. First, cross the bridge to encounter a Devil Gate. Enter it and kill a pack of Red and Green Imps inside to restore the area. Feed the hares that appear on the hill between the houses. Also, just past the left (west) house is a buried treasure in the corner. Grab Stray Bead #8 inside. Now go past the houses east along the new path and you'll run into Ida. He takes your Traveler's Charm and rewards you with some Praise. Next, turn southwest off of the path and run along the river edge (behind the sapling) until you reach another Devil Gate. All three Imp varieties in this one. After the gate is destroyed, feed the hares that show up in its place. Just south of this area, up past a little ledge, is a buried treasure with Stray Bead #7 inside. Go directly east to find a buried Clover. Wall jump up the wall directly beside the Clover to find some more hares to feed. From the hares, follow the southern path until you reach a sign that reads "To Pyrotechnist's House". Go the direction the sign indicates, down the bridge. At the bottom, a Dead Fish blocks the way. Power Slash it to knock it down, and pummel it on the ground. Tama the pyrotechnist's house is down here. Right in front of his house is a chest containing Travel Guide: Legend of Orochi. If it's currently daytime, feed some sparrows just west of Tama's house. You must wait until night to gain entrance to Tama's residence. When you can, go ahead and enter. Make note of the design on the far wall before speaking to Tama. Talk to him a few times and he'll throw some explosives into a pot. Mimic the design on the wall with your brush, which is a circle with a small slash through the upper-right corner. Appreciate the purty fireworks and fill in the two missing stars on the constellation. Bakugami gives ya Cherry Bomb. Cherry Bomb the cracked wall Issun points out. The chest inside contains Rat Statue. Now head back up the upwards, stairs-like bridge, and then across the normal bridge. Go left down the steep path, just past the stone sign that says "Lake Harami". When you reach the bottom, make an immediate U-turn right (southwest). At the end of this little path is a buried treasure. Dig it up for Stray Bead #5. Turn back and enter the close-by Moon Shrine. Speak to Priest Mika inside. He gives Ammy a wanted list of monsters. Exit the shrine. Outside, you'll automatically run into Toya of the Short Temper, so kill him. Go ahead and cross out Mr. Short Temper. You *could* hunt the other four wanted monsters of Shinshu Field now, but I strongly advise you to wait until later in the game when it becomes much easier with a new brush technique. Remember, they only appear at night. While you're here, go down the narrow strip of land to a new area. Issun is surprised that the Moon Cave isn't here. Continue along the linear path and intentionally run into the purple barrier. Looks like you can't get in. Okay... Exit this evil-looking place and Issun will say it's time to head back to Kamiki Village. Yeah right, bug. There's still more to do in Shinshu Field. Moving on, head back up the steep path. From here, run straight ahead (west) and to the Dojo. Ignore the Dojo itself for now, and go behind it to find a buried treasure. Stray Bead #6 waits inside. Go back in front of the Dojo to find a Devil Gate. Kill the yellow and green imps to eradicate it and reveal some pigs beside the dojo. Feed them, of course. Now you can finally enter the dojo. Inside, talk to yet another annoying Okami character, Onigiri Sensei. He can teach Amaterasu new techniques. The bottom two are unavailable for now (most likely). If you can afford both Fleetfoot and 4 Winds, then I recommend buying both. If you can only afford one, though, get 4 Winds. By the way, when the Sensei is teaching you the new techniques, you don't actually have to wait until he says it's okay to leave. You can leave at any time after performing them at least once. Back outside the dojo, run straight ahead, just past the training equipment, to find some horses to feed. Now make your way back to the gate leading down to the Moon Shrine, but don't go down there. Go southwest, past the gate, to find a sign that says "Agata Forest Port". Open the chest beside the sign for Travel Guide: Feeding. Right beside this is a group of boar piglets and boars to feed. On the other side of the little pond is some gloomy grass to restore. Cherry Bomb the crack that appears in the ground to find a chest containing Coral Fragment. There's nothing left to do in this little area, so head down the winding path past the dojo (the one leading back to Kamiki). A Devil Gate in between Kamiki and the Guardian Sapling stands out obviously. As usual, murder the imps inside to destroy it. A treasure chest appears in the middle of an odd circle, so open it to receive a Vengeance Slip.