TTTTTTTTTTT EEEEEEEEEEE KKK KKK KKK KKK EEEEEEEEEEE NNNNN NNN TTTTTTTTTT EEEEEEEEEEE KKK KKK KKK KKK EEEEEEEEEEE NNNNNN NNN TTTTTTTTT EEE KKK KKK KKK KKK EEE NNN NN NNN TTT EEEEEEEEEEE KKKKKK KKKKKK EEEEEEEEEEE NNN NN NNN TTT EEEEEEEEEEE KKKKK KKKKK EEEEEEEEEEE NNN NNNNNN TTT EEE KKKKKK KKKKKK EEE NNN NNNN TTT EEEEEEEEEEEE KKK KKK KKK KKK EEEEEEEEEEEE NNN NNN TT EEEEEEEEEEEE KKK KKK KKK KKK EEEEEEEEEEEE NNN NNN 555555555555555 555555555555555 5555555 5555555 555555555555555 55555555 55555555 55555555 5555 555555 55555555555 55555555 General FAQ/Move List Version 1.5 Table of Contents: 1) Introduction/Disclaimer 2) Version History 3) Story Battle 4) Arcade Battle 5) Time Battle 6) VS. Battle 7) Team Battle 8) Survival 9) Practice 10) Tekken: Devil Within 11) Arcade History 10a. Starblade 10b. Tekken AC version 10c. Tekken 2 Ver.B AC version 10d. Tekken 3 AC version 12) Theater 13) Customize 14) Options 15) Character Profiles 16) Character Move Lists 17) Contact Information 18) Special Thanks 19) Copyright Information ***1) Introduction/Disclaimer*** This is a general FAQ for the fighting game Tekken 5. Because this guide deals in generalities and covers all 30 fighters, this is not intended to be a severely in-depth analysis on any particular fighter. Additionally, ***THIS FAQ CAN AND WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TEKKEN 5. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED IN ADVANCE.*** ***2) Version History*** Version 1.5: Redid the key for the move list. Added a section of Character Profiles. Version 1.1: Changes made to the Arcade Battle section. Many thanks to those who emailed me. Version 1.0: First version of the FAQ. All sections completed, all modes covered, and all move lists have been included. ***3) Story Battle*** This is one of the two key modes of Tekken 5. Story Battle is where you find out each character's intentions for entering the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 5, as well as what happens when they reach the end of their journey. You face nine opponents in Story Battle, and the outline of the nine stages is more or less like this: Stage 1: Random opponent Stage 2: Random opponent Stage 3: Random opponent Stage 4: Generally a midpoint character in the story. Depending on the character you chose, you will either encounter one of your chief foes here, or you will encounter someone who merely stands in your way. Several examples: If you play as Asuka Kazama, you will encounter Feng Wei, the man who attacked your father and hospitalized him, during Stage 4. Feng is a key figure in Asuka's story. If you play as Mokujin, you will encounter Roger Jr., who will agree to help you find your children, during Stage 4. Roger Jr. is not a key figure to Mokujin's story. Stage 5: Usually another random opponent Stage 6: Random opponent Stage 7: Almost always a character key to the story of the character you have chosen. Several examples: If you play as Paul Phoenix, you will encounter Kuma, a fighter who has long been a thorn in Paul's side, in Stage 7. If you play as Christie Monteiro, you will encounter Eddy Gordo, a fighter who does not want you to risk too much for your grandfather, in Stage 7. Stage 8: Almost always the fighter Devil Jin, with a couple of exceptions. For example, if you play as Raven, you will meet Heihachi Mishima instead. If you play as Devil Jin, you will meet Asuka Kazama. Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima. Jinpachi is the man who held the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. He is consumed by an evil entity that transforms him into a very tough opponent. *Note: Many people believe that Jinpachi is a very cheap fighter, and I more or less agree with them. Jinpachi can do more damage than any other fighter, and he has two crushing moves: a stun move that seems to take a very high priority and stops you in your tracks (and leaves you open to his attacks), and a fireball attack that MUST be sidestepped, or you will lose more than half your health in one blast. Most characters have jump-in moves or other moves that Jinpachi seldom blocks, so use those to your advantage! After defeating Jinpachi, you will see your character's ending. Some endings are serious and provide a good deal of insight into the character's life, but some endings are comical and simply provide a lighthearted conclusion to a hard day's work in the King of Iron Fist Tournament. Whatever the case may be, enjoy your ending! Additionally, completing Story Battle multiple times will unlock nine of the ten hidden fighters in Tekken 5. Beat Story Mode once = unlock Roger Jr. Beat Story Mode twice = unlock Anna Williams Beat Story Mode three times = unlock Baek Doo San Beat Story Mode four times = unlock Bruce Irvin Beat Story Mode five times = unlock Wang Chirei Beat Story Mode six times = unlock Kuma/Panda Beat Story Mode seven times = unlock Ganryu Beat Story Mode eight times = unlock Mokujin Beat Story Mode nine times = unlock Heihachi Mishima Please note that you MUST beat Story Battle each time with a different fighter in order to unlock the hidden character. One final note, every time you beat Story Battle with a new fighter, you will earn 100,000G for customizing your fighters. ***4) Arcade Battle*** Arcade Battle is the other main mode of Tekken 5. In Arcade Battle, you are to select a character with whom you will raise from the ranks of Beginner, all the way to the echelon of Tekken Lord. After you select a character, you will fight your first opponent, who will be selected for you based on your character's ranking. After beating him/her, as you watch your fighter celebrate, you are given four options: the fighter on the top (whom you can choose to fight by pressing Up on the D-pad), the fighter in the middle (whom you can choose by pressing Right on the D-pad), the fighter on the bottom (Down on the D-pad), or Exit out of Arcade Battle (Left on the D-pad). You are given the name of the fighter and their ranking. Think fast, though! You are not given too much time to make your decision. For each fight you win, you are awarded money for customization. The amount you receive depends on how much higher your opponent's ranking is than your own. The believed formula, as given to me by Dion Riojas: Beat someone the same rank as you = 1000G Beat someone ranked higher than you = 1000G + 100G for each rank higher than you (100G bonus for one rank higher, 200G for two ranks higher, etc.) Beat anyone ranked lower than you = 800G Beat a Warlord or higher (see below) = 1000G bonus (is not dependent on your ranking) If you lose a fight to a character, and you opt to continue, you are allowed to change your character if you so desire. Regardless of which character you choose and their ranking, your opponent's rank will not be changed. The ranking list is roughly: Beginner ---lowest ranking 9th kyu 8th kyu 7th kyu 6th kyu 5th kyu 4th kyu 3rd kyu 2nd kyu 1st kyu --- 1st dan 2nd dan 3rd dan 4th dan 5th dan --- Shihan Expert Master Virtuoso Champion Legend Sage Warlord Conqueror Deity Tekken Lord ---highest ranking The more you fight and win, the higher your ranking will go. However, if you lose several fights in a row, you will be at risk of being demoted. Additionally, on occasion, you will receive an opportunity for a roulette. A Tekken Roulette will take the amount of money you win from the fight, should you win, and multiply it by either 2, 3, 5, or 10, depending on what the roulette hits. You will know that a fight has a Tekken Roulette feature when the top left of the screen flashes red. Be sure to win as many roulette matches as you can! *Note: On one occasion, I was playing Arcade Battle for an extended amount of time, and from Stages 45-54 or so, I received 8-10 consecutive roulette battles. Obviously this netted me a LOT of funds, but I have no idea if such a roulette streak is the result of persistence and getting to Stage 45, or if the streak is the result of dumb luck over and over again. If I receive any information through my playing, I will let you know. ***5) Time Attack*** Time Attack will allow you to compete against the computer in a race against the clock. Your goal is to win all of your fights as fast as you can. You are allowed continues, but you may not select different characters. Time Attack will take you through nine stages, the last of which being that lovable old demon, Jinpachi Mishima (and he's no pushover). Track your fastest times by selecting Records under the Options menu. (Note: The difficulty of Time Attack is not dependent on your difficulty settings or fight round settings under the Options menu.) ***6) VS. Battle*** Versus Battle allows you to complete against your friends (who use the 2P controller). For added challenge/fairness, you may compete under a handicap (give yourself more or less health depending on your desires). After selecting your fighters, you are allowed to either pick a random stage to battle, or you may cycle through the stages by using the left and right keys on the D-pad. ***7) Team Battle*** Team Battle is either one-player or two-player, your choice. In Team Battle, each player selects between one and eight fighters on their team, and the two teams battle. If you defeat a member of the other team, your fighter will gain a small amount of health for the next fighter. However, if you lose, you will have to resort to the next fighter. The battle ends when one team is out of fighters. If you fight the computer, you will not know who you are up against until that fighter is up for battle. ***8) Survival*** Survival mode is one of the greatest tests a fighter can face! In this mode, you select your fighter, and your goal is to defeat as many fighters as you can before dying. After defeating an enemy, you replenish a little health. The enemies are progressively more difficult to defeat. Survival mode ends when you run out of health and are defeated by the computer. You must defeat at least seven opponents to overtake the default score on the Records list. (Note: The difficulty of Survival is not dependent on your difficulty settings or fight round settings under the Options menu.) ***9) Practice*** Practice allows you to try out new characters or just fine-tune your skills with a fighter you already know. There are three submodes within the Practice mode: Freestyle: practice against a training dummy. The dummy can be "programmed" to stand there, block, dodge, or be controlled by the 2P controller. Vs. CPU Training: fight the computer on the selected difficulty level. There is no maximum of how much damage you can take; you decide when the match is over. Defensive Training: train to dodge specific attacks from a computer opponent. Select which move you want to train against through the Command List, and press Select for your computer opponent to start attacking (oh, how I wish Jinpachi were available for use in this mode!). ***10) Tekken: Devil Within*** In Tekken: Devil Within, you control Jin Kazama in a 3-D action game. The basis of this game is to learn of Jin's past and the history of the devil gene he possesses. There is a spectacular Devil Within FAQ on GameFAQs which I recommend if you would like in-depth strategy on the game. I have only played through Devil Within twice, once to unlock Devil Jin and Starblade, and again to find some of the goodies. I cannot help too much with any Devil Within questions you might have, but if you want to ask them, I'll do my best. General Controls: Left analog stick = Move Right analog = Control camera R3 (press right analog) = Reset camera L1 button = Special Attack L2 = Change lock-on target R1 = Lock on R2 = Change lock-on target Circle = Jump X = Kick Triangle = Guard Square = Punch Start = Pause Select = Show/hide map L1+Triangle = Turn into Devil Jin General strategies: -If you come to an area with a locked door, defeat all the enemies in the area. That should unlock the door. -Learn to guard well, especially when fighting groups of enemies. If your health runs out, it's game over, and that hurts your ranking at the end of the stage. -Most things in the lab can be destroyed. Be sure to explore every nook and cranny for hidden goodies, health bonuses, or extra money. -Starblade, the arcade game, is hidden on Stage 4-2. Be on the lookout. -Defeating Devil Within is the easy way to unlock the last character, Devil Jin. The hard way requires you to play hundreds of matches after unlocking Heihachi. -Completing Devil Within gives you a _huge_ amount of money. Don't pass it up. -Playing through Devil Within a second time allows you to find hidden goodies worth your time and effort. ***11) Arcade History*** Arcade History allows you to play three older versions of Tekken and Starblade, an old shooter by Namco. With all three Tekken games, controls are essentially identical to the default settings of Tekken 5: LP = Square, RP = Triangle, LK = X, RK = Circle. Holding Select will give you access to the Options menu, which will allow you to change the difficulty, fight count, timer, and other options. *Note: The move lists of the characters within the first three Tekken games may not match up with the move lists of those characters in Tekken 5. It would be preferable if you checked some Tekken/Tekken 2/Tekken 3 move lists to make sure certain moves are there. Then again, you could always just use trial and error. :) 11a) Starblade Starblade is the shooter you can briefly play while Tekken 5 loads. Control the aiming device with the left analog stick and fire upon any and all ships that might come at you. Be careful that you don't run out of health. 11b) Tekken AC version This is the original Tekken. The graphics might look raggedy by today's standards, but back in the day, all the hipsters were playing it (I think... I was still playing Street Fighters and Mortal Kombats back in the day). The following fighters can be used in Tekken: Yoshimitsu Nina Williams Marshall Law Kazuya Mishima Paul Phoenix Jack King Michelle Chang You will face the other seven fighters, then a special opponent, then Heihachi. 11c) Tekken 2 ver. B AC version This is the arcade version of Tekken 2. Graphics are better than Tekken. This is the first Tekken that I played, as well (not like you care). The following fighters are playable: Jun Kazama Yoshimitsu Nina Williams Marshall Law Heihachi Mishima Paul Phoenix Jack-2 King Michelle Chang Lei Wulong Kazuya Mishima Wang Chirei Kunimitsu Anna Williams Baek Doo San Lee Choalin Devil/Angel Kuma/Panda Prototype Jack Armor King Ganryu Bruce Irvin Roger/Alex You will face eight fighters, then Kazuya (or Heihachi if you play as Kazuya), then Devil. 11d) Tekken 3 AC version This is the arcade version of Tekken 3. Again, graphics have improved. Tekken 3 is the best of the Playstation generation Tekken games, and I recommend that you buy this game if you do not have it already. It is likely inexpensive. The following fighters are playable: Ling Xiaoyu Yoshimitsu Nina Williams/Anna Williams Forrest Law Hwoarang Eddy Gordo/Tiger Paul Phoenix King Lei Wulong Jin Kazama Bryan Fury Kuma/Panda Heihachi Mishima Ogre True Ogre Julia Chang Gun Jack Mokujin (what, no Gon or Dr. B?) You will face eight fighters, then Heihachi, then Ogre, then True Ogre. ***12) Theater*** Theater is where you can enjoy all of the intro and ending movies you have unlocked through Story Battle. To unlock movies, all you have to do is see them as you progress through Story Battle. Use the X button to play a movie, and press Triangle to stop it. Additionally, you can access all of the background themes in Tekken 5. Enjoy! ***13) Customize*** Customize is where you can change your player name and purchase odds and ends for your fighters. These purchases will not affect your fighters' abilities in any way, but they look nice and add a little personality to the otherwise bland generic costumes. Below are all the items buyable for all characters. Keep in mind that each of the two default costumes for each characters have a different set of items to buy, with a few exceptions (most characters have shared items between their two costumes that only need to be purchased once). Happy shopping! Roger Jr. Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Headgear (200,000 G) Cap (150,000 G) Lace Cap (120,000 G) Floral Crown (150,000 G) Face: Snorkel (60,000 G) Plastic Nose (150,000 G) Sunglasses (60,000 G) Glasses (60,000 G) Upper Body: Pacifier (300,000 G) Cap & Bow Tie (500,000 G) Sunglasses (120,000 G) Bear Trap (60,000 G) Lower Body: Coin Purse (30,000 G) Camera (60,000 G) Child's Drum (120,000 G) Fins (150,000 G) Color 1: Mother's gloves White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: Mother's wrist tape Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Children's gloves White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Secondary outfit (LK or RK) Head: Headgear (200,000 G) Cap (150,000 G) Lace Cap (120,000 G) Floral Crown (150,000 G) Face: Snorkel (60,000 G) Plastic Nose (150,000 G) Sunglasses (60,000 G) Glasses (60,000 G) Upper Body: Pacifier (300,000 G) Cap & Bow Tie (500,000 G) Sunglasses (120,000 G) Bear Trap (60,000 G) Lower Body: Coin Purse (30,000 G) Camera (60,000 G) Child's Drum (120,000 G) Fins (150,000 G) Color 1: Mother's gloves White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: Mother's wrist tape Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Children's gloves White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Anna Williams Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Maid Hat (500,000 G) Japanese Hairstyle (200,000 G) Witch Hat (80,000 G) Face: Glasses (60,000 G) Party Mask (120,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Glasses (50,000 G) Upper Body: Fashion Bra (300,000 G) Bells (60,000 G) Necklace (30,000 G) Lower Body: Knife (30,000 G) Tail (150,000 G) Anklet (40,000 G) Color 1: Bow White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Dress and arms White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Heels White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Nurse Cap (300,000 G) Short Hair (500,000 G) Witch Hat (80,000 G) Face: Sunglasses (60,000 G) Mask (200,000 G) Red Glasses (50,000 G) Upper Body: Stethoscope (120,000 G) Corsage (60,000 G) Necklace (30,000 G) Lower Body: Gem Anklet (30,000 G) Fashion Boots (150,000 G) Anklet (40,000 G) Color 1: Hat and coat White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: Skirt White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Boots White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- Baek Doo San Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Bandanna (150,000 G) Headgear (120,000 G) Natural Hairstyle (80,000 G) Face: Eye-patch (300,000 G) Hero Mask (200,000 G) Bifocals (40,000 G) Upper Body: Pendant (30,000 G) Chest Protector (500,000 G) Sandbag (30,000 G) Lower Body: Leg Protectors (60,000 G) Lute (60,000 G) Open-fingered gloves (50,000 G) Color 1: Jacket White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 3: Symbol on back White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Beige (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: No Hat (120,000 G) Topknot (200,000 G) Natural Hairstyle (80,000 G) Face: Sunglasses (60,000 G) Party Mask (500,000 G) Bifocals (40,000 G) Upper Body: Scarf (150,000 G) Attache Case (300,000 G) Sandbag (30,000 G) Lower Body: Baton (30,000 G) Whip (60,000 G) Open-fingered gloves (50,000 G) Color 1: Coat and hat White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Gray (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 2: Vest, shirt, and shoes White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Gray (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 3: Pants White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Gray (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Mokujin Mokujin has no customizable parts. --- Devil Jin Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Devil Horns (200,000 G) Antlers (200,000 G) Horns (300,000 G) Face: No Horns (150,000 G) Long Hair (300,000 G) Kazuya (500,000 G) Upper Body: Skull Necklace (120,000 G) Gauntlets (200,000 G) Shield (300,000 G) Lower Body: Chain Belt (60,000 G) Leg Chains (60,000 G) Shinguards (200,000 G) Color 1: Wings White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Color 2: Arms White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Color 3: Other parts of the pants with flames White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Devil Horns (200,000 G) Antlers (200,000 G) Horns (300,000 G) Face: No Horns (150,000 G) Long Hair (300,000 G) Kazuya (500,000 G) Upper Body: Skull Necklace (120,000 G) Gauntlets (200,000 G) Shield (300,000 G) Lower Body: Chain Belt (60,000 G) Leg Chains (60,000 G) Shinguards (200,000 G) Color 1: Wings Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Arms Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Flames Black (18,000 G) Gray (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Ganryu Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Disheveled Hair (200,000 G) Topknot (300,000 G) Ponytail (50,000 G) Face: Bushy Sideburns (150,000 G) Headplate (60,000 G) Nerd Glasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Poultice (30,000 G) Japanese Purse (60,000 G) Katana (80,000 G) Lower Body: Shrine Ornament (120,000 G) Sumo Loincloth (500,000 G) Straw Sandals (30,000 G) Color 1: Wrist wraps Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Color 2: Mamashi White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Color 3: Ankle wraps Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Samurai Hat (200,000 G) Grandma Hairstyle (300,000 G) Ponytail (50,000 G) Face: Thief's Scarf (500,000 G) Sunglasses (60,000 G) Nerd Glasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Red Sea Bream (150,000 G) Fireman's Lance (60,000 G) Katana (80,000 G) Lower Body: Shogun's Fan (120,000 G) Japanese Lantern (30,000 G) Straw Sandals (30,000 G) Color 1: Jacket White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Hakama Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Leg and hand supporters Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- Wang Chirei Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Topknot (200,000 G) Ornate Hat (300,000 G) Bald Head (80,000 G) Face: Theater Mask (150,000 G) Glasses (60,000 G) Sunglasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Chinese Fan (500,000 G) Cane (120,000 G) Traveling Salesman (50,000 G) Lower Body: Chinese Sword (60,000 G) Gourd (30,000 G) Hoe (30,000 G) Color 1: Hat White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Color 2: Jacket Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Color 3: Pants Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Chinese Hat (150,000 G) Monk Hat (200,000 G) Bald Head (80,000 G) Face: Green Sunglasses (120,000 G) No Glasses (60,000 G) Sunglasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Prayer Beads (30,000 G) Monkey (500,000 G) Traveling Salesman (50,000 G) Lower Body: Pipe (60,000 G) Paper Umbrella (300,000 G) Hoe (30,000 G) Color 1: Jacket White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Shoes White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Bruce Irvin Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Cornrows (300,000 G) Headgear (60,000 G) Swimming Cap (80,000 G) Face: Sideburns (60,000 G) Bandage (30,000 G) Swimming Goggles (50,000 G) Upper Body: Chick (500,000 G) Gloves (200,000 G) Necklace (30,000 G) Lower Body: Shinguards (120,000 G) Champion's Belt (150,000 G) Sledgehammer (40,000 G) Color 1: Tape Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Shorts White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Tape on legs Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Afro (500,000 G) Bike Helmet (300,000 G) Swimming Cap (80,000 G) Face: Sunglasses (120,000 G) Earring (30,000 G) Swimming Goggles (50,000 G) Upper Body: Saxophone (150,000 G) Bracelet (60,000 G) Necklace (30,000 G) Lower Body: Chain (60,000 G) Rose (200,000 G) Sledgehammer (40,000 G) Color 1: Tank Top Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Boots White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- Kuma/Panda Primary costume (LP or RP) - Kuma Head: Baseball Cap (200,000 G) Mohawk (150,000 G) Bird's Nest (50,000 G) Face: Muzzle (120,000 G) Cool Shades (60,000 G) Sunglasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Unicycle (60,000 G) Salmon (300,000 G) Paws (80,000 G) Lower Body: Inner-tube (500,000 G) Honey Jar (30,000 G) Glowing Anklets (30,000 G) Color 1: Fur White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) - Panda Head: Party Hat (150,000 G) Straw Hat (200,000 G) Bird's Nest (50,000 G) Face: Blushed Cheeks (500,000 G) Tongue (300,000 G) Sunglasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Bamboo Leaves (60,000 G) Pouch (60,000 G) Paws (80,000 G) Lower Body: Bunny Slippers (120,000 G) Tail Ribbon (30,000 G) Glowing Anklets (30,000 G) Color 1: Bracelets White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Craig Marduk Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Armet (500,000 G) Habergeon (150,000 G) Dreadlocks (80,000 G) Face: Restraint Mask (120,000 G) Sunglasses (60,000 G) Goggles (30,000 G) Upper Body: Shield (60,000 G) Champion's Belt (200,000 G) Boomerang (40,000 G) Lower Body: Shinguards (300,000 G) Bananas (30,000 G) Champion's Belt (50,000 G) Color 1: Gloves White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: Shorts White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Knee Brace White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Knit Cap (150,000 G) Pirate Hat (300,000 G) Dreadlocks (80,000 G) Face: Eye-patch (200,00 G) No Sunglasses (60,000 G) Goggles (30,000 G) Upper Body: Shirtless (500,000 G) Morning Star (60,000 G) Boomerang (40,000 G) Lower Body: Viking Axe (120,000 G) Buckle (30,000 G) Champion's Belt (50,000 G) Color 1: Jacket White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Color 2: Gloves White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Color 3: Pants White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Marshall Law Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Bowl Head (150,000 G) Bun (200,000 G) Natural Hairstyle (50,000 G) Face: Sideburns (120,000 G) Beijing Opera Mask (300,000 G) 70's Sunglasses (30,000 G) Upper Body: Chest Plate (500,000 G) Giant Brush (60,000 G) Nunchaku (40,000 G) Lower Body: Tonfa (60,000 G) Leg Ties (30,000 G) Yellow Nunchaku (80,000 G) Color 1: Belt White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Plum (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Plum (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Wrist White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Plum (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Chef's Hat (200,000 G) Chauffeur's Hat (300,000 G) Natural Hairstyle (50,000 G) Face: Black Sunglasses (60,000 G) Black Mask (500,000 G) 70's Sunglasses (30,000 G) Upper Body: Frying Pan (60,000 G) River Crabs (150,000 G) Nunchaku (40,000 G) Lower Body: Ladle (30,000 G) Broadsword (120,000 G) Yellow Nunchaku (80,000 G) Color 1: Jacket Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Cadet Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Cadet Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Shoes White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Cadet Blue (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- Hwoarang Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Baseball Cap (200,000 G) Unkempt Hair (500,000 G) Bandanna (50,000 G) Face: Earrings (120,000 G) Bandage (60,000 G) Sunglasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Rocket Pendant (30,000 G) Towel (150,000 G) Heihachi Trophy (80,000 G) Lower Body: Brass Knuckles (300,000 G) Spray Can (60,000 G) Wallet Chain (30,000 G) Color 1: Gloves White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 2: Bandanna and jacket Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 3: Pants Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Cowboy Hat (150,000 G) Playboy Hairstyle (500,000 G) Bandanna (50,000 G) Face: Hachimaki (200,000 G) Bike Mask (120,000 G) Sunglasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Electric Guitar (60,000 G) Shoulder Plates (300,000 G) Heihachi Trophy (80,000 G) Lower Body: Heel Knife (30,000 G) Denim Jacket (60,000 G) Wallet Chain (30,000 G) Color 1: Vest White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Color 2: Boots White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Color 3: Side of the pants White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- King Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Silver Mask (300,000 G) Cartoon Mask (500,000 G) Lion's Mane (60,000 G) Fangs (120,000 G) Vale Tudo Mask (900,000 G) Whiskers (30,000 G) Upper Body: Bamboo Sword (60,000 G) Lei (200,000 G) Iron Chain (40,000 G) Lower Body: Pointed Boots (30,000 G) Leg-warmers (150,000 G) Champion's Belt (80,000 G) Color 1: Gloves and elbow pads White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Color 2: Tights White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Color 3: Leg guards White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Black Horns (200,000 G) Red Mohawk (120,000 G) Armor King Mask (500,000 G) Crown (300,000 G) Vale Tudo Mask (900,000 G) Whiskers (30,000 G) Upper Body: Missionary Collar (60,000 G) Sombrero (60,000 G) Iron Chain (40,000 G) Lower Body: Split Tail (150,000 G) Bat with Nails (30,000 G) Champion's Belt (80,000 G) Color 1: Gloves White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Jacket White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Pants White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) No third costume. --- RAVEN Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Cornrows (200,000 G) Hachigane (120,000 G) Straw Hat (50,000 G) Face: Blindfold (300,000 G) No Sunglasses (500,000 G) Half-mask (40,000 G) Upper Body: Knife Holster (60,000 G) Long Scarf (150,000 G) Giant Scroll (80,000 G) Lower Body: Kunai (30,000 G) Shinguards (60,000 G) Jutte (30,000 G) Color 1: Rope White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Color 2: Suit and gloves White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Color 3: Armor plates Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Mendicant Hat (150,000 G) Demon's Horns (500,000 G) Straw Hat (50,000 G) Face: Robot Mask (300,000 G) Ninja Mask (200,000 G) Half-mask (40,000 G) Upper Body: Shoulder Plates (120,000 G) Shakujo (60,000 G) Giant Scroll (80,000 G) Lower Body: Double Ninjato (60,000 G) Medicine Case (30,000 G) Jutte (30,000 G) Color 1: Shinobi costume White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 2: Scarf Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 3: Arms and masks White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Sea Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- Asuka Kazama Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Trendy Hairstyle (300,000 G) Feather accessory (500,000 G) Braids (80,000 G) Face: No Bandanna (30,000 G) Morning Glory (200,000 G) Bookworm Glasses (50,000 G) Upper Body: Chest Protector (120,000 G) Bow (60,000 G) Choker (30,000 G) Lower Body: Kusarigama (60,000 G) Ribbon Belt (150,000 G) Chain Belt (40,000 G) Color 1: Bandanna and coat Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: Hakama White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Supporters White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Lime Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Secondary outfit (LK or RK) Head: Visor (200,000 G) Hunting Cap (300,000 G) Braids (80,000 G) Face: Headset (120,000 G) Sports Sunglasses (60,000 G) Bookworm Glasses (50,000 G) Upper Body: Bag (150,000 G) Pendant (30,000 G) Choker (30,000 G) Lower Body: Leg-warmers (60,000 G) Kneepads (500,000 G) Chain Belt (40,000 G) Color 1: Overalls and arms Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: T-shirt and socks White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Boots White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- Feng Wei Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Alternate Hairstyle (200,000 G) Monk (300,000 G) Kung Fu Ponytail (80,000 G) Face: Earrings (60,000 G) Songoku Circlet (150,000 G) Beijing Opera Mask (50,000 G) Upper Body: Tattoo (30,000 G) Chinese Armor (500,000 G) Broadsword (40,000 G) Lower Body: Mercury Boots (60,000 G) Truncheon (120,000 G) Scrolls (30,000 G) Color 1: Bracelets White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Arms and right pant leg White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Left pant leg White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Gangster Hat (200,000 G) Long Hair (300,000 G) Kung Fu Ponytail (80,000 G) Face: Round Sunglasses (60,000 G) Sunglasses (150,000 G) Beijing Opera Mask (50,000 G) Upper Body: Claws (500,000 G) Gong (30,000 G) Broadsword (40,000 G) Lower Body: Deer Antler Knives (120,000 G) Buckle (60,000 G) Scrolls (30,000 G0 Color 1: Jacket White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 2: Shirt Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Color 3: Pants White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Christie Monteiro Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Arabian Veil (300,000 G) Cleopatra Headdress (500,000 G) Knit Cap (80,000 G) Face: Arabian Mask (150,000 G) Glasses (60,000 G) Green Glasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Elaborate Necklace (30,000 G) Butterfly Wings (200,000 G) Egyptian Bracelets (30,000 G) Lower Body: Arabian Sword (60,000 G) Magic Lamp (120,000 G) Maracas (50,000 G) Color 1: Gloves White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: Bra Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Pants Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Carnival Headdress (500,000 G) Cornrows (300,000 G) Knit Cap (80,000 G) Face: Hibiscus (60,000 G) Circlet (30,000 G) Green Glasses (40,000 G) Upper Body: Carnival Feathers (200,000 G) Fashion Bra (150,000 G) Egyptian Bracelets (30,000 G) Lower Body: Belt (60,000 G) Tambourine (120,000 G) Maracas (50,000 G) Color 1: Shirt White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 2: Shorts Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Brown (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Color 3: Sandals White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Pink (8,000 G) Third costume: Costs 500,000 G, selected with RP (overrides primary outfit) Third costume cannot be modified. --- Paul Phoenix Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Skyscraper (500,000 G) Ponytail (200,000 G) Long Hair (50,000 G) Face: Goggles (60,000 G) Sideburns (300,000 G) Eye-patch (80,000 G) Upper Body: Dojo Sign (150,000 G) Spiked Gloves (120,000 G) Protection Amulet (40,000 G) Lower Body: Spare Uniform (60,000 G) Firewood (30,000 G) Key Ring (30,000 G) Color 1: Jacket White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Gloves and leg guards White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Bandanna (300,000 G) Helmet (200,000 G) Long Hair (50,000 G) Face: Goggle Sunglasses (60,000 G) Sunglasses (150,000 G) Eye-patch (80,000 G) Upper Body: Crossbow (60,000 G) Spiked Shoulder Pads (500,000 G) Protection Amulet (40,000 G) Lower Body: Biker Buckle (30,000 G) Sawed-off Shotgun (120,000 G) Key Ring (30,000 G) Color 1: Jacket White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) Color 3: Boots White (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Orange (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Dark Yellow (8,000 G) No third costume. --- Jack-5 Primary costume (LP or RP) Head: Military Cap (150,000 G) Green (8,000 G) Beret (200,000 G) Bald Head (40,000 G) Face: Sunglasses (60,000 G) Nerd Glasses (120,000 G) Cyber Scope (50,000 G) Upper Body: Anchor Tattoo (60,000 G) Gatling Gun (300,000 G) Booster Rockets (80,000 G) Lower Body: Optical Discs (30,000 G) Missile Pod (500,000 G) Survival Knife (30,000 G) Color 1: Gloves and torso White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Plum (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 2: Pants White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Plum (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Color 3: Boots White (18,000 G) Black (18,000 G) Red (8,000 G) Blue (8,000 G) Yellow (8,000 G) Purple (8,000 G) Plum (8,000 G) Light Blue (8,000 G) Secondary costume (LK or RK) Head: Iron Helmet (120,000 G) Mohawk (300,000 G) Bald Head (40,000 G) Face: Visor (150,000 G) Drills (200,000 G)